Gday lads

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Sri Lankan suicide bomber ‘studied in Australia’

Paedophile Ruecha Tokputza abused children as young as 15 months old in Australia and Thailand

Father, 25, who butchered his wife, mother-in-law and three young daughters before living with their bloodied bodies for five days pleads guilty to their murders

Petrol prices are now the most expensive they've been for six months - with drivers shelling out $240 a month on fuel

GetUp! pulls Tony Abbott lifesaver election ad after widespread criticism

‘Islamic State is in rebuilding mode’: Terror group enters chilling new phase

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Don't seem to be as many funny meme parties running for the senate in my state this year.

need c&c

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Anning should be on any minute now

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NZ is giving permanent resident rights to all families of the victims of the mosque attack

one family interviewed said "yes we'll most likely make use of this oppertunity"

They sold you to Islam, NO news anchor wailing about islamic terror after 360 dead and 500+ wounded, no president like that cunt wearing a hijab to show remorse anywhere to be seen.
It's clear all media and islamic infiltration services have bought politcians and the media, they're all fucking enemies.

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>as if nz wasnt going to give them all citizenships and gibs anyway.
Saved you 50 bags of bucks there, kiwibros.

Whoa, it's a girl! How much do I donate for her to suck my cock?

>don't vote for a clown australia
not that there's any difference in parliment

hes on now

This is awkward and cringe.

>mfw 2 aus/pol/s

the absolute state of that anning shill

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What the fuck is this shit? She talks like my mates gf who's an absolute brainlet.

>neil erikson made a really funny video, youtube censorship


are you boys gonna be working this weekend?

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>Did you see the video he made of you? OMG SO FUNNY!

Riveting political discussion.

Daily reminder at election time to make the right choice!

If you don't vote for the [alp/coalition] you risk the [alp/coalition] getting elected!

Attached: australian_voting.png (700x467, 549K)

How do I make this girl gf

>muh 6million

fucking DROPPED

Anning Just supported gas chamber lie

Fuckin boomer

>non whites welcome

That is the permanent, the mighty mood of Australia, we say that Australia is not finished, we say that Australia is not dead, we say and I ask you to say it with us lift up your voices in this great meeting in the heart of Australia.


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Pls give Aussie gf

You idiots like walking on your own flag?

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Disavow, disavow

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Civ nats are fucking retarded


Shorten training bra!

based leith so defiant and then complete surrender within 24hrs

You can't have one.
>in other news, I am getting absolutely assraped by captcha today.

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Far left is nordic phenotype

I want one to call me love, I'm coming down there in two months.

Attached: ok.jpg (192x154, 5K)

Only candidates in my area are Labour, Greens and lefty Independents. Can't vote for any of the fuckers.


see ya soon

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So if neither Anning or Malcolm Roberts gets enough votes to win a senate seat in QLD but they preferenced each other first and together their votes are more than one of the senators who was winning and Anning has more votes than Roberts does Anning become a senator?

I know you won't let me down Aus pol you can answer questions like this and aren't really a bunch of FUCKING USELESS DRUG ADDICTS

Ah well, another zog puppet

Side note, where can I buy fairy bread

Also 80% of aussie chicks over 16 have an STI

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they ALL are, every last conservative party is subservient to the jews

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No where. Your mum makes it for you when you're a kid.

>Side note, where can I buy fairy bread
you have to find a mum somewhere and get her to make it for you, it's a kind of magic that women are only able to attain once they hit menopause down under

she seems nice fuck off cunt

It's not for seppos, sorry

What can I do if I'm in Brisbane or Gold Coast?

I'm scared knowing that these sops are going to be all that's left

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>one off

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Catch a plane back to the US

No lol I meant tourists attractions.

>be shitbag
>literally defend Blair Cottrell
Fucking Wew. This guy isn't getting re-elected

This shit is way to religious. Why are christcucks incapable of holding 'christian' values without believing in a higher power?

No one cares ABC

religion is effective at convincing a large mass of people, but not so effective at convincing the smart set

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guess whos coming, guys

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Fuck off Neil
Fuck off Zack
Fuck off Andrew
Fuck off Frank

>Father, 25, who butchered his wife, mother-in-law and three young daughters
What the fuck was that faggot doing married to a 41 year old roastie? Is it just me or does he look older than 25 too?

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>t. bitch tits

Lived in the house with their remains for 5 days too the sick bastard.

Imagine the smell.

All aussie women are leftists you can have them...fucking gross...aussie women=niggers of women

They're brown like niggers from tanning, too. Pic related is the skin of a post-wall aussie roastie

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Yep, if you havent see seen a decent looking girl that looks like she is from a good family hop a squat and take a piss in public you cleary havent been out in australia. Melbourne cup being one of the worst examples...aussie women repulse me

why do i have to vote for 6 people above the line but in state senate elections i can just put a 1 and no more

Who here wants to be my fren?

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Ill be your fren mate

they look legit nice..
dammit i want the one on the right

dic pic

I'm an Argentine so it's ok, I'll take them for you.

Another based dutch flag

I'll be your fren

i hope christchurch becomes muzzie town

My life is going no where I hate it

Until they drink...then they turn into gremlins....actually the movie gremlins is loosley based on aussie women. Plus they have all been told by there boomer gen x parents that they are gifted.

Checked, did you do anything this week?

When they get prenant cos none of them take birth control enjoy being divorce raped lol


most girls have like one beer and turn into spastics then they stop except for maybe a few more sips
that's when you try to finger them if they like you

Yeah getting sex is easy as but i would wife them

Also they were constantly told by publicuck education that women are special. I clearly remember them handing out "women can do anything" stickers

yeah like I did to Hex that one time

I want a white family, I'm tired of being a drifter

My work cancelled my shifts again. I think they don't like me

No one does, people always say I'm a serial killer
I've stayed in bed all week and visited my aunt once

in a club in Sydney? Me too

I actually find smart women attractive but i cant pretend that having the personality of a carrot and acting like a chimp makes you special.

You need to get out the cycle, got any hobbies?

you wouldn't wife a 20 year old 8/10 blonde in a bikini
you gay
you should go to africa

Are you a serial killer?

Yeah me to bra, i love my ancestors and the white race. Spent years nesting for the right bird. Saved money for a big trad marriage. Recently all my married mates started to get divorced...17 odd percent of their income going to the mum who is getting piped by some mulato nigger. Never sees his kids and whenevet she likes she can torture him emotionally.

Join the neets

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>tfw mum passed on forbidden knowledge and taught me how to make it

Ive had my share of hookups

Is she

Prove me wrong you can ive seen all the angles behind the mask.

I think my high school friend killed his wife and covered it up because he is a police

Looks comfy fren

No, I'm just quiet and can't hold a conversation

Yeah but people bully me at them

I'm on dsp, but I'd rather have a job