“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing...

>“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long that he damages the actual winner,” said David Brock, the liberal organizer, who said he has had discussions with other operatives about an anti-Sanders campaign and believes it should commence “sooner rather than later.”

He's the only one who can defeat Trump in 2020, so why are the Democrats trying to sabotage him again?

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Only a jew can defeat a jew

>Only a jew can defeat a jew

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If the country wants to elect a communist then I’m more than happy to quit my job and live off of his “reformed welfare” while the economy goes down in flames.

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It looks really really bad when an Independent carries the Democratic Party.

They shouldn't have drummed jim webb out. The Democrats fucking deserve this, what the fuck were these retards thinking by becoming the party of rabid far left trannies and race baiters??

Don't be fooled by the false posturing. Sanders is compromised/soldout beyond belief, they hope he wins the nom this cycle.

webbslingers unite

just remembering his name makes me think of the song it ain’t me LOL

100% this

webb has been the only person on either side in the last i don't even know how long that had any fucking sense

He was the one who called out the primary as being rigged for Hillary, and this was before wikileaks confirmed it.

lmfao, imagine caring about presidential politics. you'd have to be low iq to think any of that matters.

the only person worth supporting at this point is patrick little but we all know nothing is going to happen because money is the only thing that matters to the jews that elect politicians into office.

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Fucking scumbag democrats that don't give a SHIT about what the people want

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You may want to actually listen to him or read his polices before making an ass out of yourself like this again.

He wants to fuck with their money. They don't like Trump but he's still one of them in the end.

>Democrats put more effort into defeating Bernie than defeating Trump
What did they mean by this?

doubt hes changed much and im also going to exploit this welfare system to watch their faggot society fall

This is it! This is how Bernie can still win!!

We need to make sure he gets the dem nomination, then bus angry black women in to every one of his rallies. That way he either has to give them the podium or admit he is a racist, sexist bigot for denying them their intersectional right to speak before a rich (((white))) cis gendered male.

But there isn't such thing as "welfare" in communism.

I don't mind Sanders at all. He doesn't spend his time trying to divide the country with identity politics.

With communism everybody is equally poor. Everybody is on welfare

That was the most boomer line we've heard in a long while

No, he just lubes up his asshole, bends over, and allows SJWs to fuck him however they like.

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>real communism has never been tried

Democrats are liars just like Republicans are. They don't want a president who will actually hold them to their promises of free shit for everyone. Democrats hang the free healthcare carrot for their voters just like Republicans hang the pro-life carrot for theirs. If they actually allow the voters to have the carrot, then there is no reason for people to vote for them anymore. Politicians actually have incentive to not deliver promises for their voters.

Haha, Bernie is old (literally) news. Yang is the future.

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Very true

oooops... and it looks like he's lost all his momentum... again

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Jesus Christ, David.

Why the democrats do not want Sanders?


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because he's not part of The Machine and doesn't benefit them.
they don't give two fucks about their stated platform, they just want power, and all the pandering to blacks and the mentally ill is just their cynical way of trying to maintain control. they know which way the wind is blowing.

but luckily for them he's just in it for a 3rd house, he's just sheepdogging for a paycheck. he knows he has no chance (because they will dispose of him just like the last time), but he can put up a good little charade and get paid.

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We will push the narrative that a cis white male should no longer be the president to take the steam out of his campaign. Let them bite the hand that feeds them.

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>He's the only one who can defeat Trump in 2020
Not by a mile. He sold his soul in 2016 and it's damaged him in the long run. There is not nearly as much excitement around him anymore. Only person that could have beaten Trump was an outsider; and no one has emerged yet.

Bernie can't even stand up to two loud mouthed black women. Just imagine him trying to stand up to Putin, Iran, ISIS, N. Korea etc. The cuck will fold on every issue.

>muh free shit
Yes absolutely wonderful. When do I get butt fucked by taxes, now or later?

it doesn't work like that. it's an illusion that anything that happens in the media or politically is grassroots - it's ALWAYS top-down.
that's why you can't use their own rules and propaganda against them, because they simply don't acknowledge your existence, and they're never in any position where they are forced to answer your charges of hypocrisy.
why do you think Biden has any traction at all, given the #metoo environment? why do you think Beto or Buttplug aren't shouted down?
... whereas look what they were able to do with Roy Moore.

their own rules don't apply to them, and never will. because it's not social media or people marching in the streets that make things happen. it's all decided and organized and paid from above.

Which policies you of his you believe are a good thing?