Why are homosexuals and transexuals catered to by everyone but heterosexual men with a fetish like for feet or femdom...

Why are homosexuals and transexuals catered to by everyone but heterosexual men with a fetish like for feet or femdom are shamed and disgust people?

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i'm doing my part to shame all these people

you're all equally disgusting and degenerate

You are extremely delusional to think gay+trans ppl are being "catered to."

Just cause.

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If you have a femdom fetish you're not a real man and you're a sjw in denial, congrats.

you joking?

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mhhm hmm. You're certainly not delusional or brainwashed.

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The fucking whining and sense of umbrage on here has no bottom, does it?

Ntayrt but please explain to me how having that virtue signalling stuff helps gay or trans people. Do you think they get a share of the profits of those companies or a discount or something? I'm genuinely curious.

Its the attention. He's mad that he doesn't get a month centered around him. He's mad that he believes others judge him for his peccadilloes but that Coca Cola is really all in on the buttfucking because they mad an ad in rainbow colors.

Why is it so hard for people to grok the idea that this is happening because of the western world's hellbent desire to demonize the practice of such things up until now? I can't recall a single event in history that led to a group of people being killed because they liked being submissive to women and licking their feet.

glad to see that you understand everyone is virtue signalling for this degenerate culture, but still think "they need help" why do they need help?

Because society hates heterosexual men, especially heterosexual caucasian men.

Leftwing jews.


Because people have been actively trying to kill them for millennia. Also yes, in this case the virtue signalling is also called pink washing and it's a big ballache for LGBT people.

Wow. Imagine being so insecure.

they aren't. you just spend too much time on the internet. Also feet are gross

>Because society hates heterosexual men
We're basically 50% of the population. Gay men, bisexual men, transwhatever, every hip new term with a cute little flag, all of it together is basically a rounding error. Factor in all the women that fuck straight men either primarily or exclusively and you're talking about the overwhelming majority of the human race.

You're so worked up about the fucking media that you've forgotten reality.

>people have been actively trying to kill them for millennia

huh, imagine actually believing gays are in any danger in our current year. metropolitan areas are literally filled with fags, and no one is actively trying to hurt them.

Do you just say what you feel and hope no one knows any better to call you out in it?
This is literally just a Google search away bro

One has nothing to do with the other

based eastern europeans

Why is it when idiots can't back up their arguments they make irrelevant comments? I wonder.

There is a lot of weird logic here. (1/3)

- First, you compare the acceptance of a sexual orientation, and of some fetishes, these things are not the same, and thus, not comparable.

Idk why, OP, I meant heterosexual men with those fetishes should NOT be shamed. If everyone were to have their mind examined, a ton of people would show as huge degenerates.
However OP, even though the media seems to cater to homosexuals and transsexuals, in real life many many many people still find them disgusting, especially transsexuals. Homosexuality may be more accepted these days but most people still hate transsexuals.
Anyway OP, whatever fetish you have, I personally respect you and think you are alright.
Anyone who disrespects you can fuck off.

hurr, we have to constantly remind people In the west gays are okay, and "teach" their kids they might be the wrong gender, because ruskies and Muslims are still killing the gays.

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- Second, you compare the state of LGBT rights right now (being legal and visible and less discriminated) to that of some fetishes (being mocked). Do you imply that being mocked is discrimination ?

I as well

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>show picture of american based companies virtue signalling
>says gays are being killed
>current year???
>links some 3rd world european country i can't even pronounce
>thinks they proved something.

i live in the west nigga, not some shit hole

Based Canada. If I want a late term abortion, I'll just convince my child is gay and beat them for it.

That's not why, dude. If we don't teach kids that they should be respectful of gays and transsexuals then gays and transsexuals will have a shitty life. So if you sum the whole quality of life of a society, if gays and trans people are respected then that quality of life is higher because more people feel safe.
It doesn't take too much effort to respect LGBT people. And remember that LGBT people DO NOT choose to be LGBT. Even in places where they hate those people there are still LGBT people so that proves it's not a choice.

>sexual orientation, and of some fetishes, these things are not the same

when people actually believe butt pumping is "love" and not a fetish

LGBT people who have no one who supports them are likely to commit suicide. Trans people have a 40% death rate before reaching age of 30 and high suicide attempt statistics.
I wish non-LGBT people would have a bit more empathy for their fellow human beings.

>You're so worked up about the fucking media that you've forgotten reality.

That is your problem, not mine. Society sees the average man as a stupid, ugly, disposable piece of shit. You're just some faggot kid who has yet to see this side of life.

Vagina pumping is not love either. You can't even fucking define what love is.


