Guys, why can't I do it? Why can't I get a girlfriend? I've tried everything...

Guys, why can't I do it? Why can't I get a girlfriend? I've tried everything. I've tried every form of self-improvement possible. But I can't even get a date. Why is this?

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You need help
Post a pic or describe yourself

Tell us more, there's obviously still something wrong
what are your physical characteristics ?
I guess you tried online dating ?
what photos are you using ?

6 foot tall, decent looking, good jawline, good symmetrical well trimmed beard

I tried online dating. No girls respond to my messages, or they respond with uninterested sounding messages so I give up. I use photos taken of me in social settings

I've been using online stuff too, but it's special
Girls receive literally 100 messages a day even ugly ones, you have to stand out of the crowd with a nice first personalized message (most guys only say "hi" or "hey how are you")

They sound uninterested because of the number of messages they receive, or because you didn't fill your profile correctly
you must talk about your PASSIONS, because girls love this shit, if you're passionate about a subject she'll love it (History and Science work great because they don't know shit)

Photos: only put like 4-5 photos, only 1 or 2 in social situations (most girls don't like party animals) the photos must have good lighting, ideally no selfies, nice background
I have noticed that you must have both "face only" portraits and photos with your whole body in the frame

How many girls you ask out OP?

How many girls did you message?

You were unlucky and/or not fit enough.
So ends the bloodline of OP, last of his name.
Millions of years of evolution, it was only a matter of time.

The first step, and the hardest, towards bettering yourself in this situation is to realize one thing:

"Why can't I get a girlfriend? Tried everything...." - THOSE ARE FUCKING LIES.

You haven't tried everything, you're not the victim here and as long as you see yourself as the victim you will get absolutely nowhere. Sorry not what you want to hear but it's the truth.

Best tips I have if you wan't to interact more with girls, be it girlfriend or one night stand:
1. Practice more. You'll never get better by watching "Charisma on Command" all day. It's a skill you'll have to practice.
2. Hang out with dudes that successfully hook up with girls, their advice is often way more simpler than you'd imagine. Ask them straight up questions on how they do.
3. A dude from step 2 above will surely say all they do is "just talk to them". That's the thing - JUST TALK. Try talking to girls as if you're not into them / not trying to fuck them. If you talk to every girl with the mindset of "scoring" or "not fucking up the conversation so she'll maybe be into me", you'll just invest shitloads of mental energy into a conversation. And that's what it is - nothing more than a conversation.

And the best tip of all, the cheesiest:
Love yourself before trying to love others. Loving yourself always comes first and if you have insecurities your dealing with it will 100% ruin future relationship. Fix as much as you can with yourself before approaching dating. Take some time off, it feels like a race sometimes but you do you for a while.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

Do you make regular physical exercises? Hands one day, legs the other, running by mornings.

This seemed superficial, but the organism just clicks and you can even stop giving a fuck about gfs.

Bro I want to talk about my passions, but I can't even get to that point. If the girl doesn't respond to my opener, or she responds with just "yeah haha :)" kind of shit then the conversation will never get off the ground

Maybe about a dozen. I had a few dozen matches but didn't message most cause i gave up

All of my friends successfully hook up with girls no problem, they don't have any advice for me, they just do it naturally they say. I've been told "dude you're more attractive than me you should have no problem" by friends who make out with a different girl every time they go to a party... Yet I have never been on a date in my life...

I DO talk to girls "as if I'm not into them/as if I'm not trying to fuck them". That's all I ever do. But it never progresses anywhere. We have a good conversation, laughing, smiling, etc, and nothing comes of it. It's like girls just don't view me as a romantic or sexual option

None, i can't even get to the stage where i can ask a girl out. Girls shut me out before i can get to that.

>I've tried everything
No you haven't you fucking liar. You haven't tried shit.

What havent i tried?

>6 foot tall, decent looking, good jawline, good symmetrical well trimmed beard
All you described was your appearance.

Try working on your actual self.

>because girls love this shit, if you're passionate about a subject she'll love it (History and Science work great because they don't know shit)

Not OP, but does they really find History interesting ? The ones who don’t know anything about it, will be quickly bored if I talk about it, or I’m just imagining things ?

Any specific areas?

My social skills have improved leaps and bounds in the years since high school. Yet women still look at me with that same sexless look that indicates they don't even treat me as a potential partner.

>My social skills have improved leaps and bounds in the years since high school
X to Doubt

On what basis?

If anything you're just proving my point that this is impossible. It doesn't matter how much I improve myself or try, the fact that I'm a kissless virgin just makes everyone automatically think "there must be something wrong with him"

Do you like yourself? If you can't answer yes with absolute certainty, there's your problem.

First off you're trying way, way too hard. You're developing some bad habits, like over analyzing the crap out of insignificant things. (woman looking at you with a "sexless look") Secondly, stop online dating. It's a waste of your time. Humans are social creatures, getting to know someone naturally is what works. Thirdly, stop doing the cold approach. Very few people can pull that off. You need high charisma and strong self worth. Most people only ever try online dating and cold approaches, which have a ridiculously low success rate, then give up or get frustrated. It's like trying to play darts with your off hand.

I would recommend, first off, learning to be happy and comfortable with yourself and being single. After that, try getting to know girls before you ask them out. If she's a waitress, see her a couple times first. If she's in your class, talk to her more than just one or two times.

Most important of all, if you find yourself getting frustrated take a step back and ask yourself if you're doing this for the right reasons. You shouldn't NEED a girlfriend, nor should you want one super badly.

>Do you like yourself?
Yeah, I do actually.

>stop doing the cold approach
Where are you getting this from? I never ever said in any post that I do "cold approaching".

