How do people follow this idiot?

How do people follow this idiot?

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They literally pushed Michael Savage out of his radio timeslot in my city so they could put on this neoliberal idiot. At least Savage had some positive points like opposing outsourcing and mass immigration. Shartpiro has nothing redeemable about him whatsoever besides pretending to oppose trans-freaks.

And you can expect Carlson to soon get #metoo'd or simply killed so this heeb midget can take his spot on Fox News.

Unless it's Israeli trannies created by Israeli universal health care, then it is something Americans should pay taxes for.

>Ben Shapiro net worth: $8 Million

Haha Thanks for the money dumb goyim! All he had to tell you retards that men are men and women are women and now he's the king of conservatives.

Attached: goyim.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Somebody please think of the LENDERS

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Forced Zionist/neoliberal astroturfing.

How does this even screw lenders? If anything it's better for them than anyone. Isn't she just proposing she steal money from tax payers?

Why are you so triggered that people have different ideas/opinions to yourself?

only boomers

(((Gee I wonder)))

What? He's of the few to defend white people, point out the anti white message on the media and he is not afraid of the consequences.

He talks fast and debates college students, so burgers think he's a genius

He stole the Jay Leno talking to people on the street, made it political and against college students. That is his career.

It is kind of sad how hard he tries to avoid an honest debate with an intellectual equal. All of his arguments are about asserting his generalizations as facts and demanding more details until you look like a fool. Anyone can do this shit, he is just a conservative and they eat the BTFO shit up.

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>based jew

>12 year olds on youtube

mom check this out he is OWNING libs!!

idiots love idiots. both shapiroberg and his followers should be shot

Vile jew sorcery, of course

Only 8M?

>"Conservative Jews"
Are a sect of subverters who do well mingling with goy. He is a ruse and meant to soften you up to their interest. I cut him out of my life.

i tell you how it simple

if you dont sound like a fucking insane liberal you can a following pretty easy but we gotta remember ben got his JEW powers so that helped him alot

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