How do you make peace with never amounting to anything in life?

How do you make peace with never amounting to anything in life?

I’ve known all my life that I can’t math, a STEM career isn’t for me, I even went back to high school for a while to try and study chemistry to be certain. I cannot indeed do STEM.

I always thought I could be an artist or a writer, but years of hard work have proven that no, I really don’t have the kind of novel vision, ideas or great ideas that it would require, and forcing myself to shit out utter fucking garbage that literally nobody will like or want only actively makes the world a worse place to live for everyone.

Running my own company is out of the question, I’ve seen what a hell on earth being an entrepreneur is, and having children is beyond even consideration.

How do you accept failure gracefully and be happy while living with the knowledge that you’ll never be anything at all?

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well i dont really care user

why do you care so much?

If you're as much of a hard worker as you might believe go into the trades

Also, math isn't easy for anyone; some people might enjoy it more than others and other people might have better educational backgrounds that give them the advantage but math takes a lot of time even for bright people to learn.

Is being in trades really anything?

I’ve met the kind of people who take pride in being the best bricklayer or AC installer in town. How is that any different from being the best in doing factory work? Anyone could do it.

Worthwhile things are the things that literally any joe on the street couldn’t do.

>I always thought I could be an artist or a writer, but years of hard work have proven that no, I really don’t have the kind of novel vision, ideas or great ideas that it would require, and forcing myself to shit out utter fucking garbage that literally nobody will like or want only actively makes the world a worse place to live for everyone.
Seems like you immediate want end result than constant improving

The only book draft I ever managed to wrangle out of myself ended up being over 600 000 words long, and now that I’m trying to edit it, the entire thing is utter garbage. It took me seven years to write.

When I say I’ve put in the work and effort, and honest to god simply don’t have what it takes, I mean it.

>Anyone could do it.
Then why don't you? It pays really well, if it's as easy and low skill as you think why don't you have a go at it? :^)

A carrer is not everything in life, you are not worthless because of that.
Just get a job, it really doesn't matter which one as long as you durable for you to do and makes you some money. It doesn't even have to be a lot.
After that, why are children beyond even consideration?
Find yourself a bride.
You can become a family men, a father to your children, a husband to your wife. Someone even the extended family and friends could rely on. How would that be worthless?

Because that is not what I want to be in life. It makes no difference to me whether I’m working in a factory or a trade, so why go the extra mile to a direction I don’t want to go?

Okay let’s see what I can list on the top of my head

1. I’m completely infertile
2. My mental health records would bar me from adopting
3. My criminal record would bar me from adopting
4. I get physically violent when sleep-deprived, to the point where I’ve endangered family and pets
5. I hate mess
6. I need long spans of silence and solitude, and can’t stand being interrupted
7. I hate the sound that children make
8. My bar of when violence becomes a solution is much lower than small children require
9. My partner wouldn’t be the type to defend the children from me, nor have the courage to leave me and raise them with a stepfather
10. I don’t want children

Should I go on?

>Should I go on?
No, you should definitely end your life right now

>if you’re not breeding you shouldn’t be alive

When did church grandma opinions become the highest edge?

no matter how much of a failure you are you're still better than Hitler or some serial killer who ruined their own lives.
If you think you cant do anything on your own then be a blue collar worker and let other people's lives decide yours.

Sounds like you're a little bitch who would wash the fuck out if he tried a skilled trade but looks down on tradesmen because they have high testosterone and don't carry themselves like college-brainwashed betas




Sit the fuck down.

It literally makes no difference to me whether I’m fixing toilets or working in this factory. Why should I strive for something I don’t want?

Fuck you
You just have to stick around longer than anyone else and you will be the best
Go do STEM just because it's your weakness

I flunked high school level chemistry classes because no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t wrangle a subject I hate so fucking much.

And what do I win if I get a career in something I hate and I’m not good at? To do that shit for the rest of my life?

I’m not going to get a nobel’s prize in astrophysics. There’s no point going out of your way to choose the thing you fucking hate the most, trust me I’ve tried.

So, the typical things that people consider "amounting to something" don't qualify in your book. What does? Also why do you feel bad about not amounting to anything when nothing really qualifies in your book?

Some of these are actually good
Because of all these reasons you have many excuses not to have kids (and with your mental health you likely shouldn't anyway) so you don't need to climb that social ladder
This means you only need to make enough money for yourself for the rest of your life and that is beyond okay
As you grow older you will tend to care less and less what people think of you, and since your expenses won't be as high as all the yuppies, wagies, and normies trying to climb the social ladder, you'll be able to work less often and enjoy the simple life; basically whatever makes you happy

Remember, social status is all relative.
You don't expect the starving boy from India to become a multi-millionaire, but if he does is social status climbing becomes a story in itself
Thusly, if you can get your life together and hold steady job and make enough money for yourself to live comfortably despite your anger, then your status will be relatively high

Quite simple. Walking isn’t an achievement because anyone could walk. Things that anyone could do if they felt like it are not achievements.

Can somebody really be content with that kind of a life? A meaningless life that will amount to absolutely nothing?

Why not just jump off a bridge tomorrow, if it makes no difference.

>muh hard work fallacy
You dumb nigger yo

I used to think STEM is about math, physics or science in general. I was (and still am) very good at all the science and engineering stuff. Was top of my class. STEM is not about S, T, E or M, in the real world it's all about business. I learned that the hard way and decided never to work in STEM ever again. Very high responsibility, I just don't understand the meme (it's good cause big carz and houze lul xddd). You literally can't sleep if you're a decent human, but muh you get 10% more moneys (maybe)

I hate business shit with the fury of a thousand suns, too.

You sound like your parents coddled you too much growing up. It's not like you get a prize in life faggot. Theres a million idiots like you out in the world who are poor and have no skills because they're afraid of even trying anything. I think it's hilarious that you look down on trades but are too fucking tarded to even pass a highschool chemistry class. Life is very unforgiving to "smart" people with zero work ethic or drive

>le trades meme
Kek fuck off grunt

How's working at McDonald's and living with your mommy you fucking loser. What makes you think I'm a grunt and not the guy sitting in an air conditioned trailer telling grunts what to do? I'm crying over all this money and freedom I have

Haha by your sperg you do reveal yourself