LGBT people ask why normal people hate them so much

>LGBT people ask why normal people hate them so much
>give them a bunch of cultural reasons why someone might
>They immediately start trying to repel me by being perverted, calling me a hateful person, ect.
>they don't agree with a single thing i say, but they'll in-fight about the same things later with other faggots

I try to like these people, i really do anons. I can see why so many people have given in to pure hatred to these people.

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I sincerely hope that isn’t you giving that doggo the finger, user!


Stop talking to faggots, it will save you a lot of headache.
If you keep this up they will call you a homophobe bigot racist for not accepting to be buttfucked by them.
Stay away! You've been warned.

cool thread bro

did your dog cheat on you with your wife?

Relax bigot it’s not like they will show their penises to your daughter or anything

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Just remember. These are the same degenerates that fuck children and animals. They deserve no rights in this world.

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Fags are degenerate disgusting perverts who seek acceptance of their unacceptable behavior.

Poor doggo

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Rarely see fags round me. There's only two within 5 miles on grindr.

Tbh I wouldn't give a damn about faggots, if they were to be ordinary people and keep it to their bedrooms.
I wouldn't care about traps, who would genuinely try to look like women and be nearly indistinguishable in real life.

However, most faggots/traps are attention whores and dress like clowns, dance with dildos on the street and then expect to be treated with privilege. Holy shit, fuck off.

The problem is not so much in with whom they sleep and what they do in their private lives, but in how they carelessly project their private life onto random strangers.

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I used to be completely open and accepting of everyone. If anything, my experience with gay people has reversed this and made me actively homophobic
>In college. The manager of my apartment complex, flamboyantly gay. Always talking about catty relationship drama and constantly seeking sympathy for his problems (which he was never the cause of). Later was fired for trying to scam upper management, responded by trashing his office and skipping town
In college. Manager in the factory I worked at. overly dramatic, sympathy seeking, nothing was his fault, later fired for attempting to embezzle funds
>After college. had a few roommates in a house and one of them was, you guessed it, flamboyantly gay. Similar low-level drama about relationships and always seeking sympathy and pity. A few months in, he quits his job out of the blue and stops paying rent. After letting it slide for a month (in which he sat on the couch and watched Netflix), we asked him to either find a new job or move out. He elected to move out, but not before getting his boyfriend to break into our rooms, steal personal tax documents, and steal our identities. I'm still fixing lingering issues with my credit history from that.
I've known about two dozen men and women, from acquaintances to friendships, who were very outwardly homosexual - and in every case they were extremely maladjusted people that would try to swirl everyone around them into stupid drama. What's strange is, I've also known tons of gay people who weren't outwardly gay (I didn't even realize that they were at first) and who are all normal well adjusted great people. This leads me to believe that those people are gay but haven't made being gay the center focal point of their entire personality the way extremely flamboyant gay men seem to do
Nowadays, if I meet a gay person and they're stereotypically gay, my immediate assumption is that they're a massive tornado of drama that I should do everything to stay away from

They gay though
Not interested in your little coal burner

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I agree with this 100%. I've only known the gays you described and a prescribed to stay the fuck away from them. If there are any more in my life, they're normal people and i don't know.

>I try to like these people, i really do anons.
Well, spotted the error in your ways right here

Even gays hate them because they make so much noise I've heard. If I was one, I would not be dancing around in some rainbow colored pony costume, yelling about my rights.

I lament because i try looking at everyone on an individual basis, but the more i see people in these "groups" the more i realise how many stupid fucking people there are :(

Literal demonic entities

Shit like this gives bad image for humanity.


I guess i should've asked, whats a "politically correct" way to explain that not everyone has to subscribe to gay culture, or agree to -all of it-, even when gays don't do it themselves?

I understand we /clown world/ now, but i don't really know how to convey myself.

>talking to faggots

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I hope the aliens comes and kills everyone who has never lurked on Jow Forums before. They will leave us anons some top tier gene pool comfy females to breed with and we will start civilization over