- Third I'm gonna need a source for
>heterosexual men with a fetish like for feet or femdom are shamed and disgust people
Because according to this graph, foot fetishism and femdom are actually common and not that taboo.

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>Trans people have a 40% death rate before reaching age of 30 and high suicide attempt statistics

that death rate IS the suicide rate, these people are mentally ill, if anyone thinks they'll be "happy" through achieving something and unable to appreciate what they have they will always be unhappy. then they chop their dick off, and then off themselves. and you think treating them better will prevent that. you're a retard, and it's harmful what you are doing.

Mostly because fetishes are common and LGBTQHIVPOSITIVE is much more subversive and destructive to the society it exists in. I don't know who is pushing this stuff but it's pretty crazy

You don't have a better solution for the issue so stfu dumbass.

I refuse to believe beast is that uncommon and taboo.

they probably have no way to accurately measure it

i actually do, and that's recognizing the abuse, and not putting these people on hormones, or selling them the idea that life would be better in another body, but rather treating them and showing them a better life.

True. I wouldn't be surprised if at least half of American females lost their virginity to the family dog. This is at least a fantasy of mine

It has nothing to do with love.
A fetish, it's a nice plus, but you can live without.
A sexual orientation, you litterally have a hard time to fuck if you can't respect it.

If you are straight man, would you be able to fuck another man ? Probably not.
Would you able to try a new fetish, if an extremely attractive woman asked you for it ? Probably yes.

Because the other sexual perverts are to afraid to have a fetish parade because somehow their sexual deviation is being bashed by the legal system.

>recognizing the abuse
What abuse? sexual abuse? A fuck ton of LGBT people were never sexually abused.
>treating them and showing them a better life.
It's easy to be vague as fuck with these "solutions". The issue is nowhere near as simple as you think it is.

That's all well and good. I've had great gay friends since highschool. IDC if a dude likes dick. Or if a dude wants to pretend and live like a girl. Some people are different and should be allowed to be different. Most people in the west are fine with that. The backlash lgbtbnkskskdndj is getting is because at this point they're acting insane, demanding all of society goes along with tranny's delusions. Allowing men (that could easily be pervs with a dress on) to shower with teenage girls or just use the same bathroom to sneak a peak. If this bathroom is only being used by adults, who cares. And they're not just teaching kids to respect people's differences (you wouldn't have to bring sexuality into it to teach that). They're teaching kids they might be the wrong gender, and teaching really young kids about all kinds of sex acts at a young age in librel areas. I'm sure you believe this is all about treating everyone nicely, but you've beep duped in the name of equality like ohh so many before you.

>but heterosexual men with a fetish like for feet or femdom are shamed and disgust people

Dude, just go to a BDSM party/event and you'll find people who'll cater to that all day. Hell, there's a group near me that has events once a month or so specifically for femdoms and the people who want to be dominated by them. This is a nonsense problem.

>If you are straight man, would you be able to fuck another man ? Probably not.

abuse a straight man, break up the family, emasculate them, and take their ability to own a home, or start a family, they will begin to fetishize, and fuck men. kinda weird situation with all these criminals prisons, right? why they always raping each other? meanwhile none of these guys were fucking dudes before that..

What I'll never understand is when "straight" people rush to the defense of these misfits. I mean, I understand it's good for virtue signalling and improve one's social status, but how they keep it up for so long is beyond me. Also the amount of energy they put into this shit staggering. Why can't queers just keep it in the bedroom like everyone else? There would be literally no problem if this is what they did. Instead they strap dildos to their heads and force kindergarten kids to listen to them at "story" time. The world is fucked and I feel no sympathy for these creatures

As an LGBT person in the west I would be okay if cis straight people, and specifically men (because most of those who do this are men) would stop making jokes about transgender suicides, would stop calling LGBT degenerates out loud, would stop calling LGBT people faggots or dykes. And if parents would stop kicking LGBT kids out of their homes.
But it seems like all of this is still perfectly okay and acceptable.
>you wouldn't have to bring sexuality into it to teach that
Actually yes because they may have older siblings or parents who are LGBT so they will have doubts on the subject.

>a fuck ton of LGBT people were never sexually abused.

no, but the were ALL abused

>easy to be vague as fuck with these "solutions". The issue is nowhere near as simple as you think it is

no, it really is.

>no, it really is.
It is from your privileged perspective because you aren't LGBT yourself.

It truly is a privilege to be born a normal person. As an incel, I can sympathize

if these people had good fathers, they wouldn't be the way they are today.


Families and individuals should be forced to view things and treat subjects the way I think they should. Now do you understand the backlash (which is half of what you're complaining about, your ilk created) and why people call you types authorizations? If you'd quit playing victims and act like normal people, others would treat you as such.

