Liberals are actually anti-wildlife after all

This faggot didn't let nature run its course and decided to intervene against a natural process.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-23 Patton Oswalt on Twitter HELP ME OUT SOMEONE This little guy is barely alive, (654x652, 736K)

liberals and denying nature, name a more perfect example of human hubris

Crows are scavengers and that squirrel is near death. Let nature run its course. This guy would probably try to help all the baby turtles get to sea instead of letting nature eat most of them as intended.

its a fucking squirrel, not a pet dog. holy shit this dude cuts his wrists for attention i bet

> be so much of a faggot you obsess over what a liberal is doing instead of improving your own life

You're the problem OP, not them. This entire board is filled with pearl clutchers like you.

this isn't a satirical tweet?

I heard that climate change skeptics are more likely to actually do good things for the planet with their actions than people more vocally opposed to climate change.

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>This guy would probably try to help all the baby turtles get to sea instead of letting nature eat most of them as intended.
thus throwing off the natural balance

these retards have no foresight other than how many potential social media likes they could get

>be so much of a faggot you obsess over what a liberal is doing instead of improving your own life
I can do both, you fucking retard.

This fat faggot will go on to complain about globhomo warming.

>not putting it out if it’s misery


Why haven't we domesticated squirrels, it's 2019 for chrissake

This thread sure is full of edgelords.

Yet he loves abortion, kek

>Murders wife
>Help, a squirrel is dying

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I wish Patton died and the squirrel lived.

i just chased away this shark that tried to eat this fish. I brought it ashore its barely breathing. All aquariums are closed anyone got a # i can call? 4am

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Lol, animal control will take the animal, it'll die, and they'll incinerate it all on our tax dollars because it has a fully tail. Meanwhile we pay people to kill mice and rats everyday.

Came here to say this

the world was better before modern medicine, the weak perished and the society as a whole was made stronger, we need to return to that Spartan model

Why would he call animal control instead of just taking it to the vet?
Liberals really are incapable of doing anything without government assistance.

Isn't this the plot to a Seinfeld episode?

imagine being such a faggot like this guy. pol will defend him

Over the past couple of years I have really become a friend of animals, heck even insects, to the point of leaving a large part of my property undisturbed for the critters large and small. This after growing up a hunter and becoming a combat infantryman. I guess i just got woke to the carnage man has caused over the years. However a severly wounded animal is just suffering. She should have just put it down but I doubt her or anyone she knows has a .22

It's a squirrel.

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Then hed have to touch it and put it in his car and drive
Isnt there a number he can call! So he can go back to his day a hero

poor brother of the nut

he's a dude but just stomp it's head, it'll be mush, even more humane than firing a .22 into the street

good man. being a friend to the animals means doing the right thing when necessary. At that point, the critter should be given the courtesy of a quick, painless death. One shot. Lights on one second, they're out the next.

Humans were given the task by god to curate and care for nature and wildlife. Sometimes the work is ugly.

Meh I put down a big turtle run over with a cracked shell with my .45 right on the side of the highway. Bullet goes down into the asphalt.

>Then hed have to touch it and put it in his car and drive
Imagine it reviving in the car, going nuts, and car crashes as city liberal panics at vicious wildlife.

Isn't this the guy that killed his wife?

Thanks bro, I mean that.

>calling animal control which would throw it directly into an incinerator

i sometimes imagine just how much suffering must be occurring at any given time across the planet and wonder why life even exists at all

Found this turtle barely breathing so I threw it into the nearest lake #vegan #Animalrightsmatter

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My dog hates squirrels she says they are globohomo communists

These things live on average 6 years. Does this kid think squirrels live forever?

He cares more about a squirrel than his now dead wife.

Since he's a rich guy, why not send the squirrel to a vet. What does he expect a government agency to do with a dying squirrel?


>patton in charge of keeping things alive

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Someone tweet him pictures of his wife and the same HELP ME OUT SOMEONE pasta from his tweet

I found this Monarch butterfly that fell off of a bubba 4x4 in a parking lot. I fixed its wings but an antenna was broken off and it couldn't fly so I stomped it.

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Why not? Everything is nature, even human behaviour. And you can't know what the universe itself fucking intends. Don't be this righteous.

lol our animal control dudes took this woodchuck who was trapped under a car tire. Released it, carried it in a plastic bag, put it outside this parking garage and left it in the grass. It died the next day.

God bless.

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My mom had a semi-wild squirrel that would sleep in my crib when I was a baby. She had a picture of it curled up at my feet but the photo is lost.

Literally cares more about roadkill more than his wife in a single tweet.

> be so much of a faggot you obsess over what OP is doing instead of improving your own life.

