Islam isn't:
Islam is:
-social order
-balance between sexes
Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."
Islam isn't:
Islam is:
-social order
-balance between sexes
Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh Taqiyya
Taqiyya is what every one does- the sexes lie to the other, Blacks lie to Whites, children lie to adults.
All groups lie to the other, when not in power.
And when they are in power, they have the right to control politics- majority is majority.
No need to focus your energy on Muslims, niggers, spics etc. focus on who’s letting them into our countries and why
>White Islamists must behave like Brown Islamists
Wrong, friend. We recognize that race matters- White Islam will be the world's premiere Islam.
Mashallah brother.
All of America will choose to follow Allah, as they see that our way is THE way.
>muh Jews
Reality is not a conspiracy!
Muslims are not evil, that's just what the USA wants you to think...they don't want world peace!
Truth is that here in Toronto we already make progress. We are intergrate and earning trust. Trust which we will keep- we're not evil, just our way is different.
Mashallah brother.
Americans don't realize that Islam is practical- it's a guide to raise families. Freedom means nothing if it's only freedom to be hedonists.
Did I mention Jews. Yes they hate whites and actively pour money into ruining our countries but they need collaborators who are white
>"what many people choose."
Can a muslim choose to convert to Christianity ?
What happens if a muslim woman chooses to marry a Christian ?
What about divorce ?
This whole Islam thing is a load of bollocks really isn't it ?
>trust and cooperation
We will bring the next revolution, the premiere civilization- united people, united goal, united kingdom.
>muh leftists
Women love us because we're not embarassed for our strength. We're proud. We're what they say they fight- but they are really just testing us- it's a mistake to capitulate to a woman's demand.
>can an Islamist leave Islam
Sure- but you cannot maintain residence among us- you cannot achieve the benefit of Islam while denouncing it- try reading Hans Herman Hoppe.
>look at this passage
All faith books say evil things- truth is that it's the responsibility of faith leaders to choose what verses are valid for any period of time.
That wasn't the question I asked, you disingenuous faggot.
>faith books must be interpreted according to the environment
This is why we have Imams, to guide us. No man is an Island to himself!
Please, this thread requires respect if we are to make progress. When you throw dirt at another, you lose a lot of ground.
Lol unfortunately in our country there are traitors on both political sides. Women are naturally attracted to confidence and lower IQ people do seem to be more confident because they’re ignorant about what’s going on all around them. Idk about Muslims though, I’ve only known one and I bullied him because he smelled like shit
>what if woman want to leave
Women aren't like men, and are treated accordingly. You cannot have a civilization where women choose- they'll choose the enemy every time!
>Islam isn't:
Qur'an 2:191 "Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Qur'an 3:28 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Qur'an 3:85 "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable"
Qur'an 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Qur'an 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than Qur'an"
Quran 8:60 "Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Qur'an 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them"
Qur'an 9:5 "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels where you catch them"
Qur'an 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Qur'an 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them"
Fuck off
It's true that most Muslims are as intelligent American Blacks- but notice that you need not import Islamists in order to have an Islamist nation! Choose Islam, and American will rise again. Consider the alternative...look at what will happen to America, even without Islam- the die is already set.
Islam is Cancer
>flaming homo singlehandedly fucks entire islamist thread
Yes, it's true that these are interpretation of the Qu'ran, and that they're accurate. However, consider that they have context- environments, like war, during which they're needed.
Look what happens when American maintains freedom to stop being a country.
While Islam is contrary to homosexuality, most of us will allow it IF it's kept very secret and you maintain your wife pregnant.
this is a terrible meme, it needs to be massivly compressed
Listen dipshit, if some muslim scumbag starts altering the question to fit his preferred answer, he gets called a disingenuous faggot.
You stupid fucking sandnigger.
Opinions other than yours are valid, sometimes even more valid. Consider that you only hate Islam because you are conditioned to.
Shouldn't you be covering your face while throwing faggots and infidels off of rooftops?
