The Homeless Are Dying in Record Numbers on the Streets of Los Angeles

...And That's a Good Thing!

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Good, fuck homeless people they are insane and drug addled retards

I wish the police would just exterminate them

It's actually not a good thing.
You will find this problem anywhere there are high taxes and fees, and excessive regulations.
This is the slow death by a thousand cuts.

Most people use drugs in clown world and only ones who die are discriminated whites

I drive by there every day. People walk by these people as if there's nothing strange about it.

Fuck clown world. Bring the fire and brimstone already. This civilization is disgusting.

This is unironically awesome

have been in usa and makes me weird to see how people in new-york can literally don't give a fuck about them.
clown world as you say.

Whoa it's like letting junkies freely shoot up on the sidewalk isn't a good idea.

>I drive by there every day.
Where is it?

My checklist is as follows to care. If

>Has most teeth
>No papery skin damage from me tho or heroin
>White, in addition to one of the following:

>Veteran (actual not bullshitting, if they can show me ID and tell me their MOS that's usually enough to know)
>Young adult Female
>Not-scrawny Male

Anyone else is gutter trash


They are going to try to pass some shit in Denver to make it legal to camp and shit in the streets. Why? What possible reason is there to willingly doom your own city just so drug addicts can be more comfortable?

What should I do give them money so they can get wasted and walk out in traffic or stab someone?

Reminder -
We spend $200 billion a year in illegal immigrants and have 600,000 homeless citizens. That's $333K per homeless us citizen spent on illegals.

Califags leave their hellhole and then vote the same shit in across the country.

You have to talk sense into them so they realize what they're doing is wrong. At least some will wake up.

Ezekiel 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

All bums and illegals should be killed on sight.

looks like femas arent needed

Hi Tim

do whatev i just gave some dollars to a young guy(white tho),didn't think what he would do with it.Girl with me told me the same like he's propably a drug addict.
People do whatev they want ,i just hate seeing homeless people.I have been watching these documentaries about people in usa after 2008 crisis and it broke my heart to know that after that law abiding citizen,good father,single mother could be kicked out from their homes like dogs.
Then you can think i'm a pussy or something ,i really don't care tho.

who cares

More homeless deaths only because there are more homeless

But I’m fine with killing them all

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>it's not good for the literal lowest of society who can't even find their way to a food bank and minimum wage job to die and remove themselves form the gene pool

Go away lefty spic

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This photo is staged Homeless people do not remove their shoes ever, they tape them to their shins so they dont get stolen, obvious

>Oh no, the unambitious and drug addicted no goods are removing their useless genes from the human race
I will never understand why commies feel that this people are worth saving.

You should not be happy that the homeless are dying. You should be angry at the people who are creating the homeless problem and making it worse.

Why would you give someone money to fund their drug habits? Your cash will go straight to some drug lords pockets as he funnels in more migrants to move product. You are harming the person you give money to in addition to your society.

I've never even heard that shit about the 2008 crash, are you confusing it with a movie?

How about you spend nothing on either?

Don't give them money. If you really want to help, give them food. If you give them money they will use it on drugs out of sheer boredom

The thing is the number of homeless streaming into Los Angeles is faster than the rate they're dropping down.

>die bad
>live good

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> California
>controlled by leftists for decades
How strange... socialism consequences


Jesus, it was bad enough that they were shitting on the streets in Indian-level numbers in San Franshitshow, now they're leaving corpses in LA?

>your poor personal choices are now my responsibility.
when will you stop spouting this shit?

>remember, it's society's fault that Henry Hotspoon is addicted to heroin, unemployed and with a criminal record
Just once, can you faggots understand there are literal tons of resources for these people and they often refuse it.

I live in Houston, and it's no secret that 90% of the homeless who could recieve help don't want it. They just want to panhandle and smoke crack. Fuck em. They don't deserve help. Over half the ones near me pretend to be veterans. Checked with the local Legion. Not a single one served.

well no actually some documentaries about people getting kicked out from their homes after 2008 crisis.
People living in their car ,or families living in appartment.
Then maybe they did pick specifical people but idk.I had that kind of thoughts when i was in your country.
then probably most of them are drug addict or shits like that. I don't really share this kind of "predestination" thinking that individual deserve their situation cause of "individual choices" ,i always feel there's something in our society that create an unhealthy way to think that lead people to bad choises and then to that misere.

Right?! dudes don't even care anymore!!

This. Thanks to heavy taxes and 100's of free passes for criminals and fuckups but none for hardworking people, California boasts the highest poverty level, and quite ironically, the biggest separation of class in the union. Either ultra rich or section 8. Middle class califags move to other states and vote for the same shit that made them flee in the first place. Just like shitskin immigrants fleeing from their shitholes.

History redpill: Ronald Reagan actually ruined the state twice: once after banning open carry because some niggers spooked him as Governor, and second time as President when he granted mass amnesty to spics. California never turned red since then.


All that fecal matter in the streets is going its job.

round here we don't take to kindly to folks telling us what we should be happy about.

Finally, some good news we can all get behind.

>You should not be happy that the homeless are dying.
It's not "the homeless" who are dying, it's the homeless who have all the vices which make them massive pains in everyone's asses.

The homeless people who spend their money on food and toiletries aren't the ones keeling over, it's the drunks and druggies. It is literally not possible to stop them from killing themselves, they're determined to self-destruct.

This. Fucking this.

This. There are so many programs in the U.S. to help people. If you did your research and put in a little effort, you could live a decent lifestyle without working. The people on the streets are either mental handicapped, drug addicts, or both. We need to put more effort into solving mental health issues, but that's too hard so we just give up and blame capitalism.

