Let's talk about homelessness

Let's talk about homelessness.


Should we be providing for homeless people? If not, why not? Should there be conditions to receiving help from the taxpayer?
As my country struggles to bouy up it's economy, our national news service writes passive aggressive editorial pieces chastising the government for redirecting resources away from the "less fortunate".

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In 1st world nations there is not homeless or housing problem. It's a drug problem.

Homeless should be housed and given mental health /rehab treatment and support for getting on their feet. Just barbaric otherwise.

You could use that money you give to rapefugees to help the homeless instead

don't give him your kindness, he will only use it to buy hugs

Where do you house them Jacques? You going to have one living in your home?
Also, what happens when they don't turn up for their rehab session for the third time in a row? You want to keep paying health care professionals to sit in empty rooms?

They are mostly actors, to scare normie debt slaves.

Build apartments, obviously. Make it a requirement of residence to go to mental health appointments and rehab/job programs.

Housing is an issue in addition to drugs. The main problem is homeless all flock to cities where it is fucking full already. Giving the homeless money directly is a horrible idea. Having shelters and kitchens in addition to programs to help them get jobs is the better solution.

people who whine left and right about helping and solving the homeless problem are usually the ones with no idea or bad ideas on the solution.
Majority of homelessness in "stable" nations are due to mental illness and/or drug use. Most times, it's drug use that triggered that mental illness in the first place. Sure, there are also people on hard times or fucked up financially, but a lot of those same people will also try their best to get the hell off the streets.

The fact that any western nation has homeless citizens while simultaneously importing burdensome migrants from third world nations speaks volumes about the current social climate.

made he should seek a job instead

Donate to a homeless charity if YOU want to help them.

Not everyone wants to help the awake zombies, just find a good private charity for the homeless and donate.

Depending on their skin color and religion.

>Should we be providing for homeless people? If not, why not? Should there be conditions to receiving help from the taxpayer?
fuck homeless people. shoot on site. bunch of meth/heroin addicted losers.

>build complex of 12 apartments at a cost of £6m
>give these apartments away for free
>tell the residents that this free home is dependent on them kicking their drink/drug habit and attending sessions to ensure their are doing this
>urine samples mandatory
>the excuses start coming after a month or so
>i was ill, couldn't make it to the session
>i overslept
>have to stick to your guns and take the apartment away from those who don't comply
>they refuse to leave, squat in the property
>as a governing authority, you cannot intentionally make someone homeless, despite giving them a huge freebie and them fucking it up
>you are left with a new building full of squatters and drugs that nobody will touch
>back to square one

The plan falls at the first hurdle anyway because no property developer on the planet will build a complex and give it away for free to the homeless you french american faggot

No stupid. It should be government land and property. Are you entirety lacking in deductive reasoning to the point simple concepts must be spoon fed to you?

I just move past them, who the fuck cares?

>Should we be providing for homeless people?
What you need is a good hard winter.

I don’t understand the phenomenon. Every second adult does not own a house and is a paycheck or two away from being homeless. You can always move, start working and renting. Maybe you’d need support for a first month or two so you can actually start working with a roof over your head.

That obviously excludes the disabled and seriously mentally ill

I don't think the wider populace would be ok with cutting down the woodlands to build housing for the homeless, and we can't do it on MOD shooting ranges or protected conservation areas and green belt. Other than that, the majority of land in the UK, developable land, belongs to private holding companies. Even if the goverment did have the land, that only gets you past step one. What would you propose when the resident doesn't meet the conditions of your housing and you can't evict them?

Have underground pod cities like Japan where the homeless can rent a pod free of charge and access a meal, until they find something secure but maybe they will be happy in the pods

the pods should have a little internet screen and headphones

63,615 homeless
In February 2019, there were 63,615 homeless people, including 15,344 homeless families with 22,717 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up three-quarters of the homeless shelter population.

They can grow food in gardens to supply the meals and a stipulation of the rent free pod could be you help grow the food for the community

or paint, or do whatever skill they need - help serve the food some days

LA fag reporting in. I've walked past Tent City before, and each time I die a little more inside. Knowing that the city I grew up in is no better than a third world shithole. There's only one true solution for this problem. Fuck bums and fuck niggers

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Have you ever been to Canada? If there is anything we have here it is open land just waiting to be developed. It may not work 8n Europe because of limited space. We'll if it is government run it should be government enforced. You refuse to comply? You refuse to stick with the program or take your meds? Send in the cops/swat and evict them. Let them be eligible to re-apply after a certain moratorium after they realize it's better to not be on the street.

Skid Row?

Set up a large fenced-off forested area, move all the homeless fucks here, and leave them alone in all respects. The ones that build a shed and survive the winter can stay there, if they want, let them kill and cannibalize each other if they want

Forest huts is a great idea - using rain water.

The problem is, when you provide free rooms to many desperate people- It will become more dangerous for them than the streets very quickly.

