Do jews consider themselves white?

It appears to me that sometimes they identify as white and sometimes they don't. Whats the deal with that?

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Conditional whiteness

Wasmannian mimicry pill. Take it. NOW.

Ok here’s my question Jow Forums. If a Jew whos genetically 100% Ashkenazi and was raised by a white family, under the Christian religion without ever knowing they are ethnically Jewish. Are they still evil? Are they still subversive? Are Jews evil on a genetic level or is it just something inherent to the social condition of being a Jew. Would a 100% Ashkenazi who supports white people and identifies as a white Christian be considered a white Christian by Jow Forums?

Is she Jewish or just married to a jew?

>Brown haired, brown eyed italian amerishit
>kikes look whiter than me

The cuckoo bird is hatched and raised by a different species yet its behavior remains that of a cuckoo. Therefore nature>nurture. Jews are genetically evil.

I am white unless I am not allowed to be.
Most of the time I am just me I would consider myself American before I considered myself white.

It is something about their nature. They will still act like a jew even if they don't know. But we shouldn't genocide all jews, they deserve a place to live like any other folk. We should just kill the globalists and zionists and let the jews without those tendencies to live on

When it benefits them

When they test Ashkenazi DNA, they come out white.

theyre white when theyre trying to subvert our people and theyre kikes when theyre kvetching about their imaginary oppression

So they say. They also call Hispanics white here.

In this case, no, they are not necessarily evil: but, they ARE necessarily weird and have all kinds of issues and those issues manifest themselves in different ways. The more they have traditional jewish phenotypes in their appearance the more cultural backlash they will receive on which will accelerate the evil behaviors that they display.

A prime example of their type of evil:
You think they are your friend, you confide that you like a girl: they go out of their way to get the girl fucked by someone else or themselves using researched skills just so they can take you down. Nothing to do with keeping the girl. That’s anecdotal I’ve seen millions of anecdotal examples

They switch whenever it suits them.

She's New York Scottish on both sides although her family was heavily involved in (((investment banking))).

Jews are the master race

The inferior white cry about the superior Jew as much as the inferior black cry about the superior white

I’ve seen it with my eyes and heard it with my ears

white has nothing to do with skin tone

Cry not really the correct word. Discussing is more like it. You think they don’t discuss? They have 70000 pages discussing it in the Talmud

>lana del rey
I literally haven't heard anything about this chick since 2012, apparently she's released like 4 albums since then
I thought she was a flame-out one hit wonder

My mother is Jewish and we are 100% white

>t. newfag

Israel is a de facto white supremacist state as this is one place where Jews count of as white. Therefor, all Jewish criticism of the evil of white supremacy apply to Israel.

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This. White when it's beneficial for them, and Jewish when it's not.

They blend in with the dominant culture.

When its convient. Actually mostly American Jews do this. Basically when beneficial they will claim to be anything.

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.snomed ro SLEGNA ekiL

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Mixed race people do the same thing. They identity with their whiteness when it is convenient for them. When it isn't, they shun it.