Why is there an N word pass if the word is so bad?

Look idk what other image I got to use, so here comes The Hammer!

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no one is answering?


well i think it's because it's a retaliation over centuries of injustice. But still if it's so bad should not no one use it?

yea that word, or nigga

I think "N-word" is worse than "nigger".

>well i think it's because it's a retaliation over centuries of injustice. But still if it's so bad should not no one use it?

If anyone wants people to stop using it, it's better to let people say it and get it out of their system. Then the word would lose all its meaning. Notice people hardly ever refer to white people as crackers because nobody cares if you say it until you're blue in the face. Oversaturate people of it until it gives them fatigue. THAT's how you stop people from saying it.

Because black people don't care about the word itself, they just don't want to let white people feel like they're even equal to them, except for the few who earn their respect well enough to earn an "n word pass"

Basically racist blacks feigning offense over a word they can't stop fitting into every sentence they speak.

good point, though not sure about what said, but I do notice that.

is dat sum thirteen ghosts?

whigger's also hateful. makes me cry gay tears

Attached: gay tears.jpg (391x379, 40K)

yea, i chose this guy cuz in life he was a noble, respectable blacksmith who only killed his families' murderers and the law was corrupt. Hence why you see him so screwed up.

>the black guy is the only ghost whose crime is justified

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well yea, but The Great Child was excusable, because some of his enemies and tormentors killed his midget mom in the night, and he was severely mentally handicapped. So his' crime was also understandable.

If you saw the backstories you would understand.

nice man, nice above average horror movie too, im getting the dvd so i can watch them mini stories shit is fascinating

yea what's better is that it's kinda light. most of the living characters were trying to do right, it's pro family and doesnt take itself too seriously.

Also Monk and Shaggy are in it, as the dad and psychic.

i did
a retard losing his shit isn't the same as a set up justification though
don't get me wrong i liked the movie, it's one i saw as a kid and got the shit scared out of me and then saw years later and thoroughly enjoyed reliving the (lessened) experience

you're not wrong, but he's understandable because of obvious reasons, so he probably thought all the circus was in on the mother's death, since that's just how fucked up the place was

can we get back on the nigga pass?

*huff huff*
Batman! I don’t an n-word pass!

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>though not sure about what (You) said, but I do notice that.

Consider this video:


This took place at a Kendrick Lamar concert. He invited a white fan on stage to rap his song, she recited the lyrics that he wrote, and then the black audience went crazy and Kendrick kicked her off the stage. There's absolutely no reason to think she was a racist or had racist intent by singing the lyrics as they were written (by a black guy), she was clearly a fan of his music given that she knew all the words, and yet the blacks heard her saying "nigga" and thought "oh hell naw, she's not one of us, put that bitch in her place, she doesn't deserve to use 'our word'."

yea it's a load of shit

funny, since while blacks obviously have and still do go through a lot of shit, this is not excusable

if only we humans would think with logic more than our emotional side, the world would be better off

joker i give u the nigga pass

>blacks obviously have and still do go through a lot of shit
Self-inflicted shit for the most part.

i woulda probably called them all out for their hypocrisy and herd mentality

eh, slavery and jim crow was not self inflicted

Not Jim Crow (although today they self-segregate anyway) but slavery was blacks selling blacks into slavery. I'm speaking more about modern times though.

somewhat, though their descendants suffered under whites (not all whites)

Wageslave are so broken they can't breed.
Slavery was not bad comparatively.

And some of their descendants caused suffering and owned slaves themselves, and some whites have suffered under other whites. Speaking about the people currently existing, they tend to cause their own problems by refusing to integrate or even learn from white people, and just revelling in their own destructive culture

but i get tired of blacks using their power

no other racial group does this, not as much as blacks anyhow

>i get tired of blacks
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Enward Kneegrow

lol, nice pun


no u wont

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it's hammer time!