Everyone should have all their needs met
Jobs should be mandatory
Those not working should be assigned work

Not if you let Gangsters run it

Most of DTLA is crawling with them. Its all Shit Row at this point.

there are a lot of homeless in the US who have jobs and are living in their car because they cant afford rent anywhere near where their job is.
People on Jow Forums will say 'lol just move', but it is unreasonable to expect someone to gamble their current security of at least being able to feed themselves on maybe getting a job somewhere else its cheaper to live, as they could very easily just discover there is no work at all.

Why haven't the Mafia done anything?

> immediately round up all homeless off the streets
> put them in a mandatory one month detox. no exceptions.
> include therapy, mental health help, medical assistance for that month, work ready skills
> extra assistance for military vets or men bankrupted by child support payments
> at the end of that period sign them over to a family member
> if no family available put them in a care facility where they are free to come and go as the please but are monitored
> if any of these people go back on the streets or fall into substance abuse again the are immediately put back into full mandatory care
> after another one month detox with full support period they are returned to their family/ social housing
> If after this period they go back to their old ways yet again, they will be rounded up a last time
> after much money spent on them and being unwilling or unable to clean up their act they will be euthanized

The immediate cost of this program would be high, but it would pay off in the long run.

Mobsters on a mission: How Japan's mafia launched an aid effort

On 12 march, around midnight, less than a day after a devastating earthquake tore through the Tohoku region of Japan, causing a tsunami that killed thousands and left many more homeless, 25 trucks bearing 50 tonnes of supplies arrived in front of the City Hall in Hitachinaka, in the east-coast Ibaraki prefecture.

A hundred men in long-sleeves shirts and coats immediately began unloading the boxes. These men weren't the Red Cross. They were members of Japan's third-largest organised crime group, the Inagawa-kai. They had all taken great care to cover up their affiliation. Sleeves were rolled down to hide the ornate tattoos that characterise so many of Japan's yakuza members; those who were missing fingers all wore gloves. They were not wearing their gang badges with the bushels of rice and Mount Fuji in the background that are part of the Inagawa-kai symbol. Their corporate emblem – and all yakuza groups have them – was not on display. Some members of the yakuza even have the logo tattooed on their chests. Needless to say, no one was bare-chested that night.

They should round up all homeless people and say look cunt if you want to work we will pay you minimum wage to clean up litter/dig roads or some shit, you get bed and food too.

Job done.

And if they dont want to work fuck them give them nothing like the drug addict rats they are.

The less people receive from taxes and government, the better off they'll be from people who actually care.

you spend all that money giving organizations who surely charge the government a shitload and are corrupt as hell to avoid facing the reality that there is just no work for them to do that can pay for them to live somewhere.

>They should round up all homeless people and say look cunt if you want to work we will pay you minimum wage to clean up litter/dig roads or some shit, you get bed and food too.
but thats socialism!

Bullshit. We are crying out for apprentices. Our restaurants, shops, farms, hell even bus companies are recruiting from overseas because of our lack of willing and able workers.
Clean themselves, get some skills, these cunts can work.

>there are plenty of jobs! :^)
>ok, how about give one to this hobo?
>n..no hes not able, he lacks the skills

everyone can garden and it's fun

so many patches of wasted ground which could host raised beds and orchards

We do provide, it doesn't work.

In the UK we have housing benefit, job seekers allowance, child benefit and loads of other different ways to get assistance with living, as well as homeless shelters, food banks and things like that. And even when all of that fails you have to push away everyone in your life who would help put you up, that means your parents, all your blood relatives and then all of your friends.

The 2 major problems with homeless are drug addiction and mental illness. You can't help most of the mentally ill unless you're willing to remove their freedom and commit them against their own will. And the rest are drug addictions who have build up an addiction that they'll never be able to undo, you can get them clean by detoxing them and remove the chemical addiction but you can't undo the psychological addiction once it's established it's near impossible.

So you can pump money into getting them off the street but a lot of them will be violent around people trying to help them, they'll steal, threaten and basically get themselves thrown out any place designed to help or support them. The only decent way to sort out drug problems is preventative, make sure either they don't have access in the first place which doesn't really work, or educate people on the dangers of it. Liberals running on empathy trying to sort thing problem out with kindness just get taken advantage of in the long run.

>Giving the homeless money directly is a horrible idea

do people actually do this? are they pressured into it? how does it happen?

why do they get into drugs in the first place?

Maybe coming from broken homes?

so where does one sign up to be a gardener?
unfortunately all are private property and attempting to garden would simply result in imprisonment :^(

most social wefare programs under capitalism boil down to 'give people money' because this money can change hands and pad the pockets of many cronies before it gets anywhere, and giving them anything they actually need for stability in their lives would be anti-competitive to the landlords and insurance companies.

