Get inspired by Gods and Goddesses. Leave behind stale monotheism.
Take the Pagan-Pill
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Or you could stop being gay?
So Greco-Roman paganism?
I like it.
Athene is good, Odin too
Under one god people will follow a defined ethical rule, under multiple gods which one will you follow?
Paganism failed in most places, and for some reason it was quickly replaced by monotheism
The traditions are based and most are practised in christian events
remind me of the largest empire in the entire world and if it was monotheistic before its downfall
Still want to motorboat Megs Mediterranean Tits.
Absolute brainlet take. Ethical behaviour is informed and enforced by secular law. A pagan who worships Odin and another who worships Athena will not be at odds over what is good behaviour. We already know that regardless of religion. The pagans also have the added bonus of not kvetching over which pantheon is the one true interpretation of paganism.
Take the pagan pill and openly accept to be enslaved by a small monarch family and the minority group that travelled to the mainland from an island because they are the descendants of "heracles" or so they claim
>there are no such thing as opposing sects within monotheistic religions
What the fuck do pagans even do for paganism? There aren't any texts on how to be a pagan right?
Do you mean the roman empire?
The romans achieved peak while under a monotheistic religion. The pagan gods they pretty much stole from the greeks were just a meme by the romans who used them in artworks like literature and theater.
While it is true the jewish vs christians fights did influence uts downfall, it wasnt just purely by religious factors,
jesus this mutt.
Rome's territorial and cultural peak was under paganism.
Just ask your local tribune or consul. They'll perform the necessary rituals as part of their government functions. Oh wait you don't have those anymore? I guess paganism doesn't make any sense without the Roman government.
Seriously though if you want to see paganism look at Hinduism. It's a collection of beliefs and rituals at various levels. The Hindu system arose from same Indo-European tradition as the European customs.
They seemed to get heavy into worshipping JVPITER OPTIMVS MAXIMVS though although yes they weren't Demiurge Yahweh worshippers.
The chad Indo-European Sky Father vs. the Semitic foreskin-gobbling demon
Based, also checked.
I would love to be pagan, but polytheism literally doesn't have sense. It can't logically exist.
>The pagans also have the added bonus of not kvetching over which pantheon is the one true interpretation of paganism.
This. In ancient times the Romans considered the gods worshipped variously by the Gallic and Germanic barbarians, etc. to be the same as those in their pantheon just with different names. It's a different idea of what a god is: a superorganismal agency associated with a certain school of pheneomena.
What ia a god, to you?
imagine getting btfo by some random african (augustine for the braindead fagans) so hard that your only real resurgence in history is as a minor meme on a geopolitics subforum of an esoteric otaku website
there can only be one ultimate god though, so the rest are just beings with god like powers. a single prime source of creation. so ultimately only monotheism is actually possible. i dont get where you polytheists are coming from, i dont think you've thought this through very deeply.
OP is female
I can just tell
Monotheism is 'true' in the sense of their being an ultimate origin and end of all phenomena, God with a capital G, alpha and omega. The root of reality, everything and nothing, etc.
Polytheism is 'true' in the sense of there being entities on a higher plane of complexity and scale that interact with and compose the human world. These are gods with lowercase g.
Monotheism and polytheism are not mutually exclusive.
If that's true then the Trinity is bust too, to say nothing of the many dountful events of the life of Jesus. The Trinity is nothing more than mental gymnastics of disgusing divine emanantions as monotheism. That's more or less the platonist interpretation of the gods, a series of emnations existing in the same source. Their different dominions are then what we associate in the tangible world as to what they 'rule' over. You don't have to beleive that, but really how is it any different to Christianity which ultimately rests on faith to explain away what logicality questions?
you know ive been having a very odd feeling about paganism lately.
like something memetic happened qnd my brain hit it without any provocation
>Leave behind stale monotheism
NEVER! Monotheism is the flavor globally
world has been pagan/polytheistic for too damn long!
You admit to being a globalist. You admit that you eschew tradition because you find it stale. You do not find American Christianity to be stale.
Why exactly should anyone take your opinions seriously?
athene is breddy good :DD
odin too xDDD
Wanna expand on that?
Howdy kike!
I see you still pedal that monotheism shit. Well let me be the first on Jow Forums to tell YOU about the... DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!111111
I like Perun and Shiva. I also like Thor but i can't worship him because i'm not Germanic :(
p.s Shiva i can worship because he's from the Indoeuropean era before the ethnostates so belongs to all European peoples
tits or gtfo
I'm a male KIKE you have a cross in you flag LMAO JEWED
i dont believe you are male us your khazar milkers
Stop being spiritually atheist and culturally dead
I will show you my Big Pagan Cock and you'll like it kike faggot SO go back to you (((church)))
show tits and benis(female) jewess
Hail Zeus!
>not being a pagan
wtf is your problem?
>culturally dead
>burger land
Why should I follow some nerd religion nobody follows? Can't build an imperium with a bunch of deluded history geeks.
muh disney religion
Ancient German were Pagans and didn't have muslims, now Germans are christian and there're muslims everywhere
Ikr? Give me the holy prepuce any day of the week over strong and virile Hercules
You're supposed to be building a mini imperium with your qt pagan waifu's womb.
Reminder that behind those (((pagan))) thread is one of those guys
i bet its the nigger bottom right
Most young people in Germany don't believe in anything, religion is a literal non-entity outside of muslim enclaves. I also don't think we will become cool Vikingsā¢ just by praising Odin, that's just childish. Either people save what they already have or not, you can't turn back time.
