Accept that im dumb

How cam i deal with the fact that im just born slow? I will always be dumber than everyone else. I am incapable of learbing programming but i dont know what else to pursue other than a tech job. I have a bachelors in cs. I got fired from being a busboy. Thats my level.

I wish i was never educated. Its cruel to give people like me a taste of something they cant have. I should have been a mindless soldier

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Don't know what you want from us. You have a big ego swelled up from your Western upbringing. It hurts to accept you aren't as great as you were told you were, but you'll settle into it. That ego will deflate, one day you may even be content with your life. Just be polite and shut up about it in the meantime.

Are you dumb or so anxious over being dumb that you fuck everything up?

The brain is just an organ, like your eyes or your lungs.
It's used to troubleshoot problems, and it's not as important as you think.

You aren't your mind, it's just one part of you that everyone focuses on too much.
Don't be so neurotic, life is big but you're only looking at a tiny bit.

I wish

dont feel bad op, being a busboy is much harder than programming
if you already have a bachelors in CS go get an it helpdesk / callcenter job or go desktop support --> network administrator route. you dont need to program.

I dont know how.

Im reqlly slow. I cant do quick time events in games. I dont understand. I dont understand

Desktop support?

how do you get fired from being a busboy

You can always become president of the united states lol

[liberal audience laughs hysterically before bursting into applause]

Common things friends say who are all independent events:

Wow dude i didnt know you were retarded thats crazy

Fucking lol

if you gonna be dumb, you have to be tough. when you get knocked down you better get back up.

Im weak and lose are wrestles to friends gf.

Im virgin and never had gf. Why do i have nothing. Youd think id at least be strong or attractive to make up for it

hit the gym faggot. get big and smash.

I dont want to smash i just want a nice life with some kind of purpose. I went to gym once and got scared off.


what is the story behind that image did she really just kill a guy at a gun range that's kind of weird it's a pretty good place to do something like that though you guys should all play with guns more

Does a ram rue that it was born without opposable thumbs? Does it try to use it's horns to jump or swim? All things are simply born with a set of tools that they must use as best they can or die. It doesn't matter if you're smart or not, What matters is that you use yourself to the best of your abilities with dedication.


If you're half as smart as most people you'll have to work twice as hard. A dumb kid who studies day in and day out still has better grades than the average student. So long as you're not a literal retard you can make it, but itll be harder. Fact of the matter is, all men were not created equal, sometimes you have to work to be on the same level as your peers. Some people were born with the genetics for good looks, big muscles, and a keen mind. It'll take a lot of work to be on their level.

Same. Got bachelor in cs but cant code for shit. Im thinking about getting into trades or some easier IT job.

so hard on this.
Mugsy bogues bruh, dude was 5'3" and still made it into the nba. You can fucking make it coding if you buckle down on actually learning some code and applying it. You just have to actually make something from scratch. It'll be a bitch to not just follow along a tutorial but you can definitely do it. Just start out with a method. Maybe even something like math.pow. I'm not saying a program that uses math.pow but if you can make a method from scratch that does exponents you'll be a lot closer to where you want to be and a lot more confident.

This test is shit. Its like: "do you like to teach?" "Yes" "You should be teacher!"

Its not shit. Its the least effort you can make to discover career possibilities you havent considered before.

Its shit. Any test that still says stuff like "you should be a [college degree]-ist" is terrible

Do you have better one? Link or didnt happen.

your friend lets you wrestle with his gf?

You're probably not that dumb. Most really dumb people see themselves as intelligent.

>I have a bachelors in cs.

That's what I mean; if you're capable of that, you are capable of many jobs. There are people that are actually dumb enough to not be able to get a bachelors.

Not that user but I like the SLOAN one that you can find on similarminds. I like both tests but the one you posted seems more like "what job could you find interesting" while the one I'm suggesting is more of a "what job would actually enjoy doing on a day to day basis"

This is the one:

At this point all i have is a paper that says cs. No knowledge

Most jobs are experience based. Very few jobs actually use the textbook knowledge you learned from school. School is basically a filter to weed out the students who are less intelligent and/or driven.

You already passed the test, essentially; what's stopping you from getting a job in computer science?

I dont know anything

Do you have any hobbies user

You young? Most males don't fully mentally develop until their late twenties. If you feel that you lack knowledge, you could always pick up reading on the side. It won't increase your intelligence, but it will increase your knowledge.

I already read. There's no benefit to it on that level. All media consumption is equal.

Not really.

Im considering doing a program to acquire tech knowledge but I dont know what. I just want a job period to not be a failure. I dont really need the salary and have no passion. I made a seperate thread for that

Dude, there is nothing wrong with being a little dumb. As much as pencil-pushers want you to believe that value only comes from pencil-pushing, there are a host of careers and lifestyles that involve physical labor. Get physically strong and be a respectable, masculine man and nobody will care that you're not some computer engineer nerd (like me). In fact, this career path has a reputation for producing unlikable people. You're fine.

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Im dumb and weak and I cant have any kind of normal healthy relationship with people.

You have been Jew'd by a sick society. You're going to have to do some hard work to pick up the slack it left behind.

Start exercising and lifting weights. Light jogs and Stronglifts 5x5 will do. What are your problems with 1. male friends; 2. female friends; and 3. female sexual relationships?

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