Former homeless here, we should only provide support as far as helping homeless people get back into work and providing accomodation to support said employment as a stepping stone back into functional citizenship. All adults are intrinsically responsible for their own welfare. If you aren't willing to contribute then have the decency to die and make room for someone who is

we should be providing them with a bullet

I have a feeling that no matter what you do most of them will squander it and return to being homeless after some time. You generally don't become homeless because you are good at life and if you get unlucky you will likely eventually get back on your feet. There is already an insane shortage of unskilled labor jobs in this country so it seems "job placement" is a pipe dream.

The problem is any solution is expensive and will fail for the majority of them that includes

Job placement
Cash dividend
Mandatory labor

All of these cost tons of money.

In some sense the beat solution may appear to be what we are already doing which is have a moderate amount of resources available so those who want and have the ability to seek them out can reintegrate into society and have the rest just sit on the sidewalk as it's unlikely any amount of help is going to amount to those types getting a hold on their life.

>as a governing authority, you cannot intentionally make someone homeless, despite giving them a huge freebie and them fucking it up

Get the banks to open up the shelter, it’s not like they don’t already do that if you’re not paying your mortgage

Well if you contain the owners of the waste ground a garden increases land value by 20%

so they should be pleased


Vagrancy, judgement: 10 years in the isocubes.

you know what the homeless do when provided with a home? they resell/sublet the property.

>open borders
>welfare state

You know the rules

You need philia for supporting your fellow countrymen when they’re distressed. In the states we have less and less philia because diversity breeds animosity.

Of course. It's reprehensible that we're taking in nogs while our own suffer on the streets

Vote NatSoc.
They will be rounded up to camps and either made into men of use to society and themselves or dead.

Everyone should have an apartment automatically for being alive.
Not working should be illegal
Those with out work can go to police station and request work, taking an aptitude test and being assigned a job they can do
Those who stubbornly refuse to work go to gulag and work

This is how it was in the USSR, which had zero homelessness and zero unemployment

It's pretty easy to have zero unemployment when you round up the unemployed for labor camps.

Just because there is open land, doesn't mean it is available to be developed. There's a whole host of reasons behind this. Some land is not suitable for building on, some land is earmarked for future use and of course we need to maintain some semblance of countryside for ecological reasons.
Your idea is to throw free stuff at the homeless and you believe this will cure them, but you're not acknowledging the fact that most of these people have checked out of society, meaning they've rejected the incentive/reward dynamic that motivates people to work for long term gain, and have settled into the immediate gratification model.
Also you can't just get the police to evict people until a court rules in your favour, which is the preferred (but not guaranteed) result of 8 months in the legal system at a further cost of thousands from the taxpayer.
For me, the solution isn't to keep giving them things, but to stigmatize and ostracize that lifestyle to the point where it becomes unthinkable to head down that path.

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Fucking idiot.

We could give the money we give to Israel to give to equip and arm Palestinians, who are better people than Jews, anyways.


Satanic Trips of truth

no, they should struggle & fight.
soon as they are slighted they should go to sword.

This is what most 1st world nations are doing and it doesn't work, there's loads of government and charity run shelters that help people go through this process, and have basic rules by which the have to abide by and they never follow the rules because most of them want to get high and block out reality or have developed an addiction that will be with them for life.

You cannot use normal incentive/reward with druggies, because they will literally do anything for a fix and their entire life just becomes about abusing people to achieve that goal. Everyone around them just becomes a person they can manipulate to get their next fix, so they tug at heart strings about how they're seeking compassion and kindness when what they really want is just the next escape.

Quite frankly the money would probably be better off going to them in large lump sum payouts of £200-300 at a time, the odds are they'll buy up enough drugs to OD on and that solves the "homeless" problem.

>We could give the money we give to Israel to give to equip and arm Palestinians, who are better people than Jews, anyways.
You think that but imagine 9/11 times a hundred if you let mudslimes go unchallenged. Islam is not a religion of peace

of note however, is that those were only the ones who refused to work despite a job literally being handed them

until you assure everyone willing to work is given the chance to, you can not critisize the unemployed

>giving stuff away for free
C'mon son

Acquire private funding from the wealthy of a city who want them gone.

Buy tons of drugs and whatever the few that are not drug addicted could want. Use free drugs but in small doses to entice them through the process of getting a passport. Load them up on mega buses and send them to leaf land in about November.

Some will freeze and few will find their way back and be trapped there.

This is unironically the best and cheapest way to cut down on the problem with minimal illegal activity. You could even profit off it depending on what kind of donors you sourced.

What homeless?
Oh you mean the fucking gypsies who set up camp when they come to steal everything not nailed down, peddle their asses, peddle drugs and sit around town while begging?

Not interested in faggotry from edgy 12yr olds

>as my country

I'm not entirely sure I've not seen good data on that, but a lot of the time it's due to trauma they want to forget, so abusive homes with abusive parents. The data on corporal punish and even being verbally aggressive in the child's formative years especially those

Do you know of LSD being used to treat alcoholism and addiction?

Psychological Tabvla Rasa and coupled with MDMA prevents trauma being induced