7 Isreali buildings that make you really think

What on earth is wrong with Israel?


Seriously what is their problem?

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Just look at this thing

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They hate beauty because they are not beautiful

Great architecture focuses on harmony and symmetry. Jews don't understand stuff like that because of their pathology. Which is why the buildings they produce are fractured and obscene, a reflection of their twisted pathology. This is why National Socialist aesthetics was the biggest contribution of Hitler to the world. He wasn't admitted to art school, but god bless him he saved art. In the future, when we genocide Jews again, we will start with Nazi aesthetics and implement Hitler's vision of beauty and magnificence and symmetry and harmony.

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Ok Jow Forums
Youve finally done it.

Youve finally redpilled me on the JQ

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Holy shit I thought it was a meme post modernism is jews destroying white architecture culture.

insects build hives

I could sweat these things look exactly like those randomly AI generated monstrosities from the gran ai

Completely soulless

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>Jews don't understand stuff like
false, they do, and they realize just how important to their agenda is to destroy it
rest is true, with the addition that he was a good painter, rejected for not being modern

Dude that's a wizard's tower and I would be casting lightening from that 4th story patio while smoking ribs

The best Jews all live in North America and Europe... only rednecks live in Israel.

>Holy shit I thought it was a meme post modernism is jews destroying white architecture culture.

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t. unironically the international Jew

Almost like most jews have schizophrenia or something. Weird

that's pretty cool, it looks like it would be fun to walk around in

the international jew will desecrate every culture and architecture he will visit , every single time.

is this one of those Towers of Babel I see all around the world?

Absolutely beautiful

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That building represents the circular arguments and logic of the Jews.


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It makes me think: "what were they on?"

>The city of Tel Aviv can boast of being many things – Israel’s cultural mecca, vegan capital of the world and one of the most LGBT-friendly cities on the planet.

>It can also, somewhat surprisingly, boast of being a World Heritage Site. Yes, just like the Taj Mahal and Machu Picchu.

>To be more precise, it’s the White city area of Tel Aviv that’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, thanks to its many buildings constructed in the Bauhaus architectural style now celebrating its 100th year. Incidentally, the same year Tel Aviv celebrates its 110th anniversary.

>Around 4,000 buildings built between the 1930s and Israel’s establishment in 1948 were constructed in the Bauhaus , or International style. White City in downtown Tel Aviv is the largest grouping of Bauhaus-style buildings in the world, due to the sad turns of history.

>“Bauhaus” was a school of arts, crafts and architecture that operated in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The rise of the Nazi Party led to the shuttering of the school, and many of its students left Nazi Germany, some of them to pre-state Israel. Many other Jews also left Germany for Mandatory Palestine, including architects who didn’t study at the Bauhaus school but were greatly influenced by its style.

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I can't imagine actually being proud of this. Look I made a big metal spike. Take my picture in front of it!

>Great architecture focuses on harmony and symmetry.
That appeals only to the simple minded, conforming to cultural notions of how things should be. But you need to experiment to create new forms. The saying that "90% of everything is crap" applies to architecture, art, engineering, lifestyles and more. Why do you think esp. Jews are so successful? Because they break existing forms down, recombine them, add new things, and sometimes something awesome, useful, revolutionary better appears. But that's not obvious to people with a narrow understanding of the world, preferring pseudo stability and certainty over change, adaption, and progress.

He's designed several of these atrocities and been awarded the highest possible honors for his work.

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>jews improve things

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That memorial is just a silly cash grab. And as I said, 90% of everything (new) is crap. The Jews just experiment more, so we see more crap from them but also more genuine improvements. This trait is not confined to Jews, but they do it more than others.
Instead of hating and fighting Jews, one should learn from them, no?

looks great to jump on

Because we've become cucks letting others destroy our cilture

they come from the same place


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But you know that I wrote is true.

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