Funny how it's always cis straight men complaining when it's actually all their fault.

Do lesbos enjoy getting fucked by non-human males? Such as dogs or horses. Asking for a friend

People would act normal if others would treat them normally first, why is this so hard for you to understand?
Besides your definition of acting normal is probably the same as asking people to be straight and cisgender.


funny how i'm the one that actually wants to fix the heart of the issue, and you just want to pretend everything is okay with the LGBT

You don't want to fix anything because you have no idea how to fix it other than forcing people to convert into being straight and cisgender, which has been proven not to work.

Funny how you complain about people generalizing lgbtaokwxckk, but you're perfectly fine generalizing and marginalizing straight people.

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You are replying to the wrong post, friendo. The other user is the one who suggested that about "fathers" (straight men).

>you have no idea how to fix it other than forcing people to

i do know how, and i'm not forcing anyone to do anything.

>convert into being straight and cisgender, which has been proven not to work

it has never been proven, what are you talking about?

Idk why I waste time arguing with an ignorant like you. I guess I'm glad it's just a matter of waiting a few more generations until the conservative right is almost gone.

>Why are homosexuals and transexuals catered to by everyone
They aren't.

>Heterosexual men with foot fetishes or femdom are shamed by everyone.

They aren't

no u

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Why the motherfuck do you think it's so televised? It's controversial, it causes talk, it causes outrage, it causes arguments.
It's free marketing ya dumbass.
That's not catering. That's exploitation, and you my friend are their marketing employee of the month.

Wah wah abloo a boo boo some people DRESS a certain way and live life different than me EVILE EVIL IS REAL

Different fag.
But if you're even right about "bad fathers" how do you propose we suddenly cause every human on Earth to suddenly be a perfect ideal parent.

>waste time arguing with an ignorant like you

i actually want to help gays overcome their issues

> a few more generations until the conservative right is almost gone

and the west will die, muzzies will take over and then gays will be getting killed again in the west.

>how do you propose we suddenly cause every human on Earth to suddenly be a perfect ideal parent

lead by example, it's the only way

West doesn't exist dumbass

the only issue with gays is jerks like you being assholes to them

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If you really think that's how the world works you're 10 or completely delusional and retarded.

they need a dose of reality, i care about people. you going along with someones bad choices in support is not love

The mystical "west" you rightwing retards are always shouting about doesn't exist

because strong leaders have never accomplished anything, good or bad

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>gets 10s of millions of Europeans killed
Yeah, he accomplished a lot... for the Jews

at least you understand what leading by example can accomplish

Start the bloodiest war in human history with great cost to civilian life, shooting yourself in the head with a cyanide pill in your mouth while your country is divided in two triggering a 40 year stand off that nearly lead the total annhilation of humanity?
I agree. Great leadership does result in results.

Wah wah abloo a boo boo some people don't like degeneracy in public forcing itself on their kids and all of society EVILE EVIL IS REAL, FREE SPEECH IS BAD

Free speech isn't bad. But your opinion is retarded and free speech doesn't protect you from being told this is so.

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Kid I've been around longer than you and I can promise you, weird people were here long before anyone was talking about LGBT plus half the rest of the alphabet.

Didn't finish that thought, girlfriend distracted me.
Anyway, nothing's changed nor will it and you're a retard.


Wow, what an astute and intelligent observation, I never realized lgbtjakwofn wasn't the source of all strange degeneracy in the world. I'm going to go rethink life. Thanks.

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Kinda missing the point here... Nothing's different. And it never will change. There will always be things different that you won't like.
So instead of screaming and crying on the internet go build a fence or something. Some of the most whiney in effective bullshit comes out of people like you. You have your own life to live. Go forth.

Yes, I'm missing the point and you're not projecting.

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>Wasting life and energy over shit you literally can't control
>Having it pointed out
>"You're projecting!!"
No user. I'm afraid you're just very very stupid.
You have a very miserable life ahead of you. And you did it entirely to yourself. I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

>no u
>no u
>no u
Sure kid. Just keep talking like you're a wise adult that is spending all it's time to teach those less fortunate. When you're just a baby on the internet whining that someone disagrees with you. Keep them ad hominems coming plz.

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Gay people are normies, let’s go smell some feet

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when did straight cis white males become the biggest crybabies in the world?

Gays and trannies are attention-seeking degenerates and useful idiots for the Jews. I smile every time I hear about one of these fags being assaulted or killed.

Honestly, OP, also I'm sick of all the LGBT bullshit that's constantly shilled in the media. It's almost like there's an agenda behind it.

I wonder who could be behind it....