Why so many white males become serial killers

why so many white males become serial killers

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look around my dude, why not?

if you count gangviolence niggers beat white by a large margin

Your graph would suggest it's much more cultural than racial, despite not being adjusted for population size. Probably has a geographic component as well.

Literally none of those until, arguably, russia is a white country. Where is the proofs? Blacks by the way are iirc 40% more likely to be serial killers than whites and mexican serial killers are a real problem because it's so hard to track illegals down.

Whites when they commit crimes actually take the time to plan as well use forensic countermeasures. As a result, they’re the ones that rack up bodycounts rather than shoot one gangbanger, get caught, and go to jail. It’s not good, but it is what it is.

Exactly, whites are serial killer now go back to your nigger country and stay out of white countries. SAGE

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That user asked abour frequency, not proficiency. Whites are better at many things, but blacks have "no impulse control" and "muh dick" working for them on this. They have a much higher rate of serial killers but lower victim count before beinh caught on average. Also they tend to rape their victims more often before and/or after killing them which may or may not lead to "oh sheeeeit" killings when they realize their muh dick moment could be the end of their life every time they slip up and rape.
Basically just what common sense would lead you to expect.

Not all are white, but most are male.
White because whites are isolated socially. Male because of the influence of hegemonic masculinity.

Feels good brah

based inverse poland

>hegemonic masculinity
Literally what? No nuspeak allowed here. In english.

maybe because the states catches them

>South Africa
The niggers do it too!
Also Poland (a white country) has the least amound of serial killers

Because black "serial killers" usually fuck it up and get caught after the first one. Whites are just better planners

>usa kill statistics
say with me: N I G G E R S

Because MKUltra is more effective on whites maybe

If you got it, don't fucking waste it.

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so you mean forcing all peoples and religions together eventually creates conflict?

right wing DEATH SQUAD!

Attached: RIGHTWING DEATH SQUAD.jpg (640x360, 64K)

High iqs are more likely to suffer from mental health problems, plus higher t.levels than asians.

>not by capita
to the trash it goes


what the fuck is wrong with the USA?

>serial killers Russia 39
There something seriously wrong with this list. Russia was leader in serial killers in the 80s-90s.

the eternal anglo

What's your definition for serial killer?

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More then half of those Whites are kikes.
And the vast majority of those are niggers.
Also, I blame (((porn))) and being molested by faggot pedophiles that cause people to become Serial killers.

Clever definition of serial killer and niggers capping three other niggers in a weekend.

They aren't.

Attached: WhyAreAllSerialKillersWhiteGoy.jpg (692x620, 86K)

Were 3-4x as big as the second biggest country on there

They probably read /pol and think it's true, get depreso can't get laid and start killing.

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I don't believe that China, India, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil have so few serial killers.

The most prodigious serial killer was black and targeted other blacks. The famous ones are white.

t. Angolan nigger

Non-White countries don't investigate murders and are more spread out cities so harder to be a serial killer.

India has one billion people in it. You have no excuse.

too many degenerates

It's almost like when you make a country into a melting pot of races and cultures it makes some people lose it

Most serial killers are niggers involved in gang activity, and have a very low chance of ever getting caught.

Most serial killers are homosexual.

Whites have the smarts to pull off murders where they won't get caught, and the ability to delay gratification so they wait for the ideal victim, place and time. Blacks are even mote sociopathic, they just get caught right away because they're stupid.

I’m sure it’s way underreported. The ones that got caught were pretty horrific though.

Because you’ve pissed them off.

>white male
JIDF shill thread

>why so many white males become serial killers
but the country with the most serial killers is a brown hellhole?

What do you mean so many? Serial killers are so rare that people tend to forget they even exist meanwhile negro sociopaths are so common you cant even go one day in America without being reminded they exist.