My sister started dating a Mexican Chad

How do I introduce myself and make him feel welcome to the family? (we're sort of Irish-American I guess. More generic white-American).

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Welcome him by tying a rope around his neck

suck him off

Deport his family

Stop posting shitty larps on Jow Forums for a start.

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Go up to him and tell him "I know you're not a chad esse"

Introduce him to your gf

call him pendejo
its like calling him a bro

try the hat test to test his patriotism.

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nothing to worry about user, hes probably a based magapede and proud mexican. Ask him if he has any relatives that look like pic related and tell him youre just trying to keep it all in the family ;)(make sure to actually wink)

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very original Jethro

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Wear a sombrero + poncho and offer him a taco when he comes over he'll love it.


Look down when I speak to him. Whenever he moves his hands for whatever reason be sure to flinch or overreact to his motions. This will give off the impression that you lack inner strength so he will naturally keep his guard down around you. When the time is right, you catch him when he's alone and he won't even think twice about it, that's when you drive your blade into his neck and watch him bleed to death.

when you speak to him*
damn phone
oh look satanic trips lol

oh look doubles now haha, can you believe it?

Go to church with your fellow shitskin

this is the real shitskin my friend

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Congrats and funny post dude!

>> mexican
>> chad

Pick one

Ofc the kike cries based.


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No just retarded, her, HER,shoulders are literally wider than the cuck in the picture. It's a damn shame she is so retarded, she has physical potential until dating a sub 100iq specimen. She only confirms her own retardation, such potential lost due to stupidity. Why does mother nature have to be such a cruel bitch to people like herself ?

Mexico has a macho culture

God I wish that were me

Rape him to establish dominance.

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>she has physical potential
She looks like a retard.

is he a white mexican? or a brown turd?

How do we stop white women Jow Forums?

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>She looks like a retard.
This is the part where she's cut despite her physical potential, can't save them all user and this mistake is quite literally her own choice. As said before, such wasted potential. It's a damn shame. Our species is known for intellect, not easy thots whoring themselves out to subpar specimen. Her children will serve well as another nameless peon and nothing more.

You have to kill him

beat his mongoloid ass, just start beating his ass

call him a hijo de puta, it's a pretty common greeting in latam countries

Yes my Lord.

>1 post by this ID
whatcha doin' juan?

lmao, why do spics always have such tiny ass pecs?

The swole left is here

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Irish people and Mexicans have a couple things in common to bond over: alcohol, crazy sports and fans, hot chicks and Catholicism. Also either the most hard working people or the laziest people there's no middle ground on that one. I'd just have a couple of beers with the guy and shoot the shit, play darts of pools is never bad.