It's true that Islam requires women to be treated like children- given that they act like children.
Regarding homosexuality, such hedonism can only destroy a culture. Do you not notice that merely 10 years after you introduced gay marriage- that you now have young male children becoming drag queens?
>Shouldn't you be covering your face while throwing faggots and infidels off of rooftops?
Not when it's legal.
Say what you will about the chinks, they know how to stay ahead of the curve.
I answered your question brother. Perhaps you're angry that you have not the conviction to challenge the merit of my answer.
We recognize China's right to self-determination. We don't proliferate where we are disallowed.
The box contains an altar stone of Aphrodite that Abraham supposedly had sex on and Muslims used to kiss it hoping to ingest some residue of his fluids.
Oh please you muslims let Mossad divide conquer and prop up extremist groups within your countries and religion. Once you guys can get a grip and fight together against the likes sunnies and Shias alike then we’ll have a discussion about you now being low IQ monkeys
1400 years ago, life expectancy was mmuch less, and just because Muhammad married the girl doesn't mean he slept with her. Consider that you're pushing Western actions towards that of the holy one.
My question:
>Can a muslim choose to convert to Christianity ?
You changed it to:
>can an Islamist leave Islam
They are different questions Achmed.
Islamic people are not a monolith- struggles abroad do not require us to stop growing.
Infact, the Islamization of the West may well lead to peace in the Middle East.
>Can a muslim choose to convert to Christianity ?
Yes. Just not within our communities. Like I said, read Hoppe, re Covenant Communities.
>Islamic people are not a monolith
Truth! Too much has America colored us as a boogey-man, simply in order to cement their power over a dying nation.
Every religion has a time and a place.
Thread theme:
For the sake of Allah, we will march through the gates.
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death, just as you love your life.
We're the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We're the soliders that fight in the day and the night.
as if Muslims dont o even mor horrible things today. dont pretend islam is not cancer. Islam destroys everything it touches. we cannot advanced as a civilization until we deal with the cancer of islam and the parasite the jew
time to give you muslim rats some dank memes
the muslim brotherhood needs to be executed
IQ matters! White Islam will be little different than White agnostics.
more islam cartoons
This is not Islam. This is misguided people.
white Christians got us to the moon closer to the stars, No muslim has created such beautiful things
You can draw these lines the same with anyone in power. Powerful people move in the same circles, it means not anything
i understand jihad, goat fucker, you cant lie forever
Yes, Christians did such. With Arabic math.
Faiths each have a time and a place.
Jihad isn't necessarily violent.
deflect all you want amed, your death cult wont last. islam is from a dark time, it is not suited to a civilized intelligent world.
>religion is a guide to the physical world
Wrong. It's a tool for social unity. Look at the social disunity of your nation.
they are indian numbers, as always muslims steal and ruin everything and than pretend they invented everything
exactly, it's also incredibly passive aggressive and annoying. you've learned alot from jews and communists, you should be so proud. At least Freedom loving people are honest. you are a snake and a coward.
taquiyyah 1.0.1
> social order
> ballance between sexes
> more islamic lies to come, such as islam it the religion of peace
more lies!
>have context- environments, like war, during which they're needed
Fuck your pedo prophet.
our freedom and independent thought brought the world our of the dark ages and let us touch the infinite of space. The one muslim who had a great idea about light was thrown into a dungeon by the sultan. All islam does is burn and destroy.
The fact that Islamists need Imams to guide them through the Quran just so that their followers won't 'interpret' the 'out of context' verses not only says alot about your frankly backwards religion but about the general intelligence (or lack thereof) and fanatism as well.
Which you two quite well demonstrated by claiming Islam to be 'oh so peaceful!' yet forgetting about the socio-cultural and psychological consequences of indoctrination of the less intelligent of your folk to go on murder sprees, taking every verse out of context and therefore fucking up literally everything and everyone with them because 'muh Quran said so, therefore is acceptable!'.
