
I’m an arab muslim Female and I live in the US. Now that everyone hates my religion because of everything that’s going on. Should I end it all? Or convert?

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No you're a mossad shill.

Christchurch - Mossad
Notre Dame - Mossad
Ireland - Mossad
Sri Lanka - Mossad
The Next White Nationalist Attack - Mossad

The United States should declare war on israel and kill you all. Trump should order our special forces to assassinate Yossi Cohen and his family.

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Catholic is the only religion

fuck off kike

Hello miss lady, in order for us to direct your question to the appropriate agents, we first need to see your nipples so as to grade the severity of your case.
Timestamp those titties.
Date the double Ds.


You can do what you like. It's a free country.

Why is there an uptick in jewposting around here? They know we can smell it, it must not be very effective so they are trying to step up? One wonders

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convert to the one true faith

I see that you've ignored the format of this board and I've had to internally escalate your case.


Become a porn actress. Share with your family.

Good Bye now

I can assure you that your religion has not become more or less hated than before.

In the rare case that you are not an NPC you should simply phase out of your religion and become a normal women. Just because you leave your religion doesn't mean you become an immoral slut, just means your following your own path.

But you're obviously a filthy, hateful jew.

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another JIDF mission aborted?

Being an Arab Muslim doesn't mean you can ignore the rule applied to FEMALES.

At least you're not a Christian. People REALLY hate them.
> Radical. Easter. Worshippers.

And than everyone clapped

Sorta? I believe in some Christian beliefs and some muslim. I’m a little confused at the moment. Lol

Insallah, at least live stream it you whore


>I’m an arab muslim Female and I live in the US
leave , you don't even call yourself American you'll feel better in your true home

Thanks for the input.

We're not at all. Tits or GTFO.

You should have said, "I'm a muslim, rtc. rtc. etc." Instead you led with being a woman. Being a woman doesn't matter on the internet.

Learn the rules.

Tits........... now.

Just stop believing the bullshit.

Religion is for old/stupid people.

What is needed is a secular ideology that encourages stable healthy families with above replacement birthrates and eugenic selection.

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Repent, for the KIngdom of Heaven is near.

Post your bald pusy

be an atheist/humanist.

I am repenting right at this moment. Thanks.

When in Rome do like the Romans. If you want to be a fully muslim woman go back to arab country, if you want to keep it to yourself on your private time that's fine too.

you need to go back. far far away, and never think about my country again.

but if you wanna stay, get a hysterectomy and fight the jews... i would be cool with that

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I'm going to be nice. Not sure why.

I left the religion I grew up with as a young adult. I went through a period of agnosticism and then finally became a Christian. Not an especially good Christian, mind you, but whatevs. Obviously I'm biased about other religions, including Islam, that's sort of what choosing one implies: that you think the others are false. My own decision wasn't really motivated by the hatred others felt for my religion, it was based on doubts I myself had that became more strident the more I thought about them. Do you feel any of those? Do you, perhaps, wonder how a righteous God could order his people through his prophet to murder infidels who haven't done anything wrong? I know I would in your position. These are the kind of doubts I'm talking about.

If you find yourself feeling doubts of this kind, explore them. Read authoritative responses to your concerns from intelligent religious authorities who have doubtless addressed these and other issues. Do their arguments seem persuasive? In my case, they didn't. Still, ultimately all religions will leave you with issues and doubts, and yet having a religion is almost certainly better than not having one.

fuck off kike

Thanks, I do wonder that. Trying to find the right path, doing some research tonight.