/gioyc/ - Get it off your chest

/gioyc/ - Get it off your chest

Say it! Get it off your chest!

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It's your turn to say what's inside your head.

i'm more okay with being with a cute fat girl than i'd like to admit to other people.
also black girls

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I thought she was a blow up doll for a second.
That's way too much makeup.

>having to look away intentionally so you don't end up checking out little girls

>not just waving at them like a normal human being
Everyone knows.

I hate how shitty I feel in the mornings.

Dude people are way more self-conscious now I'd freak out a little if someone as little as looked at my kids

I want to find a nigger-slut who'll give me a rim job. Stupid fucking niggers.

Fat girls afe disgusting

should i shave my vagina? its so much fucking work to shave, itches like hell when it grows back, and i like the thought of being "natural" but i feel much more sexy when shaved bare. im a virgin and have no bf so what he might think or want isnt a factor, just what i think. but i cant decide.

I prefer not to shave but right before my period it gets painfully itchy which sucks and sometimes I trim it then.

If you plan on having sex, shave. If nobody's going to see your shit then don't. Makes sense, right?

true. but i post nudes online sometimes (a bad habit of mine) and i like to be clean then. idk why i have this idea that i have to have it one way all the time, i could just shave when i feel like taking nudes and then let it grow when i dont, i suppose

>but i post nudes online sometimes
Nice send one my way

[email protected]

Send some my way too
[email protected]

im at work rn but give me a few hrs and i'll send ya some xx

How do i order multiple rounds of shots for myself at a bar? I feel like it'd be annoying to the bartender to come fill a shot glass every few minutes

it's a green light, run away with me.

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Are you a nigger?

Did you know that The Birthday Massacre is from Canada? This is disaster, leaves are all around ugh

naw, i'm pretty much as white as it comes. only melanin i got is lots of freckles

I didn't know that. They're from London too. Finna listen to Science nao

I want a nigger-slut who'll toss my salad

I look like this IRL
What's a way I can do my hair and clothes so I look less like an emo and more like a really edgy person who isn't emo.

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London ontario is such a shithole
>t. Londonite

Thrilling and mysterious

slick back, stubble, same clothes.

Tbqh ye

Sounds e-boycore. Lit.

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>Wear clothes that fit you
>Wear lighter shades
>Drop jeans/dark pants for khakis
>Ask for a haircut that's short on the sides and long on top

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Oh fuck I didn't read your post my bad
Just cut yourself a lot and wear a ton of armbands and scratch your forearm at random times
Try to adopt the sanpaku eyes too

how do people get over the fact that everyone leaves at some point in their life. It just destroys me every time

>everyone leaves at some point in their life
They don't if they stick around
Gotcha there hun

Unless they die ofc

yeah? how many of those you got man? maybe your wife if you're lucky, maybe

I'm not really moving on or anything. But keeping myself busy and focused on my tasks really helps. Sometimes I get a little lonely and I remember you. But not always

I want to actually trust you. I don't regret it either. I think you've helped me in many days you won't truly understand.

A real friend is someone you can walk up to and talk like you last saw them yesterday.
I've got a couple of those I just like the loner laifu

Meant to say *ways

well yeah, it's not that at all. It's the fact that i physically get to hang out with them once or twice a year and it tears me up every time my vacation ends. I live far away from my whole family and friends and mostly cause they all moved from our town. I just miss the day to day hanging out and doing nothing

What would it take to get you to trust me, even just as a friend?

I like my gf's body more now she's stopped shaving her pussy and pits and put on 40 lbs. She's also happier because of it.

Who is this for?

Why don't you get friends where you're talking your education?
There's usually a couple of single or zero credit classes you could take

I'm just so fucking hurt. 13 years of friendship over in a moment. She lashed out, she hurt me out of nowhere, because she was having a bad time, I tell her I'm upset. She tells me to stop being "pissy." Then because I was on the phone to someone else and couldn't pick up your calls, within 10 minutes she tells me to cut her off. Because that's whats EASY for you. Then its ME who texts HER like a fucking dumbass trying to explain why I didn't answer the phone calls and SHE IGNORES ME. The one friendship in my life I thought I could always rely on. Fallen to pieces because she can't be bothered talking about any issues at all. But will happily hang out with her abusive ex boyfriend and defend what he did to her. I'm fucking sick of it

who says i'm getting education? That's actually the thing, it all just seems to fall apart after things finish. I had like 10 friends at high school, they all fled town. Almost the same in uni. Then i got a job in a small 4 person company. Make 2 friends, they leave after 3 years. And actually I miss my brothers the most and I can't really find new ones, those that i have were so ambitious they left so far away. It really stinks

>I can't really find new ones, those that i have were so ambitious they left so far away.
You should do that too

Are there any nigger-sluts that want to chat? Drop your kik

Head over to /soc/

what? go with my brother to usa? well, it's not like they give visa to anyone. He barely got it after a lot of work and he was really the best of the best at what he does. I'm more of a get-by guy and was always mediocre at my job. He's also in the stem field. The point is how to cope with stuff like that? Every goodbye sucks and i know we'll never live together again, never play games all night long and just eat junk food. growing up sucks. life really ends after 25

I don't know desu. I haven't trusted anyone in a long time. I know I can't do this here for obvious reasons.

