Let's say, hypothetically, an anonymous poster met a female anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard

Let's say, hypothetically, an anonymous poster met a female anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard.
In this entirely hypothetical situation, the female poster ended up being underage (17) and from another country. And the male poster hypothetically continued to talk to her anyways. These two hypothetical characters end up connecting on a few different levels already after a period of only a few days. Is it wrong of the hypothetical male poster to continue talking to the hypothetical female poster with the hypothetical possibility of more than friendship? Hypothetically of course

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u a fuggin pedo?

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Not intentionally, I dont like her cause shes 17 I like her in spite of it, if that makes sense

thats it Im reporting you to the police

if you're 18 or 19 it's fine, but anything over that and youre a fuggin creep

Good luck m8 I'm using incognito mode

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If you're close to 18, no. If you're way older, yes.

In any case, DO NOT for any reason exchange nudes or sext.
Exchanging nudes with minors is child pornography, always.


i've track you down using the geotag of your images

the police will be at your door in 15 minutes

Is early 20s way older?


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Oh shit user plz I dont wanna go to prison theres other people in there

It starts to become too old. 20 or 21 is probably the older you should go.

Again, don't do anything sexual with a minor. Not even online.
It's probably worse if you do it online, owning child pornography lands you in jail while fucking a minor in many places doesn't.

Fuck. I mean it's not like I'm grooming her or whatever the term is. I just think she's cool in a way lots of girls arent
And thanks for stressing that so much, I appreciate it, but theres really no need since I'm not really a sexual person to begin with

you better start dilating your ass hole pedo because basketball americans are about to go to town on your lily white ass

what is that and why should i care faggot?

>I mean it's not like I'm grooming her or whatever the term is.
So you're not building an emotional connection with a minor you met online, with the intent of developing a relationship with her?
Because that's grooming.

I thought grooming was influencing the way she was raised to essentially manipulate her into a desirable partner that is attracted to you
Evidently grooming sounds much more sinister than it is

>Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
>Child sexual abuse, also called child molestation, is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation.
Child = anyone under the age of consent.

Shes over the age of consent for her country and frankly for some states. Besides, my intent is not to lower inhibitions, or do anything sexual. I'm more emotional and sentimental than sexual

Yes. Stop being a creepy wierdond invest ur time elsewhere

Like where?

What the fuck OP just dont do sexy shit until a year later. Nothing wrong with it
lucky man don't listen to the bitter faggots they are jealous

It's a relief to not be called a creep, thanks user. Obviously wont do anything lewd at least for a year

If they're into each other, I don't see why not.

it all boils down to how far they'll take it

>it all boils down to how far they'll take it
How do you mean? Already not intending to do sexual with a minor if that's what you mean

If only there were laws which could easily tell you what is okay and what isnt okay...

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It's more complicated than that.

Federal law makes it a crime for American citizens and U.S. residents to travel—between states or to a foreign country—to have sex with minors (people younger than 18 years old), even if it's legal in their country.
On top of that, it's always forbidden to possess sexual photos of minors. Even if you're 17 and your 17 year old girlfriend sends you nudes you still own child pornography.

Good luck trying to prove the dude travelled to different country just to have sex. Unless OP is absolute retard who will stream the sex to twich and his personal facebook.

>child pornography
Simply dont save her nudes.

>Even if you're 17 and your 17 year old girlfriend sends you nudes you still own child pornography.
I still think this is one of the most bullshit laws, one of my classmates in high school got in trouble for this shit

I think that guy was making a point about how ridiculous and stupid some of these laws are, since he included the 17 year old child porn thing