Today was a good day!

Exactly! But for the first time a President is doing something about that!

Thanks for the history lesson user

>Deaths have jumped 76% in the past five years, outpacing the growth of the homeless population.

Not seeing the cause for alarm. The problem seems to be taking care of itself.

My money is on most of the deaths being drug related.

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>People walk by these people as if there's nothing strange about it.
honestly, what are you suppose to do? talk to them? beat them up?

youve got be 18 to post here new friend

great advice. what happens when you feed wild animals?

>You should be angry at the people who are creating the homeless problem
The bums are the ones creating the problem.
A bum sits in a park and drinks until he pisses himself and passes out = he created the problem

Less votes for the democrats.


>be insane
>be a drug addict
>be too incompetent to find housing and a job

Don’t care hope they die

Why dont those homeless get the jobs illegals have?

I wish that was an option user. The main reason I care about the homeless a smidgen is because there sre many veterans that have fallen down in life and ended up there.

I never understood how these bums can sleep in full sun.

I was thinking the same thing. Ah, today's youth gives me hope...
Very pragmatic approach to a modern problem user. We don't need any note Democrats

>t. rural retard

Confiscated drugs should be redistributed to the homeless. Just sayin'.

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>Bring the fire and brimstone already. This civilization is disgusting.
Bring the fire and brimstone already. This civilization is disgusting.
Bring the fire and brimstone already. This civilization is disgusting.
Bring the fire and brimstone already. This civilization is disgusting.

homeless dont sleep at night time because at night time it's dangerous to sleep (robber,drunk people who would beat them up) so they walk around at night time and sleep(if you can call that sleeping since it's more closing your eyes,sleep 1hour ,get wake up by cars and people) at day time.
in france it's like that ,i guess it's the same in usa.

So...the homeless activists, and the lawmakers who passed laws and polices to let people shit in the streets?

The only people that fear fenatyl are disgusting druggies

Well when 809 piles of shit were reported since yesterday in SF CA, they should be dropping like flies.

How is it possibly a "bad thing", like you're attempting to imply?

I don't see what the problem is with it, just dose it properly.

I'm not, stupid.


Yep, lethal everytime in every scrap of weed

To anyone who hasn't been to San Francisco or LA you should know that the beggar and homeless problem there is out of fucking control, homeless harrassing people everywhere, more than once saw human shit on the sidewalk. Most of the time these people don't want help getting a job or improving their life and they like being that way, leeching off of and annoying the rest of society. The homeless should be gassed.

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so fucking sick of homeless people. they seriously have some fucking nerve these days. One dude came up asking for money gave me all these excuses and when i went to give him a couple dollar bills he just gives me the dirtiest look and says "i cant have 20?". i told him sorry this is all the cash i have right now anyway and he says" well i know where there is an atm around the corner i can show you" fuck off you greedy piece of shit, he took my money and never even said thank you after...

Why shouldnt they?
Its tipping for the authenrtic city experience

Why not just spray it on the streets so they can all be equally medicated?

Broadway and Arcadia. Downtown LA. Right by the entrance to the 110.

Those places are now like India is described by travelers in the past. The dying homeless everywhere in the streets, shit and garbage all over the place, and the people just pass by, not wasting a single thought on those fallen fellas.
Soon you'll burn your dead on the streets and worship cows.

We already worship cows. Have you seen our women? Mooooooo!


lol nah, it makes the cities not even worth going to. i live in a suburb of LA and hardly ever go anywhere anymore because its just turning into a shithole worse than ever. Half the places you shouldnt go because your white and they are either spic or nig neighborhoods, and even the nice white areas are full of drug addict homeless trash. thankfully my town is at least a little better butter i still see plenty of homeless walking around the local parks and alleys.


Yes, I am angry at homeless people.


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Wasnt asking you.

Most homeless people are fucking drug addicts but I do agree with you that the people who promote this type of living and raise taxes are the cause

Homeless are being disappeared like that crazy shit in houston! FEMA barges, no people in shelters, and after the homeless your next niggers and white trash! Communist Manifesto goal #29 Gun Control is all ready moving ahead nicely so...
Ask me for my reference or the jani-tor will flag me on global #11cause I'm so smart and therefore dangerous. They be watchin'!

>...And That's a Good Thing!

There wouldn't be as many homeless in LA if there wasn't an illegal alien infestation.

The lying mass media purposely under reports how bad the illegal alien infestation is.

These cockroaches drive up housing costs that one of the homeless could afford.

Americans are dying thanks to these illegal alien cockroaches and their tens of millions of anchor babies.

Enough is enough.

Spill the beans user.

Had a homeless guy tell me they were rounding homeless up to but in fema camps.

Seattlefag here, homelessness is a big problem here too.

Lots of mentally ill ppl with drug problems, lots of camping. Not too much pooing in the street, at least not yet.

(long winded post about how the problem has many causes and has no simple or fast solution)

tl;dr, strengthen your community and lock up criminals

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Sorry couldn't resist

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What people fail to realize is that being homeless can happen to almost anyone.

just rent an apartment ffs its not that hard

>reading the pathetic comments

I knew mutts had no soul, your country is a burden on civilization and must be exterminated, all you care pathetic niggers is """capital""", """gross margin""", """hire fast and fire fast""", """double digit revenue growth""", """go IPO or go home""""

you americans are cancer of the soul, you even brag about having no soul at all, you're shameless evil pathetic money worshipers

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Or panda bears

90% of homeless people have only themselves to blame

CIA spiked the heroin supply again?