I'll say this and you can take it as you want. But you could actually trust me. I don't know if I could say the same for you.

>The point is how to cope with stuff like that?
Stop coping ask yourself what your can realistically do to get there?
>He barely got it after a lot of work and he was really the best of the best at what he does.
Do you think you could do it? Why/why not?

I guess this means I can't trust you. And we can't be friends.

Let him cum in your ass it'll rekindle your friendship guaranteed

no, i could not get an american visa and a job. It's really notoriously hard to get it user. and also, that's not the point. we wouldn't live together even if i went there since he'll build a family there. It's just the fact, people go their separate ways, but i hate it. I'd like things to stay the way they are. I know it's all like "grow up", but my feels don't really listen to brain and logic, they just feel

>no, i could not get an american visa and a job. It's really notoriously hard to get it user.
Why is it difficult and what's the process?
>we wouldn't live together even if i went there since he'll build a family there.
You know it's not really normal to have a bunch of people crammed in the same house unless they're college students.
Not everything has to be white and black you don't have to either live as a neet or live with all your friends and family in the same house

Life is good but I sacrificed my social life for where I am now. Feeling lonely.

I think that I'm developing dementia. I can already feel myself slipping. My writing is gradually degrading with each passing day.

>can’t get laid
>turns up his nose at chubby tight pussy
>”why am I a virgin boi you guies?”

>Why is it difficult and what's the process?
it's difficult because most of the people in the world who emigrate want to live in the us. The thing is, if you want to get a job you need to either pay yourself for visa, or your company needs to pay for it. Logically speaking, why would anyone pay for me to work for them if they can get as good or better people in the us (who already are citizens)? You need to be the best of the best to get there. my bro worked >12 hours every day for the last 5ish years in one of the best european firms in a stem field. They certainly don't need a guy who is a mediocre kids handball coach (a sport no one plays in the us)
>You know it's not really normal to have a bunch of people crammed in the same house unless they're college students.
Not everything has to be white and black you don't have to either live as a neet or live with all your friends and family in the same house
user... i just miss my bro, he's the only person i could really connect with and i get to see him 2 times a year for a very short time. what's so hard to understand. even if i did go to live with him i'd miss my other brother who's here. We used to live together, all three of us, for 25 years or so. Of course it hurts to see someone 2 times a year who you saw every day for 25 years. there's no way around it

The other night some lady told me: "you're disgusting" simply because I lowered my sunglasses so that I may be able to see better in the dark. WTF.

>Logically speaking, why would anyone pay for me to work for them if they can get as good or better people in the us (who already are citizens)?
Not really it's swarming with 1st gen Asians.
>You need to be the best of the best to get there.
Just need a good cv with a good work experience or you could come over as a student and get internships in which case the company will give you a preference over others.
You're really overcomplicating it. Check out the cv's of the people who got in and try to build yours to match theirs

>i did go to live with him i'd miss my other brother who's here.
Nigga just make some friends and pretend they're your brothers


One of my psychotherapists once explained to me that everyone has narcissism to some degree. In fact, I've read that there's such a thing as "healthy narcissism". But nobody has been able to tell me where to draw the line between "healthy narcissism" and "unhealthy narcissism", everyone just expects me to figure it out on my own. So whenever I say anything even remotely positive about myself, I get put down. But I also manage to get myself put down even further by others even when I say negative things about myself. And sometimes people will compliment me to temporarily boost my ego, only to promptly put me down again.

This is all very confusing for me because I've already been officially evaluated by an actual psychologist for ALL personality disorders and mental disorders, and been told that I do NOT have narcissistic personality disorder (nor any other personality disorder whatsoever), but that I DO have major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder. So on the one hand people want me to accept compliments and to get better, but they also put me down every chance they get and won't let me compliment myself.

So rather than allowing myself be in a good mood (because I already know that my good mood will inevitably end), I simply force myself to remain in a perpetually low mood. I'd much rather not be stuck in a rollercoaster of emotions in which others get to decide for me when my highs and lows will be. I'd much rather remain in a low mood all the time.

