Would you rather make babies with a degenerate white girl or a traditional brown girl?

Would you rather make babies with a degenerate white girl or a traditional brown girl?

Which option bodes better for the future of our political and social wellbeing?

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I like her TAR TAN

Fuck off, leaf

Is it a question that we /need/ to consider?

No. It isn't. Third option, make babies with a moderate white girl.

I don't want to pay child support to either

Leaf weighs 2 shitty options. Americans choose what is best.

Coffin on wall. Single bed. She clearly still lives in her teenage bedroom at mum and dad's.

I like my women to be independent.

>race mix or
>have a chance at re-educating a white woman back to her true ancestral roots
>Have a chance a making a good family

id rather breed the biggest white whore than breed with a nigger

A degenerate white girl because at least the baby won’t have identity issues

Neither. I prefer yellow.

Yep and to top it off the baby has fetal alcohol syndrome. I don't accept either op. I have standards and if I can't find a woman that lives up to them I'd rather stay alone.

White is not a color you fucking leaf, whites are not people of colors they are made of pure energy

>I like my women to be independent.

>i like my women to be complete trash

Oh look it's this thread again.

How fat are you? My gf and I can fit on a full size.

who cares all women are shit

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Do you want to carry on your bloodline or not?

wow she can make nice looking white babies? WIFE MATERIAL

Degenerate white girl all the way, not because of race though. Crazy tattooed chicks are usually really kinky.

degenerate white girl who I could redpill with my cock

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That baby looks happy. His smile is making me smile :)

Degenerate white girl.
No question about it.
White DNA can overcome a bad mother, and good traits can skip a generation.
I would just make sure I was a good influence in the kids life.
White DNA has the spark of God in it.

Nigger racemix thread again

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Degenerate white girl for sure

The one who is actually faithful to her family

degenerate white girl hands down


Degenerate white. After 2 generations the kids might be based.

My mind says traditional brown, but my dick says degenerate white.
The bell curve says degenerate white also, so....

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Neither. I would make babies with a traditional white girl.

Would you eat shit or drink piss? Neither I would drink water. Kill yourself faggot.

In alot of cases degenerate behaviour can be unlearned you cant teach a nigger to not be a nigger