Just imagine

...in a world without Niggers and their Jew enablers, Whites can breathe. voiceofeurope.com/2018/10/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang/

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Christchurch - Mossad
Notre Dame - Mossad
Ireland - Mossad
Sri Lanka - Mossad
The Next White Nationalist Attack - Mossad

The United States should declare war on israel and kill you all. Trump should order our special forces to assassinate Yossi Cohen and his family.

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>just imagine a world...

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NIGGERS were put on this earth by Satan to kill White people.

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No kikes. No shitskins. A paradise.

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>you all

Fuck off niggerlover

She was a coalburner and out with a little nig when this happened.

>She was a coalburner and out with a little nig when this happened.

I dont care, she was still white. if there were no niggers around she would not have been hanging out OR killed by them

Do you know why White girls hang out with and fuck niggers? because they exude their testosterone. Want the White chicks to come back you you? stop being such pussies

>nigger enablers r sooo bad!
>defends a nigger lover
pathetic and hypocritical

>because they exude their testosterone.
So you're a cuck too. nice.

Retarded coal burner enablers are worse than any jew.

>pathetic and hypocritical

Listen to me you dumb bastard YOU are the ones losing the white girls because YOU are such pussies

>So you're a cuck too. nice.
>Retarded coal burner enablers are worse than any jew.

I am not enabling anyone you monumentally STUPID fucking incel YOU punks are not keeping the white girls on your dicks...because the NIGGERs are out-manly-ing YOU

*huff huff*

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funny coming from an actual cuck like you. Kys.

>funny coming from an actual cuck like you

no cuck here you little incel who can't be MAN enough to keep white girls from wanting the nigger beside him instead

lel you're projecting now


Her boyfriend was a nigger


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>Jew enablers
You are the enabler.

this. wite wemens love that BBC

>Want the White chicks to come back you you?

no. once u go black u can't come back. toll paid.

you can still hang those niggers tho.

This is why we have the toll. A woman who fucks niggers is dead to us.

So what she was a leftist

>this. wite wemens love that BBC

You niggers always show White women how true the stereotypes are.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner

Youre a retard dude. You lost. Go home

>Trump should

You - Mossad

Only an Israeli jew could still have any faith left in that faggot who lets Ivanka be his adviser so he can suck off Jared Kushner every night.

never live around niggers without packing

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people like to sling jibberish as fact these days.

why do her grades matter

>because the media constantly brainwashes people

No, he's spot on, ya dumb nigger.

she was on her way to becoming a liberal arts major

>The men charged with murder of Hannah Cornelius, kidnap, robbery and rape are Vernon Witbooi, 33, Geraldo Parsons, 27, Nashville Julius, 29, and Eben Van Nieberk, 28.

Are any of those even niggers? I'm not so hot with South African naming conventions. Nashville Julius sounds like something a nigger would call themself, but Even Van Neiberk and Vernon Witbooi sound Dutch to me.

>Vernon Witbooi

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>Live together in unity
In other words, abandon biological imperative and get wiped out by hordes of parasites.

I like my identity, and the shared culture and heritage of western civilization. I don't want to see that exhausted and washed away. I choose to rage against the dying of the light.

>lel you're projecting now

no kid i am educating you. progesterone is attracted to testosterone and you clearly dont have any.....and the fact that you think she deserved what she got because who she was out with proves you dont know a fucking thing

>Her boyfriend was a nigger

youre another no pussy getting incel

>You are the enabler
youree right, Whites should have kept the niggers in chains

That lovely lady might have lost her life, but think about it positively, at least she made a group of black men happy that night, so the average world happiness rose up, thanks to her.

Why would they give good grades to someone retarded enough to spend time in South Africa?

Nothing of value was lost, the niggers who raped her will get raped by coloureds (28's) in prison kek. My house got raided by fake kaffir cops once because the maid let them in. They somehow didn't touch anyone, only swiped a grand in one of the cupboards. I guess they saw my trophies of my martial arts competitions and my knives in my reach.

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>Vernon Witbooi

Trump would never do anything about Israel. He's a senile braindead neocon boomer.

>muh BBC high testosterone bulls
You sound like a cuck m8

Bye kike!
S to shit on her kike corpse!

Nigger detected.

Niggers must burn

also whats up with spellcheck?