>So rather than allowing myself be in a good mood (because I already know that my good mood will inevitably end), I simply force myself to remain in a perpetually low mood.
You have problems man

>So whenever I say anything even remotely positive about myself, I get put down. But I also manage to get myself put down even further by others even when I say negative things about myself. And sometimes people will compliment me to temporarily boost my ego, only to promptly put me down again.
Ez fix, don't categorize things people say as putting you down or boosting your ego

I've never judged anyone for the color of their skin, but after a woman of color I work with went to my manager about passively using the word "lynch" in a conversation with someone else and almost ruined my career, I can't help but latch onto the racist belief that many black people will look for any reason to demonize a white person.

I hate feeling this way. I'm disgusted with myself. For context, I was venting to another employee about an egregious mistake that a different department made (thankfully I caught it in time). My exact words were, "yeah, if that actually got posted [my client] would drive over here and lynch me." There was nothing remotely racially charged about the comment (although, admittedly, that's not a great word to use in the workplace) yet I almost lost my job over it.

Hell, if she had just approached me directly like an adult and said, "hey, I really wish you wouldn't say stuff like that," you know what would have happened? I would have apologized and made a mental note to never use that word again in her presence. Instead, she went over my head and now not only do I feel my job is in jeopardy, but I've been ostracized by the people I work with. There's this awkward tension that hangs over the department now because I guess they all think I'm a racist. Fuck.

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did you actually try to get us visa? you really are dense you know that? Some of my friends also had the idea it's no big deal, so i made them apply. none of them got it.
> 1st gen Asians.
yes retard, asians who spend 23 hours a day working, and none of them are fucking GYM TEACHERS, they are rocket scientists, doctors, engineers...
>Just need a good cv with a good work experience or you could come over as a student and get internships in which case the company will give you a preference over others.
again, i'm a gym teach and a kids coach and i'm 30, finished my education 5 years ago.
why do you think trump wants to build a wall? you think those mexicans are just retards? "LOL retards, why are you trying to cross illegally when it's so ez to get visa xddd"
>Nigga just make some friends and pretend they're your brothers
yeah, lemme just make some friends that are as good as the LITERALLY only person who got me ever and who spent every day with me for the last 25 years. sure thing, i'll be back in 2 lifetimes.

I don't wanna let you go.

In my whole life I've only ever had a two or three good (platonic) relationships with women. All of them were decades older than me.

I never had a good relationship (platonic or otherwise) with a girl/woman my age. It always ends badly.

Why not?

Why you so upsetti baby what I'm trying say is if you don't have the education or experience to get in get better education or come over for education in which case they can provide you with a temporary work visa which you could use while studying to land an internship which in turn will give you work experience that you could use to get a job to get the work visa.

You have to build up your education and work experience ladder just like Trump wants to build the wall. Might take a while but you'll be glad you made it rite?

I can't get education here since i already got one uni degree (it's shit, but you have to pay if you want a new one and my salary is so low i barely make enough to eat as is).
>come over for education
it's not that simple man. You never really tried any of the things you suggest, you're too green. it's not like they give it to anyone who wants it. for every one who gets it, there are 500 who don't
>temporary work visa
also very hard to get. my bro worked at fucking ubisoft (FUCKING UBISOFT NIBBA!!!!) and they were like: oh, you could get visa for 3 months and can't get even a temporary job here. They certainly won't give it to a 30yo gym teacher. You're really absurd you do know that right? What even is your point? you're just trying to make a sad man angry. It's not really nice of you at all.


I want to die, shit sucks, if i didn't live it such a fag of a country i wouldve shot my head off years ago
I just end up hating everything and everyone, i tried going to the psychiatrist/psychologist but it doesn't work, im simply not meant for life, i wanna get off this garbage ride

>I can't get education here since i already got one uni degree (it's shit, but you have to pay if you want a new one and my salary is so low i barely make enough to eat as is).
You done fucked up for life unless you decide to get a new degree and work through college
Nigga just be qualified for a job that'll provide you the Visa is what I'm saying

>and they were like: oh, you could get visa for 3 months
What kinda job was it? Was the job just for the duration of the 3 months?

>i wouldve shot my head off years ago
Where do you live

>Nigga just be qualified for a job that'll provide you the Visa is what I'm saying
nigga that would take eternity. i have 0 money on my account and getting a permanent visa even with a great cv and great education is one in a million shot
>What kinda job was it? Was the job just for the duration of the 3 months?
you're a bloody moron. He had a job at ubisoft for id, 3 years and just needed a visa to go to e3. He tried to get a permanent visa and they said "no can do boy, you're not good enough, you only worked at FUCKING UBISOFT FOR 3 YEARS". see what i mean retard? do you understand? do you? now fuck off, you have made it, GREAT FUCKING JOB!!! go give yourself a fucking medal, you have made a grown man cry and want to kill you, a kid. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get drunk and pass out while you enjoy your "victory" over me. come back when you get some real life experience. i fucking hate adv, if i asked how to cope with the fact that i'll never go to alpha centaury, you retards would suggest just to go to nasa, get a job (ez), invent faster-than-light travel and go there. it's not that hard. FUCK OFF IF YOU CAN'T GIVE ADVICE!

