>gf starts new job
>meets guy there
>start hanging out all the time outside of work
>spends more time with him than me
>has fucked our relationship over the past month
>can't trust her anymore cause no idea if actually cheating or not
>they talked about doing a trip together which i think is fucked
>told her how i felt
>goes on trip anyway, shes on trip atm
>hadn't seen her for a week prior to that, then leaves for the trip despite living a 3 minute walk from my place
>100% sure right now im gonna dump her
>wwyd? is there anyway i could be making a mistake here?
Gf starts new job
Jesus Christ dude...
im taking that as, break up with that ho
I mean she might still love you but he's a more passionate lover? Do you kiss her during sex, use your hands on her body and look into her eyes, hold her head in your hands while pumping into her listening to each other's short breathing?
Or do you obsess over where she's at all the time yet never visit her at work with flowers?
There is no mistake here. She is fucking him and doesn't want to leave you for some reason. Dump her and move on.
Yeah theres a lot of stuff that happened between "my gf started a new job" and "my gf is on a trip with some other dude from work what do i do :(", my dude.
Did you ever let on that you dont like how much time she spends with him? Did you ever ask yourself why she would want to spend more time away from her boyfriend? Did you ask her? Did you make it crystal clear you didn't want her alone with him? Did you even say anything to her at all about this, the days preceeding her trip or did she just schedule time off her new job completely by surprise to go with some dude that you knew about before all this?
Look dude Imma make this real simple.
It's not cool what she did, it's not wrong for you to feel the way you're feeling
She is 10000% being unfaithful, and sorry to say but she probably won't even care you dump her. Do this for you my man, you deserve better and she deserves much worse.
if she's fucked him, it's over regardless.
we have a good sex life too imo.
never obsess where she is, and always do nice things for her, take her on dates etc.
i feel you
Yes to all those things, she knows how i feel 100%.
we have been talking bout all this heaps but she claims they're good friends and i don't control her, i feel all i can do is leave.
she works at a school too and the students are on holidays so they are too
yea, i don't even care at this point whether she is cheating or not, i'm just sick of the bullshit and uncertainty
I had a similar type of gf couple years ago. I'm not sure what made you fall for this girl at the start but trust me when I say when you finally get rid of her your eyes will open and you'll see you weren't even that happy with her for a long time. And hey, use this as an example of qualities you DONT like in future gfs,.
Wish you all the best user
well put, much appreciated bro
If you aren't lying then the relationship was over the minute she denied your feelings and she is trash. Feel bad for that dude, he may have the same thing happen to him later.
Have your physical and emotional baggage ready to go before she comes back and block her on everything. Leave and dont look back lest ye be damned.
Have you broke up with her yet?
Fucking break. Up. With. Her.
Throw her shit out of your place.
You deserve better.
Find another gf without ever talking to current gf again she will get jealous of how you have diverted your attention
Obviously cheating on you.
She might aswell fuck him right infront of you.
If you are a cuck then she is a keeper, otherwise dumb that ho. No second chances.
Dump her. Even if this was platonic and she didn’t sleep with him, you made it known that you weren’t comfortable with it and she told you to go fuck your self. She doesn’t respect you and she never will after this. Best to cut your losses
this is what ive been thinking this whole time. thanks for the reassurance boys
he's her new bf you just haven't admitted it to yourself yet.
It sucks and you did nothing wrong and she should have the courage to tell you its over but going on holiday with another guy, no way you can spin that in your head as something innocent.
Pack any of her belongings she left at your place while she’s on the trip. Dump her bro
No one who can be considered a "man" would even consider for one fucking millisecond taking this woman back as a romantic partner. You are fucking retarded for even harboring that thought. Holy fuck dude.
It's over. I have never seen a case so clearly where it is simply over. No questions asked. Just pack either your or her shit and call it quits. You lost. Hard.
I'd call this bait but it seems that genuinely dumb people are more likely to get dates and female interest so it's probably real
Great idea. Put them all packed neatly and leave on her doorstep. It won't really matter to her at this point but at least it shows you're not going to play along anymore with this sham.
>>goes on trip anyway, shes on trip atm
>>hadn't seen her for a week prior to that, then leaves for the trip despite living a 3 minute walk from my place
Bro, shes fucking him and you have to be a spastic to not think so.
Dump and save your fucking dignity.
>>goes on trip
thats not a trip but a romantic getaway
That sounds exactly like my old gf. She played in a marching band and went on these trips with her girl squad all around the country and like the scouts, there would be boys. He met a funny guy, as she said. Not that good looking and told me about him. Insisted she wanted to hang out with him, i told her how i felt about her spending a lot of time with him and she wanted to go anyway. After the trip she wanted to go backpacking to NZ for a month. Saved up, so worked a lot and we never saw each other. Went and guess who i found out was on the trip with her: the guy. She swears they never did anything, but just the fact that she didnt dare tell me, suggests something was up. When she came home i told her all this and told her i thought it was fishy and she threw an anthem in my face, "you dont trust me?!" and stuff like that and of course i didnt. To this day i dont know if they fucked, he was ugly anyway, but damn it sounds similar. Like the easiest way to refrain from any sort of conflict, except the last one, ultimately making the break up easier for her. Lasted a bit over 2 years..
>To this day i dont know if they fucked
They did.
The Offspring Self esteem- the post
I would just ghost her at this point. She isn't even worth the energy of a proper break up.
Time to move on man. She doesn’t care about the relationship. Stop calling her and let her come to you. It will be painful but necessary. Have some self respect. Don’t let a woman treat you like this. You probably feel like you will never find another chick or whatever but that is negative self talk and a limiting belief. You have more worth than that. Build yourself into something you’re proud of. Good luck your journey starts now.
Dump that bitch.
>Throw her shit out of your place.
Don't do this. This is nigger behavior.
This. Even by some miracle she's not actually fucking him (nigh impossible odds buddy) she doesn't have the common sense to understand her red flags or worse yet does not respect you enough not to do these kinds of untrustworthy things. That's reason enough.
say you’re a cuck and would love to see them fuck in front of you, then when she admits that she is fucking him, you say SIKE BITCH AHAHAHAHAH
repost or bait. Advice from the last thread still stands. Dump her, fuck a friends of hers as rebound if any are down, cleanse your soul and move on.
>gf starts new job
>meets guy there
>start hanging out all the time outside of work
It was at this point that you should have confronted her and/or dumped her. You fucked up.
Dump her asap, if you still respect her enough to give her the reasons if she asks tell her that due to her recent actions you have lost all trust in her and then don't talk to her anymore, just say goodbye and move on forever
I'm serious about that last part, block her if you have to, women are seriously pro when it comes to guilting people into doing things, don't give a chance to sucker you back into the relationship
im not sure you need another voice of support here but i went through something pretty similar myself
my (ex)gf just didnt have the courage to break up and i tried to be "not controlling" and "not clingy" like youve convinced yourself but its just because its easier to pretend
it makes you unhappy and the likelihood of them cheating is incredibly, incredibly high and EVEN IF THEY DIDNT it makes you uncomfortable and you expressed that
anyway, it makes you unhappy, its really fucking weird and you should leave her for your own happiness brother
Why didn't you go hang out with her and this dude? If she never invited you she's fucking him
just fuck all of her friends
Wait, so we're just going to ignore the possibility that he could be gay? And they're just really good friends?