How to deal with a narsistic brother ?

Hello everyone.

I really need to get this of my chest and really need some advice on this matter. My brother is the biggest jerk and most toxic person i ever met in my entire life. my whole life he is trying to profit from me and bullies me. He despises me with all hes heart and i dont get it.

The weird thing is i am the only person in the world that he treats that way.

The worse thing is he lives with me now in my appartement so i cant get away from him.

HoW do you deal with a narsistic sibling ?

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Who is paying the bills? This is important for power dynamic purposes.

R u sure u aint a two face lying bitch? Just checking

By writing "narcissistic" correctly

Why does he "despise you with all his heart"? And you're the only person he hates?

No i tried to make our relationship better but at the expense of myself. And it made him just worse with using me as a emotional punchbag

I really have no idea he also started bullying me from an early age with he's friends and he just looks at me as someone who is far less than him in value

We are splitting the bills.

There is a reason. You need to talk to him. You can't live like this.

I know i tried couple of times the problem is when i try to talk to him about how he is treating me he just goes on the defense.

Why did you do that to me ?
him > no you

Thats basicly how it goes he always turns it around and for every question you give him he blames me and when he cant win he will just go full psycho and yell and swear at me

I have the same problem OP, when you talk about it to other people expect them to minimalize the issue and patronise you about it.

My brother is exactly the same, never done anything to him yet he has a set in stone mission to destroy my life as much as possible. All you can do is try to get away from it because he's accustomed to a pattern where he steps all over you in order to feel better about his own insecurities. It's the same mindset as a high school bully - being completely insecure in themselves and using you to feel powerful - except there's absolutely 0 remorse. It's a set in stone dynamic for him and he relies on it to function in the world, all you can do is cut him out of your life asap.

It's not about winning an argument, though. Maybe he's perceiving your questions as attacks. Don't ask in anger. Don't be accuse him of anything. Try a neutral tone. You could say something like I'm not happy living like this and I'm wondering if there's any way we can talk about what I've done to piss you off so much and how I can change. Put it on you. He may actually tell you. Otherwise you could find other roommates to share the rent with.

Exactly this. He is so insecure about other people but at the same time he thinks he is better than everyone. But you explained it better than i could. So there is no way to fix this ? Because i tried already and he became worse he abused me mentally more because i now let it slip and would try to ignore it but its just to much. I kep saying sorry to him even when i dindt do anything and he started cursing at me again for nothing but i stopped because it drained me

I know it is its about talking it out. But when i point to the issue or tell him what he does to him he feels threatened and just attacks. So it becomes not even a discussion but a worthless back and forth you do this well you do that you did that.

Okay so you have to leave for your mental health unless you want to use this opportunity to become a zen master.

>toxic person = narcissist

just convince him to chill out, right or wrong there's no reason to do extra shit like that
He may not give a shit about your feelings but he should know that he's being really lame

I know maby that is the best to part ways with him. You are right its mental abuse i just need to think about it how im going tk get this straight.

Another thing is he doesnt have alot of friends ( just 1 ) and couple of weeks ago i got through into him when talking he said he wants more friends.

So yesterday i took him to a friends house of mine and the only thing he did was when i was speaking to my friends he interupted and humiliates me.

Like an example

Me ( to my friend) : yes im really bad at lying so i mostly always speak the truth lol

My brother : wow you must be such a tough guy arent you ? ( sarcasm )

Me : well i dont know if thats tough thats just how i feel ..

Brother : okay tough guy keep talking

Dud you sound like a bitch and I'm sorry at this point in your life there is no cure for bitchery just either tell him to leave or you leave

Im not a bitch its just that i want him to be my brother and i thought i could fix it someway. Its not just a friend you can say goodbye to he is family has nothing to do with being a bitch

He sounds really angry. Might not even be about you.

Yo I'm a big brother
Relationships are about history, how you live everyday creates this history
When he does something to you to can either let it happen or not
So now how do you stop him? You've already tried talking it out civilized, so now you get savage
Let him know what you expect from him and what you with do if he doesn't live up to that
When he tests you, you must show him your word is law
Example: OP says "knock before you come in my room bro, or I'm gonna fuck you up"
When bro barges in, it doesn't matter if the house is on fire
you do what you said you would and bring him close to death

He is fucking with you because he can, you have to show him he can't

I understand you want to keep your brother but for you to have stomached this treatment for so long you are definitely his bitch
I'm sorry man not your fault probably due to your upbringing and lack of social experience with guys