I'm sick and tired of seeing all these pimple faced 18 year old American tourists in Montreal getting drunk and puking...

I'm sick and tired of seeing all these pimple faced 18 year old American tourists in Montreal getting drunk and puking all over because they don't know how to handle alcohol.

It's time to build a fucking Wall to keep the scum out.

Who's with me?

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>getting drunk and puking
>keep the scum out.
>Who's with me?

yeah i'm with you.

chill the fuck out bud

Oh noes, don't build a big beautiful wall on our northern border!

How about you grow some balls and learn how to handle 18 year old drunks in your country

Why don’t you just rob them when they are drunk like we do?

If you kill an American tourist their families can complain to the embassy and we have to pay a restitution fine of 10 beaver skins per heads.

I hope the natives overthrow your shitty government

Next time you see a passed out americuck just poopoopeepee on him

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set up barf pots on the street for them to barf into. sell them a barf pass to use the barf pots and then fine them if they barf outside of a barf pot. the fees and fines will pay for the barf pots and also make proft. give every citizen of montreal a share of the barf pot money for their troubles.

>I hope the natives overthrow your shitty government

We'll hand it over while apologizing at this rate.

fuck off frenchie

its hilarious watching americans drink, dont complain about free entertainment.

>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scal

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If you build a wall we win

Here leaf. Chill.

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Based and poopilled

you still have the sand niggers to deal with

I want america to invade.

>10 beaver skins
Actually pretty expensive, eh?

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Wtf is in montreal that brings 18 year old americans? real americans travel to surrey

i love idiots... such a lovely idiot you are!
alcohol content ...
canuck beer 5% plus
yankee beer 2-3%

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nope first we annex you
then we change our name to the united states of canada
and then we build the wall on the mexican border

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>Americans being the problem

Ya we really need to do something about the Americans in Montreal, not the fact that it is a cesspool of degeneracy.

Friendship eneded with Quebec, America is my best friend now.

Burgers are the biggest cucks ever. Act all tough and can't even handle alcohol.