No wonder people despise you, no less than 95 percent of your folk is backwards on all possible levels, why would you even have an open mind when an Imam will babysit you an explicitly tell you what you should interpret and what you should think?
Thats why Islam is full of shit and fanboys (you two are probably larpers anyway) such as you two should fuck offof this board.
Islam is fucking gay and for retards. Prove me wrong, goatfucker.
This is incorrect. This is Western history.
Then why do so many of them blow themselves up, rape women and murder people in the thousands?
Islamic doctrine says join or die. That's not a choice.
Armed combatants. Not terrorism.
>Fuck your pedo prophet.
K shill nigger.
Islam spans much time and people- bad things will happen.
Notice that the Talmud and Torah, and Bible, all are interpreted for any given time- religions MUST adapt to conditions.
Women have no agency, thus rape isn't possible. Try learning Islam.
In Christianity you're not allowed to deny your faith
>In Christianity you're not allowed to deny your faith
Strictly not, I suppose. But in practise..
Not sure if following a literral cult is a very good thing. Especially when your intollerant, backwards, anti-science brethen are killing the very likes of you just because they took some verses 'out of context'. The fact that these verses:
>Qur'an 2:191 "Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
>Qur'an 3:28 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
>Qur'an 3:85 "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable"
>Qur'an 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
>Qur'an 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than Qur'an"
>Quran 8:60 "Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
>Qur'an 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them"
>Qur'an 9:5 "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels where you catch them"
>Qur'an 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
>Qur'an 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them"
...are PRESENT in your book in the first place says more than enough about it. But sure, keep finding excuses for Islam when people in countries such as Iran want themselves to be liberated from your deathcult.
1400 years ago i doubt it was common for civilized men to marry 9 year olds.
>wear hijab
>hair is showing
Stone this woman
Imagine being such a pussy you worship a pedophile that was afraid of dogs because you’re afraid some shot skin faggot will whoop your ass if you don’t comply
hes going to try counter with something from leviticus or the kkk killing blacks for their skin. lmao.
Islam is not a choice- it's an eventuality.
All religions of tradition need to unite.
Organised religions are degenarate in general, but the christians don't find themselves to cause havoc and murdering their own brethen just because of 'wrong' interpretations of Quran. People who take Bible-verses out of context are few and far between, and those who do don't cause nearly as much pain as Muslims do in the name of God. That's your problem.
>Inb4 atheist fedora wearer
I'm agnostic and believe that people have the right to believe in what they want to believe, however logic, open mind and reasoning come first when it comes to most issues. Simply because they work.
You being led by your nose and not being able to think for yourself is the result your religious cult, but frankly you probably won't think about it because literally everything you've been indoctrinated with since birth will come crashing down on you harder than commercial planes on 9/11.
>All religions of tradition need to unite.
Mashallah brother!
>Christians don't kill each other
Not anymore.
It's always like that. Abrahamic cult one after another have proven themselves to be retarded, atleast Christianity has been separated from the state and isn't nearly as appealing to degenerates as Islam.
>logic and religion clash
This is incorrect. Religion isn't meant to explain science, but only to manage social issues. It's a mistake to apply religion to science.
Only 200 years ago were European immigrants to America killing those who did not attend church...people adapt, so will Islam.
Not nearly as many as Muslims, but sure, keep finding excuses just because your mind can't handle it.
By the time Islam adapts the whole Western civilization will be in ruin because of it. Don't you think it's better to think for yourself instead of following a cult? Ofcourse you don't.
You niggers deciding to post a dozen Muslim shit at the same time to slide threads. What are you hiding?
it will, but look around every shithole middle eastern country, SEA country, state religion of islam with priority and privilege given to muslims over any other people.
Islam offers a way of life- that people can choose- thus not a cult.
A cult is pure sacrifice- Islam is sacrifice for a social goal.
You mistake effort for subversion- and you'er wrong.