>The Body Modifying 'Cult' Blamed For The Death Of Aussie 'Gentle Giant'
Stay safe out there.
Predators in the gay community: the death of silicone balls guy Jack Chapman, cult victim
it would be pretty cool to have balls that big though
That guy had more balls than brains
>people can always seen your balls
>hard to sit
>if you fall down you could crush them
>if you sleep on your side you could crush them with your legs
>if you're in a fight people will know your weak spot
The mother confronted the "master" (10:07):
I still wouldn't be complaining if my balls were that size
she's got a point bois
Why is the person who ends up doing stupid shit that gets themselves killed never held responsible for their own actions? He's not a fucking victim. He's a dumbass and this outcome is entirely expected.
Um pitbull. Fuck that cunt.
You are already a genetic fuck up it seems so it wouldn't be that much of a difference.
A fully waxed moustach and a silly haircut would complete this look.
more like a green top hat and a walking stick lol
Not even really his balls its his sack, his sperm count or testosterone doesn't go higher
That kinda reminds me of something I saw the other day. I was watching some sort of true crime documentary and they were at the point where whoever the serial killer was was on trial and the families/parents of the people he killed were giving testimony about how the guy is a piece of shit for taking their daughter away from them or whatever. But all the women this guy killed were homeless junkie prostitutes. So they care when their daughter gets killed by some guy but they obviously didn't care enough to stop her living on the street for 10 years and selling herself to shoot up.
Its all very confusing.
Maybe we can't save everyone. Maybe we can let some people go.
The Irish can be aggressive.
Oh yeah that guy's leader was pretty nutty. You can read the whole story here kiwifarms.net
Wouldn't care less if a mentally ill homo died. Good riddance.
>that guy's leader was pretty nutty.
That’s was disgusting as hell.
I guess it's time to hit the sack.
Which killer and what show are you talking about?
Holy shit
This faggot should stay dead and if he wasn’t I would kick him in his oversized cancer testis
>Not even really his balls its his sack, his sperm count or testosterone doesn't go higher
Probably goes lower due to more heat and impaired circulation.
This is what nofap does to male bodies.
Photoshop is literally one of the worst things to ever happen to the pursuit of truth.
So to put it simply...
Fully grown man enters into a BDSM relationship and agrees to have his balls blown up, goes to far and dies.
Mother then goes on TV and claims the "master" killed him because her son was under his influence and he was exploiting him and isn't a grown ass man capable of being a grown ass man.
Doesn't realize the media is exploiting her for the giant balls freak-show.
It's not shopped stupid
I bet his dick was three inches lmao.
>It's not shopped stupid
He was saying because of photoshop, people can't trust photograph evidence anymore.
It's very weird. The son (tank) left a couple of times and got sued at one point by Dylan, tank also had to get his collar cut off at home depot because Dylan wouldn't unlock it. I think this all took place in San Francisco (of course). What a soap opera!
>day 46 nofap
what is it with gingers.....
Reeeeeeee why can't I get those gainz! I lift 5 Times a week and have had No gainz at all lately! Why must I be doomed to be a lanklett with No chin for the rest of My life
>> faggot
>> grown ass man
Pick one.
Faggots are mentally ill. Not men
Uhh.. it's called steroids. If you've never used them, you'll not understand how good they can work and if you have, you'll be able to detect all people that use them.
I'm 6'2" and naturally got myself to 220lbs with a lot of hard work. I did 2 cycles of roids and I went up to 270lbs. I'm at 255lbs now and look like a guy from wrestling or whatever.
This guy has been using roids heavily for years.
And decreasing because that 'sack' was covering it.
It's literally from synthol injections:
>I was suckled for three months by a giant woman. That is why my balls became so big.
is this real life?
Hi Ahmed.
Kill yourself, mutt
you might be retarded, fag
why do we care? It's the lifestyle they chose
this is a variation of sadomasochism
Sup' Tyrone
you can hit your testicles repeatedly and develop watery masses around them called hydroceles.
t. porn-addict-turned-degenerate
He's even more retarded than the Aussie who died after eating a toxic slug
>that gets themselves killed never held responsible for their own actions?
He died, so he kind of paid the price. As for the slave-master, I don't have a problem if his life got destroyed over this as well.
Carnivore diet.
Roids are for faggots.
>Predators in the gay community:
Furry community
He's a furry
>he was exploiting him and isn't a grown ass man capable of being a grown ass man.
