Don't you have at least a mother, sisters, and/or female cousins? Maybe you even have a gf/wife and/or daughters. I do see the quality of women is at a low in society, but it's up to you to change and fix that. As a husband and a father, what I'm trying to tell you that starts at a family level.
Why all the serious hatred for women?
Some of it is incel posting, other criticisms are deserved. Stop white knighting.
I want to clarify that I'm happily married and the father of two daughters. I couldn't ask for a better wife or daughters. I don't take a libertine approach at raising them and ensure they're raised properly. I can't fathom how some fathers are so weak and it boggles my mind. To be it is just innate. If your female family members turn out terribly, it's your and your family's fault.
How am I white knighting? If ensuring the well being of family entails that, then I'm doing that.
Nice larp, faggot
Nobody wants damaged goods, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, the juice isn't worth the squeeze, etc.
i do, im just pissed at the blatant misandry and double standards, esp since males have to put up with a lot and now all this is added on
it's mostly just salty virgins who can't get laid or maximum autismos
Because women can't handle the slightest bit of criticism and so are stuck on a constantly deepening spiral of self effacement.
If you are not a larper post a timestamp or gtfo.
it exists because faggots like you want to police it
>As a husband and a father, what I'm trying to tell you that starts at a family level.
This is not true. Women are what society says they should be, and nothing else. Ask yourself what you can actually do to correct the behavior of your women, legally.
If all the elites started saying women should be modest and traditional, they would be. Women strive for social status above all else.
I have a wife who is my goddess, I'm quietly aware of the significance that is a strong woman. Otherwise I find it inconsequential if just about all the rest of these females are virtually all garbage, for in the end they chose to be so low quality because it's 'easier.' Too many cheaters, slag, no-name losers with nothing to themselves but an empty heart and empty mind for anything to be done but have the kettle be called black.
>maximum autismos
Who also will never get laid.
Alright, give me 5 minutes.
Police what, patriarchy? It's the natural order of things.
Nice digits, but don't think it's that hard to get a gf. Well, I only had one.
They're damaged because their family is to blame. I don't have any sisters, but I have older female cousins. They were raised properly and turned out great. Wish they lived close to us, so they could be extra positive role models for my daughters.
I remember some of your posts from before. Can I ask how tall are you, user? I'm a manlet, so girls don't like me.
You started a thread accusing all of pol of hating women and you honestly don't understand how you're white knighting? Pol doesn't hate women. Pol hates modern degenerate culture, and women tend to be a product of the culture. The anger around here is largely backlash to what society has done to our women, not a hatred of women generally, incels excluded.
Lurk more newfag.
true. hence the reason they tend to hate women and are salty about it
So shouldn't you be trying to fix the nuclear family unit if you want to fix women? Remove the laws that are biased against men in court, remove the incentive for women to whore themselves out at a young age, remove the incentive for women to pursue a career over being a mother. Let me know how that goes for you.
As requested.
Men need to take charge again.
That needs to be corrected. My wife and I instill our values into our girls and make sure they're protected from negative influences. For example, we allow my girls to have personal social media accounts and monitor they're internet/phone use. I also can't imagine not knowing where they're at all times.
Women naturally want a strong leader and that includes my wife and daughters.
Ask her when you fuck her, if she would like a BBC.
Your daughters are gonna suck cock recreationally in a few years, that’s the leadership they want. Cuckold.
I'm tired of answering this question, women suck right now. They know they're in the wrong but also know the world is going to pander to them.
Like I said, it's the family's fault. If family unit was strong with a strong father figure, the culture won't matter that much. It would still be more just be like a hurdle to overcome. I take actions as a father to overcome it, because I truly care about the future of my daughters.
The nuclear family is important and women/mothers are the base of it. My point is you can't expect another person's daughter/sister to be in order if your daughter/sister isn't. I'm not worried about my daughters having strong families, but I'm a bit worried what the future entails for any grandchildren I will have.
Now post your daughters, tiger.
Be gone, chad
where did you meet your wife user?
>safety and future of muh womyn
If you really were a father, you'd understand that when something is threatening the things you love, you tend to hate and fight it.
