Recently my son has been eating like a cavebeast, he goes through 2 pizzas a day, and a full salmon...

Recently my son has been eating like a cavebeast, he goes through 2 pizzas a day, and a full salmon, what can i feed him to satisfy his hunger?

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get him checked for tapeworms


He hasn't been losing any weight, just gaining it, and it would seem that he doesn't have any of the effects of tapeworms.

Oh crap, forgot to mention he's 16.

My large hungry son is eating me out of house and home. I'm at wit's end. I came home and caught him pouring onions sauce all over our cat, "Like the chinks do", someone help me.

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Invest in potatoes, they’re cheap, you can make a shitload of dishes, without breaking the bank. He’s probably just a growing boy. My son has times where he eats everything at arms reach, even sitting next to me and eating my snacks with me while I’m relaxing. Also maybe teach him to cook real foods, frozen pizzas aren’t as filling as homemade ones, plus it’ll make him calm down a bit on his eating in case it’s becoming an emotional habit.

Yeah he does enjoy potatoes, but not sure where I can find some recipes for potatoes, I only know how to make string beans and mashed potatoes lol.

Do you recommend any vegetables other than string beans?