Here is an easy way to learn SANSKRIT. Sanskrit or Devanagari or the language of the gods is very beautiful and poetic. It is not a ghetto language or a faul language. KRISHNA spoke a very difficult philosophy with simple Sanskrit. Actually the philosophy is very simple , it’s just that we have to make everything difficult for some reason or other. Contemplating the words of KRISHNA is like contemplating the Eternal Form of KRISHNA. Contemplating temporary material forms means contemplating the external energy of KRISHNA.
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“If you can’t hunt you got no business eating meat.” “If you can’t slaughter a cow in your kitchen you have no business eating beef.” “Kike Consciousness means Forgetfulness of God in Total.”
Funny enough I am listing to a lecture by Swami Sarvapriyananda right now on Maya, good stuff. Finally get around to reading the Bhagavad Gita a while ago and it was an enlightening read and peaked my interest in Vedanta. Oh well enough blog posting. At least your threads are better then the usual kike shills.
Son. Trust me. I’m here to help you. First thing to be aware of. Presently India is very degraded. It has become an assembly line for manufacturing a shitload of bogus Avatars. Swamis. And gurus.
Caleb Morgan
That I believe, modernity swallows us all. Sadly just like China the more people of the world adopt western modes of living the more they doom themselves to the same sad fate. I hope they enjoy trinkets and tv.
The purpose of /pol should be in exposing all imaginable and unimaginable bogusness
Ethan Mitchell
By the principal of KNOWING or VEDA-ING
Josiah Hill
Jow Forums is just a vehicle for truth That being said the truth can be painful and most will shy away but for those who desire it they will find what they seek.
I don't know if anyone else is reading this thread but technology and use thereof needs to be placed within a hierarchy. That is one of the problems with modernity is that in trying to make everyone equal they have made all technology available to everyone and that is terribly irresponsible. Maybe people should not have a magic box that delivers pornography any time they want. Your caste, and place in the hierarchy, should determine what you have access too just like it used to determine what kind of land you owned.
One of the tricks the banking elite pull is to seperate the education of the mind from the body. That way our society produced soldier who do not have the philosophy to properly use violence. Warrior monks, cultured thugs, that should be the template. Unfortunately you cant run an empire of debt and usury on educated warriors.
> That way our society produced soldier who do not have the philosophy to properly use violence.
That’s why many Veterans can’t follow stupid orders
Lincoln Bell
And through peer pressure and chain of command they are talked into doing stupid shit
Joseph Long
During Vietnam they tried to run war like a company, an assembly line. So each day the troops were giving a quote, kill X number of people. Under the idea that if they could kill Y number of people in Z amount of days they could eliminate the troops before the Vietnamese could replace them and thus force an end to the conflict. It was beyond stupid and showed the US failed to understand the whole idea of war.
During WWII as bad as the conflict was the soldiers had weeks or months of travel to get back home which they spend with their unit to decompress and deal with the situation. Now they are bombing civilians by drones and drive home to eat dinner with the wife and kids. The human can not just integrate violence like that into a normal life and stay healthy and sane. It is one sick system built on another, man reduced to machine components, and will end it misery.