To be fair, predators do live. Human minds are capable of exploitation. Psychopaths do exist.
It's not unheard of some severely mentally ill person to be exploited by someone with sadistic motives.
No I have low hanging bigger balls than average and it’s fucking anoying as fuck
Get fucked ye cunt
Forgot memeflag, ye fucking queer
This is why we'll never abolish slavery in any meaningful way. In a "free" world people still willingly sign up to take it up the ass seven ways from sunday. This dude along with several others were literal slaves of the master and they put on their chains willingly.
Bet he manspreads like a boss. Or used too
says in the kf thread he was impotent due to it
You can’t just lock up an adult. Half the time the parents don’t even know where the hell to find their kids. All they have are memories about how great the kid was before the drugs and desperate hopes another stint in rehab will fix everything
A man kills himself with his own balls, and the mother has no way of finding closure for herself or her family because taking "blow up my balls for gay BDSM entertainment" seriously is such a shibboleth these days all she will seem like is a clown. I guess the take away here is that it's better to come back home in a can of Pringles dead from your balls killing you than it is to come home in a pine box killed by sand niggers.
Also I would like to thank Android for capitalizing both "BDSM" and "Pringles" for me, very important to get those two right
Gay people are fucked up in the head, nothing new
Is it legal to bring childrens there??
>Tfw balls are bigger than my dick
Manlets. When will they learn?
There are children in gay pride parades most of the time, it's public and in daylight.
>that flag on the right
Oh no...
He's a real Amerimutt-looking thing, isn't he?
Randy Marsh!
Terrible, you can see from their faces in the pic you posted that it's not where they should be
It’s just niggers in a different order.
let them, in fact encourage it.
Let the problem solve itself.
It was a common slug with a common parasite, rat lungworm, which infects slugs and snails all over the world. It was not a case of overt stupidity, the poor guy just didn't know obscure biology/cooking trivia.
Well that explains it.
Doing the balls but not the dick is just weird though.
Would it surprise anyone if I said these are furfaggots LARPing?
Here's what happens when you inject silicon in your body. Your body's natural defenses go completely haywire and wrap the similar-to-carbon-yet-alien-as-fuck substance in masses and masses of collagen.
Maybe 10% of that scrote is silicon, the rest is collagen acting as a barrier.
These sick fucks also inject their cocks with this shit, until they nick a blood vessel like little puppy Tank and die from an embolism.
Dude It's just synthol and ab implants. He probably didn't even go to the gym.
Copious amounts of steroids and super low reps apparently. Some guy who worked out at the same gym as their ringleader posted about it on kiwifarms. Was apparently a complete wimp that couldn't lift for shit and compensated with enormous amounts of testo.
Synthol looks way more unnatural than that, it came from a needle though, that much is a given.
He was an adult.
No one is responsible for what happened other than himself.
That's HGH and steroids. He has no implants and nor is any of that synthol, not even in his balls.
someone needs to torture that guy
cool tats, look like pants
Most of these guys started off skinny and had numerous body issues, that's' why they end up like this.
They are naturally weak submissive men which is also why they are drawn to the bdsm Master part.
He wouldn't have been weak at that size, when he started sure, and while people who are built vary a lot in strength, guys with 20 inch arms of muscle are still going to be strong.
Right that guy is using SILLICON IMPLANTS - his new are you guys, like
That guy who died was a big ass bear long before he met that weirdo of a master.
Yeah, in his testicles. The rest is 100% testosterone injected in straight in the ass.
I stopped training in September after wrecking all records on paradise beach on the ancient Mediterranean island of Male perfection, Mykonos. I’d won.
I now look like a bus drivers arse again. I earn a lot, I eat a lot, I don’t have to work even at work, Im ‘working’ right now. Soooo I need steroids and I’m about to take a walk and ask a couple of the gentleman farmers around here (I’m on s country estate) what they use. I’m going to look up animal steds too.
I used to refuse them all the time when I was doing private security and working out. Was benching 100kg for fun so I felt I was fine. Now I really really want some because I’m loaded and lazy and I want to be 50% sexier.
Yes but he was a steroid and hgh bear even then. They all are. These kind are not normal, they are a tiny percentage of people with serious body issues.
His baldness has been accelerated by all the gear use.
He's gay. You cannot make honest assessments of many of the realities of the gay lifestyle/community in public now. To do so is heresy and you'll lose everything for such a crime
Smol boi