Those are not real Pagans niggers can't be in Paganism
>being this buttmad
top kek
Niggers can't be Pagans KIKE. Paganism is that you must worship the deities of your ancestors, niggers don't worship Thor fuck off
>be Greek
>be a christcuck
yikes imagine having the glories of Greek myth and the metaphysics of the neo-platonists that makes Christian theology and metaphysics look like that of a mentally retarded person but still deciding to worship a jew on a stick.
>Tfw your religion hasn't been practiced by your people in a millennia and it's still managing to spread amongst people as far away as south america with literally none of you proselytizing it
Dang. Get the pope on suicide watch.
Greeks are KIKED you worship KIKES instead of Zeus LMAO
Instead of going back to the religion of your ancestors
Imagine being Greek and not worshiping Zeus KEK
what play is this from?
Come home Greek man
I'm so fucking tired of these threads. How about we secure the existence of our people first, and only then delve into philosophical debate on which European tradition is more cucked?
the play from the religion of your ancestors
i want to sniff meg's brapper
what scene is this from? Oedipus Rex or something?
because christians are globalists who were marxists before marxism ever existed and the banking system before the rothschilds ever existed and this is a fight against international trotskyites who have literally modeled themselves a secular christianity.
I want to FUCK Megara!
I don't care, really. When the day comes, I will be with conservative Christians, regardless of my own beliefs.
Idk much about Greek Paganism, you should know best
>Be pagan viking
>Steal shit like niggers
>Burn shit like niggers
>Dumb as niggers
>Raid countryside chapel
>Half of the pagans already peacefully converted
>Christianity mobilizes against remaining pagans, killing all in their wake, just as the pagans did to them
Go to Greece.
"the day" won't come.
Sitting around waiting for that is a spook. You could be living in rural Rostov right now, breeding your pagan wife and growing a few tomatoes and potatoes. Worshiping the old Gods with a renewed fervor and zealotry.
Come home white man.
neo-paganism is just contrarianism. Only reason they adopt the trappings of paganism rather than atheism is because atheism is already seen as cringey and associated with leftists and fedoras. Paganism = right-wing atheism, more or less, and I don't believe you if you try telling me you believe in Jupiter or Odin or Zeus.
But today's Greeks are just roaches.
Why is belief in Jupiter or Zeus more unreasonable than belief in Jahwe? I'm not a pagan just curious for your reasoning.
>But today's Greeks are just roaches.
Rural life is hard tho, I think I'm not ready yet.
Because one is a living culture and one is a dead culture. Let's say 2000 years from now, everyone is Rastafarian or some shit, and Christianity is a dead ancient religion. If, at that time in 4019, someone said "I'm a christian now I looked at this ancient dead text" I wouldn't believe them either.
Hebrew language had been dead for almost 2000 years. Now babies speak it as their first tongue.
Shut up incel, go to Greece
So what makes religion correct is it being currently wildly practiced?
d-don't listen to him user ;^(
listen to him user
Man that video brought tears to my eyes
>that pic
now you ruined it
Okay, and? That's a nonsequitur. The kikes have still had a long-standing thread running through their tribe for all those years. Taking their liturgical language and memeing it into a modern language doesn't take away from what I said.
That's part of it. It's also about having a connection, rather than having some massive thousands-of-years discontinuity. In my eyes reviving paganism is no different than trying to revive ancient european culture in general, as religion is an aspect of culture. I cannot take neo-paganism any more seriously than I'd take people dressing up in togas and attempting to adopt the culture of ancient rome. That's why people call it LARPing
Stop drooling retard
Obviously, that was because too much political freedom came and madness. Then that empire broke and left a void. The void was filled up by religious monotheistic superstition. I believe the same might happen soon, looking at the state of modern Europe and America, and some parts of the world that Europeans have colonized.
I get what you're saying but I was more asking why belief in one of the old gods is any more unreasonable than belief in the God of Abraham. I agree that dressing up in togas seems rather ridiculous.
Please OP you're such a fag, using Disney and not thinking about history.
I was using the dress-up as an analogy to explain the way I see it. What I said applies to adopting a dead religion that's been out of practice for thousands of years as well.
that's better.
studying history, archaeology and theology made me despise Christianity with a burning hatred
Paganism is literally just soap operas from the bronze age. Monotheism at least grasps at some essential theological truth of divinity. This is why we won so effortlessly and one-sidedly against weak and cultureless pagans.
Underrated BTFO.
Imagine being a "Christian" and deciding to assimilate neoplatonism. "Da one, everything is da one everywhere". What a joke.
>Latin translations of late ancient neoplatonic texts were first available in the Christian West in the ninth century
"Yikes" as you say.
I'm not quite sure I understand your reasoning. Let's say paganism is simply the belief in Odin instead of Yahwe, not including all the absurdities of ritual in either belief system. Is the existence of Odin inherently more absurd, unreasonable or unlikely to you than that of Jehova?
This movie sucked and is highly overrated.
6 centuries of religious battle isnt exactly an effortless endeavour
The only good part of it was how much of a kike the satyr was, and how obnoxiously Jewish he was. Also I liked the songs.
You're trying to talk about things as platonic forms rather than within context. Divorced from reality, is there anything inherently less believable about Odin compared to Jesus? No. But in context, one is a dead religion that hasn't been practiced for millennia, whereas the other was practiced by your direct ancestors, your community, and continues to this day. We grew up christian, our fathers were christian, are grandfathers were christian, our cultures are christian, our customs are christian, everyone around is either christian or was raised christian, there are still christian communities left and right, etc etc etc. None of this is so with paganism. It's all dead and has been so for a ridiculously long time. It's trying to revive something from nothing where you don't even have a true connection to any of it.