Women who don't have time to text

Women piss me the fuck off, they have time to use the phone, browse all social media, use it everywhere they go, but cant call or send a quick message.

Get fucked, whats wrong with them?

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Why would they waste energy on *you*? You are worthless to them. Literal scum that they can ignore to make go away. Shut the fuck up, ugly. You aren't worthy of their time. Stop creeping them out, incel.

Fuck you bitch, reply to me in a timely fashion.

I'm a dude who's unattractive. I was merely sharing what the roasties will tell you. We are worthless. Genetic dead ends. Find enjoyment outside of females or live a life of outward disappointment

It's not that they don't have time, they don't want to talk to you.
Find a woman who wants to talk to you instead.

based and blackpilled

not op but what if a girl took hours to respond and then replies "how shes so sorry"... what do i reply with? should i just ignore that part, and answer the question she asked?

.t autist

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Yep, women are eugenicists and if you can't provide them top quality seed they don't want anything to do with you romantically

Yea ignore it and if she takes hours to respond again, go no contact

i dont know user

girls dont text me

It means you are a secondary concern to her. However, she still wants your attention and tries to make you believe that you are actually important, which is a lie, but seeing as you'd ignore her if she wasn't interested in you, she has to lie.

Yeah. Women determine who is fit to breed and sculpt the future by opening their legs for who is worthy.

She literally was at work, user. I sent a message, i didn't mention anything or say "it's okay", just answered the question and was flirty.

It didn't bother me about taking long to message, and i don't want her to think so so i ignored it.

Women text at work all the time. You are an afterthought

shes very shy, user. Worse than me.

Doesn't matter. That's probably a front anyhow. If it boosts her social image, she'll do it. Just accept it. If you can get sex of her, be grateful, but do not fall victim to delusion or false hope

>Women text at work all the time.

i dont

Yeah, you don't text the guys you're not attracted to.

this guy knows whats up

To both guys i'm attracted to and guys I'm not. Freaks and self haters like yourself i take days.

It's because you're boring user. They don't wanna talk to you

As it should be

You don't have to lie on here roastie. No one knows you here and therefore no one can negatively impact your social image.

Keep coping, losers. Last time i checked my phone was 2 hours ago.

>doesn't text guys she's not attracted to
Really showed me up, didn't you?

So women don't want to talk to you and your conclusion is that there's something wrong with them? Lol

This. You are literally worthless op. Stop wasting girls' time

>tfw she keeps replying TOO fast

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Stop victim blaming