My ex text me

She text me in whatsapp like she was texting one of her friends and then delete the messages.

She did it on purpose? Why?

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I just broke up too and my ex hasn't blocked me. I wont block her not will I message her. Do whatever you want to with this information.

Why did you broke? Why your relationship didn't work?

I delete her number a hour after i broke with her because i know it's easier to forget when you can't see her face, her whatsapp or anything like that. When you din't know shit about them it's liie it never happened. I knew it was her for her profile pic.

We broke up after almost 4 years of a relationship and she even cheated on me (should've left then, but was too attached.) Recently she kept complaining about me not understanding her and her wanting a future and stuff, but she was't serious herself by the way she acted and live during those 4 years. A few days ago when she started ranting I got up and gave her keys back and left without saying a word. I do miss her company, but I am not going to turn myself in a hostage for someone that doesnt care nor love me anymore.

If she were to message or call me I wouldn't reply. I texted a few other friends on whatsapp and thus lowered her so I cant see her chat. Sometimes you really have to let go.

Let it slide.
She changed her mind and decided she didn’t want to talk after all.
Let it go, and move on from her stank pussy ass.

You haven't let her go user.

Delete her number, delete your pics with her, stop following her in any social media and don't talk about her and be indifferent about her when somebody talk to you about it. Don't give importance to it.

She cheated on you. That is the worst thing she could do to you; she betray your trust, play with your feelings, and make you lose your time.

I will ignore her and sociale media is already taken care of. Really hurts to see toxic people like this though.

Good for you user


We didn't end in bad terms btw just for a stupid thing


Like what?

She is just testing to see if you bite the bait, like a cat that plays with a mouse before killing it.

Why? Why she do it?

I didn't reply to her, i also delete her number when we broke so i don't see any status she put there or anything about her, maybe she was making sure i didn't block her or delete her number.

She was distant and didn't show me affection in person, just texting

I broke with her because i think she don't like me but in text she seem to still having feelings for me

She wants to fuck you but she retarded happy birthday

Could be that. The real answer is " who gives a fuck why?" Dont try to think why women do some stuff you and even them cant understand it.


That isn't true, my sister say my ex is really complicated even for her

this board is full of kids i swear
she was missing the attention you gave her so she tried to bate you into talking to her again. and if you did that then she knows you still have feelings for her. the best way to deal with this is to ignore the erased messages cause what shes hoping for is a reply like" what did you erase?"
and if she actually talks to you just talk to her like you dont give a shit NOT LIKE FRIENDS

So i should:

Ignore those mesagges

Wait if she actually talk to me

She's playing you. She doesn't actually care for you anymore. Now it's testing the waters to see what else she can get from you. It's like the song invisible touch.

what this user said here, especially that last line

unlikely, these become a yo-yo in the overwhelming majority of cases and it's prolonging an illusion and keeping up what should have come to pass the first time you broke up

You will hate yourself in the long run if you reply. Let her come crawling back to you instead of you diligently answering her messages (which only confirms your desperation)...chances are she won't because she already proved she doesn't care enough anymore.

If you are right and she did it on purpose: she wants your attention but without having to take the first step. Figure out what YOU want and act on your own desires.

If you are wrong and she just accidentally sent her tex to the wrong person, do exactly as in the first instance. Figure out what you want and act on that.