Your passive cuck mentality won't get you anywhere and IF you are in fact truthful, your daughters will simply end up being material that Jow Forums will hate, lacking a stern father figure.
I'm happy for you and your wife. It's up to us to correct the next generation.
Nice projection, idiots. Whoever is sitting behind the screen is probably much worst than I can imagine.
Women’s suffrage is Jewish protection
I love my Mom but she is very bipolar or has some serious bpd. My Sister is a hyper normie thats dating a Jap. Every other woman in my life is so out of touch with reality it hurts. The only one that comes close is my Grandma and they dont make them like they did in her day.
Couldn't be happier on how they're growing up. They're little versions of their mom.
We met in highschool.
If you read the thread properly, you'd see I'm not passive, but very active in raising them properly. I'm far from a cock. I'm stern, but I'm also a loving father. I been a father since I was a teen, and had the same convictions before my daughters were even born.
Men are starting to become afraid. They're petrified at the prospect of Woman actually taking over society and making men their bitch. There's never been a greater FU to men for keeping women from becoming empowered. Equal pay, the right to vote, equal rights etc. It's glorious and I am in full support of women rising up and asserting themselves as the Alphas of this world. Its about damn time.
>The Chad patriarchy vs the virgin matriarchy
>Couldn't be happier on how they're growing up. They're little versions of their mom.
Give it another 10 years user.
I’ll let my sons marry your daughters if we can come to an arrangement.
Bitches run the world man. They always have. If we don't get out from under their thumbs soon the whole world is going down in flames.
Actually, my oldest is already spoken for. How old are your sons?
12 and 16. How old are your daughters?
Need at least 2 more children
Mine are about to turn 9 and 12.
It's been a while, but might try for one more, but have other plans at the moment.
Fuck off Chad and Stacey.
Can you expand some of these sayings pls
honestly you could do everything right and they still get fucked up. seen it a few times. There are many paths a person can take in life when confronted with issues of morality. And many times people learn lessons indirectly, and not always the lessons you're trying to teach them.
Who hates women, i love women.
I hate traitors in this country.
I don't love women simply because they are women.
I love people who have character, BACKBONE.
If you have none, you get no love.
T'aint my fault if thots can't measure up.
Why are you always wearing Lacoste in your pics, OP?
Get your entitled ass out of here.
Trust me, I'm going to ensure it doesn't happen.
Make sure the people around you have good characters.
I barely ever go clothes shopping. My wife does 99% of the clothes shopping along with my daughters and she buys my clothes. I don't always wear brand, though.
Before, I go to sleep I just want to say don't reply to that "Virgin Ukrainian Wife" thread. It's just so cringe and pathetic. Yes, my wife happens to be Ukrainian and we haven't been virgins since we were teens.
>Make sure the people around you have good characters.
I measure women a lot by their friends. Their friends are who they are. If they hang around with other thots, feminists, democrats, sluts, liberals, then she can die an old crazy wine aunt with her six cats. I'm not responsible for being the recycling program for the local aluminum vagina supply.
>Don't you have at least a mother, sisters, and/or female cousins?
Yes, and they all destroy everything around them.
There are no families in the USA, retard. Marriage is literally illegal here.
>t. nut
Chad thanks you for your daughters.
>Don't you have at least a mother, sisters, and/or female cousins?
My mother tried repeatedly to murder me. Not kidding. If you can believe a bitch can murder her kid through abortion, this sow tried to off me several times. My sister abandoned me and probably said less than ten sentences to me from the ages of 4 and 17. She ended up becoming mildly famous for almost murdering her kid to get a beer.
>Maybe you even have a gf/wife and/or daughters.
My best friend is a chick, but she's not cancer and I don't want to bone her, so that's probably why we get along. I led her to Christ.
>I do see the quality of women is at a low in society, but it's up to you to change and fix that. As a husband and a father, what I'm trying to tell you that starts at a family level.
It's not my job to "fix" anybody that don't want to be "fixed," Why is it a man's responsibility to fix a woman and not she herself? At the same point a chick will down and clown a guy's ass if he doesn't have his act together. So HE has to FIX HIMSELF, but is also responsible for her? Does this work for black people? Are some men responsible for the acts of others? I confus. No, actually I'm not. OP is an idiot.
