If nature and human instinct is the source of the best and most natural laws...

If nature and human instinct is the source of the best and most natural laws, why are women’s reproductive habits so fucking retarded?

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In nature that woman and her niglet would be exiled from the tribe and not survive the winter.

because women are not people


Nature record the lowest common denominator


Remember hearing that women pick men who look nothing like them to avoid inbreeding. This dates back to tribal times where men and women who looked more similar may have more trouble conceiving/not having a retarded kid..

Democracy is a vile crime against nature. The price to be paid is extinction.

Because the rest of society doesn't follow natural laws. In a tribe she would be killed, or the baby thrown off a cliff.

The past 50 years has severely fucked up the natural order

Or just eat them if food was scarce.

Women are hardwired to conform to the socially and politically correct ideologies regardless of how corrupt and retarded they are.

There is a tendency to believe current behavior is natural behavior. This isn't necessarily the case

This is complete bullshit, my cousin and I would like to disagree

Only most of them need to make good decisions. Nature is fine with some experimentation.


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This isn't valid considering how diverse white populations are even in the same countries

This situation is entirely artificial, brought by the delusion that rights shouldn't be based on how much you contribute to society.

In nature if that woman was able to create a niglet that would mean that her old tribe was conquered and she had successfully integrated herself into the new tribe.

No, it meant the invaders decided to tale her as a slave instead of just killing her.

>why are women’s reproductive habits so fucking retarded?

Because, we made The State the daddy.
The natural consequences of giving birth to a child which the father wouldn't support in the past would have meant the death of the child and probably the mother too.

because women are basically children

yes, but when do you cross the line to bestiality?
Human and monkey dna is very different, would that interbreeding create a super race or something that is nor monkey nor human.

Its a fair question. Most women are too nervous to even deal with men unless they are bombed out of their mind.

>allowing women to choose their mates is natural male behavior

I think I've discovered where you went wrong in your reasoning.

The fault isn't in women's reproductive startegies it's the enviroment since it defines 99% of them.

>why are women’s reproductive habits so fucking retarded?

because women are unironically mentally underevolved aka retarded - in case you haven''t realized yet.

Attached: female retardation 4567.gif (1535x957, 405K)

Civility is a non attractive trait and isn't viable for humans. Aggression is what is being selected, because we are suppose to be aggressive.

>Women are hardwired to conform to the socially and politically correct ideologies regardless of how corrupt and retarded they are.


In the past these type of women would be socially ostracized so most stayed away. Now that it's no longer the case women conformed to the new culture.

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This is what happens when women get choice. Today's society is revolved around it when evolutionarily who they procreated with was almost never their choice. So, women with terrible decision making due to not evolving higher logic skills just go for the most base and animalistic males they find.

Would not be surprised if the amount of women who tried fucking monkeys were really high. Humans and monkeys are different species because they cannot produce fertile offspring.

The ones that do burn coal are incredibly dumb

women unironically do not have the ability to make such decisions, this used to be fixed because her husband would make the right choice for her but since kikes killed our decency and morality and handed over choice to women we've seen such abominations

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I hope whoever found that Tinder profile matched with her and told her the cold hard truth, that she will never get a respectable man who is willing to raise 2 niglets.

>Aggression is what is being selected, because we are suppose to be aggressive.
No, it's controlled aggression that was sought after for its superiority but you're right in a way since aggression was there first long ago. These days they mentally castrate people to either act like doormats people to step on or outright braindead thugs.

Attached: controlled aggression.png (500x1013, 296K)

Look at that stupid uggo mutt lol dumb bitch

no because then she would be a concubine of some guy or killed because the tribe do not want her weak genes

The only sound answer

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They were used like sex cattle for thousands of years.

Fucking slut. Using two dots for an ellipses is unforgivable. Only salvation is in seppuku.

Man she looks nice otherwise, what a con job (they) have done to us, brothers. What a fucking scandal.

because human insticts and sexual attraction don't aknowledge civilization factors and they judge based on living in a jungle. therefore they choose most aggresive individual around so he can treat them as their own and protect them in result.

but it's ignoring the fact that human animals are pretty much retarded and don't do well in civilized society.
also it's ignoring the fact that feminism and alimony came into existance so alpha males have no benefits from taking care of females anymore.

mutt baby's are fucking hideous

welcome to the world of propaganda and the ability to induce groupthink ......