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hope you broke the maid's legs.
remember, if you fire her she will snitch on you with the local kaffirs and tell them where your goods are or simply hand them your key. fuck em


hannah isn't a kike name necessarily

Kys you anti-white incel cucks. Just because a white woman dates and has sex with blacks doesn't mean she deserves to die for it. White women who "burn coal" are still white and deserve a second chance to redeem themselves not death.

this can apply to so, so many things today.. almost could be the only thing you need to post ever..lol also i saw that at a Drive-In as a kid in like1973

Sometimes Africans who served a white household for decades take on a part of the boers family name and combine it with their name or take it entirely. Or probably some race mixing four generations ago.

Well you can have that world if you either stop going to nigger lands or bringing them to your lands. Whites brought and went to niggers. Not the other way around.

Well you can have that world if you either stop going to nigger lands or bringing them to your lands. Whites brought over and went to niggers. Not the other way around.

what about all the black girls throughout history who were kidnapped, raped and murdered by whites?


>the niggers who raped her will get raped by coloureds

What are coloureds and why will they rape them?

I have no sympathy for someone who chooses to go to a shithole like Africa. Toll Paid. She was pretty too, sad. She probably was a liberal too. Diversity is our strength.


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>Just because a white woman dates and has sex with blacks doesn't mean she deserves to die for it.
You are a just awful. I hope Wotan sends you to hell for spouting something so retarded.

You've convinced me to man up and put my own life in danger to save all the whores. Thanks, user!

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I have sex with black girls but they consent.

You do realize South Africa has a ton of whites who have been there a long time? She did not "go" there.

>ton of whites


That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo. Coal burners deserve the gas - no exceptions.

white people barely represent 8% of south africa's population

She was a coal burner?

Why do they stay there though? Russia and South America will take them but they refuse and remain in niggerland.

Whites are native to Africa? It's just one country. Go back home to Europe and help repopulate and fix the low birth rates and immigration problems. Build that white Ethnostate, in Europe.

Yeah, he may be, but he's alive and the mudshark's dead. So what have we learned?

That bitch deserves it, I don't feel bad for her.

The Boers got there before the blacks ever did. It's their land and home.

> whites only
> no gen pool
Enjoy your next generation.

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Coloureds are mixed race people, the one's that normally operate in gangs have some ancestors who were settlers (Whites or Malaysian,Indian), who mixed with the original inhabitants of the land called the Khoi San people who were killed off by the invading blacks in Central Africa. Majority of them hate Bantu and keep grudges to this day. The gangs symbols look up to the settlers. The 28 gang dominates the Prison in Cape Town and are known for killing based on respect and rank. The 26 gang operate the streets and money

They can stay there at their own peril then. Why the fuck would you stay somewhere you're only 8% of the population and the other 92% hate your guts when majority white countries like Russia are begging you to come live in their lands away from blacks.

>but niggers also kidnap, rape and murder their own so chill tfo goy

Well, there were Khoisan people there, right? The Bantu tribes came later, after the Dutch used glorious white agriculture to make the place a paradise, but there were some niggers squatting there first, weren't there?

Are interracial couples despised or accepted in South Africa?


haha, no, bitch paid toll in full

>go to africa
>get nogged
wow who could have seen this happening!

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>in a world without Niggers and their Jew enablers
really just jews. nogs are by and large no problem without jewish subversion

you will not have to imagine in 3 years brother

>I dont care, she was still white

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would still rather have this than niggers

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We would enjoy them as much as we have the previous ones.
Thinking your enrichment is some kind of genetic godsend.

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A fine addition to my collection

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Why do niggers like asses so much when tits are shaped like basketballs?

Not on the coast. Coast was deserted.
America is only a few decades away from that, bucko. Where do you flee to then?


girls is a moniker reserved for humans.

It's there lives not mine. I go back to Europe.

NICE. Thank you for making these

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>a world without parasites
Impossible. Someone else would fill the vacuum. Life isn't as easy as you wish it could be. Jews and niggers exist precisely because there was a place they could exploit.
There is no life without struggle, strife, conflict, degeneracy, and death. Those are the things that give us a reason to live. Something to fight against. There's no sport in a game where there is no risk or loss.

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>Thinking your enrichment is some kind of genetic godsend.
It's mutual. That's how sex works, you know.

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Yes, and no. They were pretty much wiped out by western tribes, but they did exist still to some extent.

It's anti-white for a woman to fuck niggers.

Well, I already knew this, but I guess I learned that if you burn the coal you pay the toll.

OR, hear me out, you're projecting your subconscious which is creating your black-and-white authoritarian world view?

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>Just because a white woman dates and has sex with blacks doesn't mean she deserves to die for it. White women who "burn coal" are still white
t. seething roasty mad that actions have consequences and flips out over white men dating asian women because they have their priorities in order

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