You are in life primarily what you make of yourself. If bitches and hoes be bitches and hoes, that's on them. If they don't want to expand on who they are and be better people, it's NOBODYS job to force them. This isn't a slave state.
It's like the second episode of the show Scrubs. If you keep livin' and dyin' on whether people changes, you're not going to make it as a doctor. When they screw up their lives, you deal with that by avoiding them. And after you give them advice and they refuse it and get worse, you avoid them too.
Think about it.
Men are not the intergalactic janitors for women's lives.
Holy fuck, did you actually post a picture of your underage daughters here just because some random guy on an internet forum told you to? To what, make all the anons here think you're cool and totally not a degenerate? And you wonder why people are calling you a cuck.
I agree with the rest, if you're the primary male role model in their life, your daughters are fucked.
Seems like you had some issues.
Op posted other pics in the past, but their faces are always blurred out.
this and there is a lot od divide and conquer shills spaming women hat threads days in a row.
>Seems like you had some issues.
Don't you know it. Experience is a harsh teacher.
Because patriarchy was the most feminist model, which worked. The feminism we now have is unfair and I hate all women, who arent able to understand that.
Id est 99.9 percent of all women.
Just because some of the anons here point out how dumb and childish women can be doesn't mean we hate them you absolute cuck, Jesus Christ I'd beat the living shit out of you if you were here in front of me right now.
I guarantee you would be the one to get your ass beat.
That explains everything.
I'm below 6 feet.
Be happy you were born with above average genetics, otherwise only inceldom awaits.
>manlets on suicide watch
>Why all the serious hatred for women?
Hatred user? I love my wife and daughters.
So user, how do we fix the female quality problem?
To be fair, a lot of men get undermined by shrewish wives who prevent them from disciplining children effectively. If the men push back against this, the woman can simply cry 'abuse' and the courts will bend the father over and rape him into oblivion. Our legal system is heavily oriented towards emasculating men and destroying the traditional family. You sound like you got lucky with your wife, which is great, but not everyone else is so lucky.
I dont hate my mother or my sisters. They have never done me any harm. Women that act normal and treat me fairly will get the same in return. I am an incel due to my own autistic retardedness. But the whiny man hating feminazis or the hyper liberals hellbent on destroying my country, those I hate.
I don't hate women. It's just very tiresome seeing them destroying themselves because they buy into the globo homo jewish lifestyle so easily. It's like when your puppy pisses on the floor. You shouldn't be furious, you should be understanding, and realize that without your guidance the puppy simply doesn't know any better.
I cant wait to have sex with your daughters
best of luck with your daughters
Women were told men were attracted to strong independent women. They were also told the best men wanted university educated women, not a ‘dumb’ housewife who only knows how to cook, clean and sew. Women have been tricked into making themselves poor marriage choices by trying to be better marriage choices
women are collectivists. if i mutter about sluts my mom will say "surely thats not what you think about women" all distressed and worry faced....10 minutes after watching miley cyrus grind her cunt with a mic. i mean really you just saw what i saw you heard the lyrics but you are shocked that i make an honest assessment based on evidence at hand in this case peer reviewed? really? gtfo if there were justice females would have no agency they would be property for civilizations sake.
so better question why do you accept the state of modern woman as normal?
i cant wait to vote not guilty at your nigger wedding
Then this
It doesn't start at the family level because there is no family level. Traditionally men were heads of the family and the house hold because they risked their lives and their health to provide and protect and in return for that there was respect.
Now government has taken over those rules through force. They tax the general population to pay for any woman and her hell spawn children which means they do not need a man to rely on because they can leave said man and recover his money through the violence of the state. And family courts can strip men of the rights to see their children completely.
Face it, the state has handed women a gun and their finger is on the trigger, and there's nothing them stopping from monkey branching from man to man using the same gun over and over.
You can't fix that. You'll just get shot trying.
its faggots spreading propaganda to create incels that they can convert to more fags
Nice blog faggot
Cool lookin numbers