You're the problem. Your entire post is filled with pearl clutchers like you.

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Smother it in its sleep.

This is the most autistic thread i've ever seen in my life. Half of the posters itt need serious medical intervention

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not having the decency to put a .22 in its head

You need a 12 ga lobotomy

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KEK based

lol forreal?


tortoise lol
you drowned a tortoise

I don't have the authorization to carry a weapon while I am working. Else I'd had just killed it right then and there. Only thing I can do is call animal control, what's next is up to them.

Hehe, half this board needs serious medical intervention. That's what makes it fun - interacting with low IQ subhumans.

did he give it drugs

long long ago i used to like this guy.

Good luck, pupper.

>be squirrel
>Get attacked by crow
>"finally, I can leave this scavenger existence."
>Get high on DMT as you near death and adrenaline kicks in as well
>Greatest high of your life, can see God.
>Liberal comes up and scares the crow away
>high wears off
>now suffering in the middle of the road and will live in agony until you die of infection and lung failure and constant seizures
What is wrong with people. If I were that squirrel I would be pissed.

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In additon to strokebound ZOG'd out boomers Jow Forums also attracted the edgy underageb& crowd in 2016. You shouldn't be surprised with the faggotry you see now.

>rather than taking it to animal control or a vet himself he chooses to take a fucking twitter screenshot

Unironically makes me angry that he chose to get internet goodboi points instead of just actually trying to fucking help the squirrel

God, I hope no one finds me before I expire.


He's 50.

Brah-- Spartans were boy fuckers. Let's not bade a model society on those that indulged in pedophilia.

makes sense

>Spartans were boy fuckers
those are just jew lies


If you use modern medicine you are anti-wildlife. I'm fine with helping animals.


>those millions of "I'm a highschool graduate who just turned 18 and I'm 14/88" threads that keep getting posted here

Zoomers were a mistake

I work on ships. Often times I see fish on deck. They get thrown up on waves or just jump up, especially flying fish. If I come upon fresh ones that are still alive I always pick them up and give them back to the sea. I hope one day, if i ever find myself in the sea, it will be so kind as to return the favor.

There was a shopping center planned to be built near my area, but it never got finished and now the huge parking complex is left abandoned. A few years ago I was roaming around inside on the top roof, and circling pigeons overhead made loud distress noises. I looked up and a hawk darted down pinning a pigeon to the concrete floor. It was wrestling with it violently. On instinct, I dropped to the floor below me and ran up to the two burbs. The hawk didn't fucking fly off until I was literally right next to it, it didn't want to leave it's prey. The pigeon was left flapping about wildly on the floor, going in circles leaving spots of blood everywhere. It's neck was torn up, you could see the muscles exposed. The hawk was perched on the top roof now waiting until I left. I carried the fluttering pigeon into one of the concrete rooms out of sight from the hawk and just watched it not knowing what to do, as it flapped around on the floor edging across the room away from me. I only noticed at the last moment as it dropped into a pigeon-sized open gap in the floor, I rushed up to grab it, but it dropped in and heard it plop into water in the bottom floor which was submerged with three feet of water. I just heard flapping reverberations as the sound smacked off the concrete walls below, and then silence. Presumably it drowned.

So there's a true story when I saved a pigeon to prolong it's suffering, and denying the hawk some chicken.

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and how did you feel about it afterward?

In a word - hungry.

why didnt he just finish the little cunt off with a tyre jack? he showed his wife no mercy.

Studies have indeed shown that people who deny climate change are actually more likely to recycle, hold wildlife gardens, etc., etc.
Much the same as republicans being more likely to give to charity while democrats are more likely to expect the state to do it for them.
It's mostly a matter of assuming responsiblity.

Any responses about how he should've done this for his dead wife instead?

I bet the hawk was hunting for its infants, so add "starved multiple baby birds to death" to the conclusion.

>I fixed its wings
touching butterfly wings fucks them up idiot you can't fix shit

he can't keep getting away with it

tell us about the time you realized you liked sucking cocks too faggot

>tfw a vegan told me beehives shrinking in population size in preparation for winter only happens because of human interference

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good point

About killing her? Probably. He claims she died from a dose of xanax that would have been long out of her system. Think he changed his story to a heart medication did it later on. If he didnt kill her, he knows what happened (drug fueled suicide at best, murder at worst).

what a virtue signaling faggot

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Woah, got links to those studies?

OK thanks.

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>This faggot didn't let nature run its course and decided to intervene against a natural process.
nothing much to it
just because it's nature doesn't mean you can't help

Shouldve stomped its fucking head in

Animal control here. We're going to start administering CPR to this little buddy, time is of the essence!

why though its just a fox why not kill in a more humane way?

I hate city slickers