>nigga that would take eternity.
I now see your situation

>? now fuck off, you have made it, GREAT FUCKING JOB!!! go give yourself a fucking medal, you have made a grown man cry and want to kill you, a kid.
Nigga just come over here cuddle with a homie nohomo. It'll be alright

Why cant you contact them somewhere else?

dra åt helvete L om du vill att din linje ska rulla på, ring leverantören själv och sluta delegera skiten neråt. jag har gjort vad jag kan och det räckte inte så då är det upp till er att väcka polackerna så dom får laga skiten.
och du I som ville att vi skulle jobba helg utan att stämpla kan dra åt helvete din korrupta jävel.

I shall now sing the song that ends the Earth.

That that shit again and I'll cut you you sonovabitch

sorry but isnt this gioyc


I've recently learned that my Mother will die by the end of this year from breast cancer. I'm 23 years old. I love her so much yet don't feel sad. Actually, I feel relieved that she won't suffer further. While mum was being treated before her final prognosis I was worrying about her and the constant anxiety made me depressed. I started to talk Zoloft 50mg and it has worked stopping my anxiety, but I don't feel like a zombie. Perhaps knowing that this is a losing battle has made me accept her fate. I'm not sure if this is an appropriate reaction to have which makes me feel guilty of being cold and uncaring.

When she does pass away I want to absorb myself in uni, hobbies and gym to ignore the grief and better myself at the same time. I know mom wouldn't want me to be crippled by grief.

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So what's up. You going to be honest or not. Because I have a lot of stories I really need to share but I don't want to post this stuff if you're going to get jealous, bitter and angry. I'm not trying to piss you off.

>rent freeeeeee
Don't you have a job or something.........

I don't know why I want to be interesting. My coworkers say I'm simple and formal and claim that it's a good thing which they appreciate. I don't talk much and sometimes I fall into an observer state not really focusing on my own interactions.
I gym, learn languages, do well at what I like at uni, read ancient books, watch niche films I'm interested in and have some weird opinions but most of these are external interests that aren't coming from me being expressive.

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I just realized that my older brother is cheap as fuck. When I was a little kid we'd always watch two movies in a row, but he would always pay for only one, and we'd sneak into the second. Now that I'm an adult and have my own money I have no problem with paying for two movies in a row. He would also refuse to pay for any snacks, sweets, and/or soda from within the movie theater because they were "too expensive".

I'm tired of being alone
In my bed so cold
I want someone, to love, trust, live with
I a want to be held like I mean something to someone, I want them care for me
Why do I always have to give attention but never get it. Is there something wrong with me

I fucking started crying writing this

Jesus, I feel so alone, jesus I can't remember last time I got a hug

>He would also refuse to pay for any snacks, sweets, and/or soda from within the movie theater because they were "too expensive".
Well he's not wrong

You don't have to be expressive in order to be interesting. From my experience the most simple looking people are usually the deepest and truest ones out there.

What people perceive as interesting differs. Hard as it may sound try to accept that all people don't find the same thing interesting.

You know what's funny? All the courses that I made a fool of myself in are the ones that I got really good grades in.

I won’t get jealous. Say what you want. I want you to.


let us know tripfag. start from story 1. dont be scared of criticism, just go for it

Some guy called my duffel bag a "nice purse" yesterday. lolwut

*calling your bluff*
Share 'em
This whole larp reads like a fishing expedition.

Nah. I'm joking. I didn't meet anyone

How about y-you?

I can't lie I'm pretty embarrassed

About what?
You understand you changed my life right.

What about?

“What I know now vs 10-13 years ago is simply this… bars, woman, beaches, drink after drink, clubs, bottle service, trips to different cities because I had no responsibility other than work, etc… I would trade every memory of that life for a good woman that was actually in love with me… and maybe a family. I would add, don’t forget to actually grow up and start a family and take on responsibilities other than success at work. I am still having a little bit of fun… but sometimes when I go out, I feel like the guy that kept coming back to high school after he graduated (think Matthew McConaughey’s character in Dazed and Confused). I see people in love and on dates everywhere. “Everyone” my age is in their first or second marriage by now! Being perpetually single sounds amazing to all of my married friends but it is not the way one should choose to live their life.” (Anonymous, 43)