All I do is speak to girls like normal people. I go out with friends, go to bars, go to parties, and I talk to girls there - in normal social settings, where it's totally normal and expected to speak to girls. But the girls I speak to never show any signs that they are interested in me beyond just friendship.

>learning to be happy and comfortable with yourself and being single
I am. What I'm not comfortable with is being a kissless dateless virgin. I don't want to wait until I'm 25, 28, 30, whatever old age to just get a first date or a first kiss for christ's sake. That's ridiculous. Life isn't meant to be like this. I just want a chance.

>try getting to know girls before you ask them out
That's exactly what I do. I get to know girls, I speak to them as normal people, I make jokes, I find things we connect on. But they never show any signs of romantic or sexual interest, so I can never even get to the point where it's possible to ask them out. I haven't been able to ask a girl out in years.

>Do you like yourself?
>Yeah, I do actually.
>What I'm not comfortable with is being a kissless dateless virgin
This is called denial. If you wanna argue about it I'm not going to, Jow Forums is that way if you want to pretend you're perfectly happy and it's all women's fault.

The girls become interested in you only when you stop to be interested in them. It's pretty hard to accept but you must. When I actively tried to find a gfr I reached absolutely nothing. But when I had started to working on my own self the girls started to be interesting in me. Just forget about gfr shit. That is not kind of bad or strange when you don't have a gfr. Just live for your own self and your business with girls will became much better

Dude. STOP putting words in my mouth. I never said I blame women. I don't blame women at all. Stop trying to paint me out to be some "archetypal incel". I don't believe in any of the bullshit you're trying to pin on me.

I like MYSELF as a person, I like who I am, I like the way I look and I like where I'm going in my life. Being a kissless dateless virgin isn't who I am, it's just a predicament I'm in, and I don't want to be in that predicament.


Not if you manage to make it sound interesting, don't start a fucking chronology, just drop some info from time to time

What kind of opener do you send ?

>It's like girls just don't view me as a romantic or sexual option
Become a sexual option then, don't be shy to talk about sex

Are you kidding me?
12 girls total?
Wow you are a fucking god, a real Fabio...
you should message no less than 100 DIFFERENT girls daily
Spend no more than 10 minutes tops you are introducing yourself nothing more
Post results in 1 month

How can I talk about sex if I’m a kissless virgin? Won’t I just sound like a clueless child?

Join a pro-life political group. Not even trolling. They're like 80% women and all desperate to find a nice, like-minded conservative man. Even if you're not, just pretend and use the opportunity to meet women.

I’m not gonna do that. I’d find those women insufferable.

Women aren't overtly sexual past like 18-23. For whatever reason once they get out from under their same age strata and have to interact with older women they start to clam up and focus less on sex. After 30 they will either be married or be defective in some way. How old are you user?

I’m 23.

Focus your search roughly 2-4 years younger than your age. Relationships with a small age gap are better than dating inside of your cohort. How long are your dating profiles?

Even girls of that age range don’t seem interested in me at all.

I’ve only used tinder and bumble so I don’t have long profiles

Seriously dude, just have sex with one woman (any woman) and you'll feel so, so, SO much better.

Your first time will suck. You won't be good at it. And she will judge you negatively. Just fuck someone who doesn't really matter and move on to real relationships.

I'm telling you, women can smell the desperation, awkwardness, and lack of self-awareness. You're a fucking child and they can tell. All that disappears fast when you get laid, even if it sucks and you hate the person.

>source: I'm 30, had multiple relationships, now married, have watched many relationships succeed/fail, and know multiple people who are still virgins at my age. Don't fall into the last category

Okay. That’s great. Unfortunately no women show any interest in having sex with me so I can’t do that.

I just noticed I never even tried. I mean, I see everyone here talking about messaging 100 girls and here I am, having literally never messaged a girl with second intentions.
I'm not bad at talking, so maybe if I tried... But how I try?

Attached: yeah.gif (234x249, 269K)

You're refusing to go where women are so it doesn't seem like you're trying that hard.

Try fitness classes, political groups, young social offices, young professionals meetups, concerts, running groups, cooking classes, bartending classes...

I’m clearly not refusing to go where women go since I’m around women a lot of the time

The women I hang around with just don’t show any romantic interest in me. Guess I’m fucked

Keep your profile to roughly 50-100 words. Your profile needs to have a competent headshot. I would pay for a photographer to put together a decent headshot.

>Even girls of that age range don’t seem interested in me at all.

When you are talking to women after you use whatever opener you have for them, try and pivot the discussion to sex vis a vis talking about how many kids you want to have. Since you are single and looking the implication for a woman will be that you want to fuck but you are looking for something more serious than a casual fling.

>Your first time will suck. You won't be good at it. And she will judge you negatively. Just fuck someone who doesn't really matter and move on to real relationships.

Your advice is terrible. You are assuming that the OP has just had a pussy waving in front of him this entire time that he just needs to stick his dick into. I don't think that is his problem, I think the OP never lets women know they are interesting to him and then gets put into the friend box.

You're not going where *women looking to meet dudes* are. It doesn't matter if you hang around women all the time. If they aren't showing interest and have no friends to introduce to you, they're not remotely helpful for your predicament.

No place I have ever gone has led me to women who will show interest in me. Even when I go to bars where everyone is looking to fuck, it’s like I’m invisible to girls. My friends cop off with girls out there and I’m left alone cause no girls consider me an option.

Then foster hobbies that help you establish an identity where you can find women in a particular niche, whether that be religion, politics, lifting weights, running marathons, drinking/making wine, or martial arts.

It doesn’t matter what I do. I have hobbies man. Girls just don’t show interest in me. They see me as a friend and nothing more. It’s as if god cursed me with the “sexlessness disease”

List your hobbies, user.