Is it selfish to commit suicide within a month of my brother's upcoming wedding?
Is it selfish to commit suicide within a month of my brother's upcoming wedding?
No, selfish would be doing it the same day during the reception
Would certainly be a creative show if blood splatters mixed with confetti. Going to commit in private though, with no blood splatter, and hopefully very soon.
Sorry to hear that OP, I’m not sure what pushed you into commit this act, but I guess there’s little to no thing I can say to make things better, I hope you can find the peace you’re looking for.
Not really sure what you’re asking here. Any form of suicide is selfish. Not sure why you would think suicide is your best option here. Have you told anyone your suicidal or told anyone about the circumstances that made you suicidal?
Suicide generally is selfish, it generally causes society and your family and acquaintances trouble.
I'm also on board with this being a right in the end (even assisted suicide), but arguably it shouldn't be actually considered an easy solution due to how many problems for others it generally involves.
So... did doing various other things not work? Maybe simply move elsewhere or get some companionship or something if it's not suicide due to extreme physical health issues nobody can address.
Depends on how desperate you are. I don’t think suicide is automatically selfish if you are genuinely suffering and genuinely have extremely limited hope (not just convincing yourself you have no hope).
If you think you can hold off a fee years for the sake of if being easier on everyone else, then it would be selfish I guess to do it now. Only you really know.
But you know.. best thing is not to do it if possible. If your going to kys anyways there’s no reason not to try absolutely everything to improve your life no matter how crazy.
Good luck user. Feeling for you.
Yes, be respectful and wait a few months.
Don't ruin everyone else's life too.
Just do it after
eh, a month is plenty of time to get over it, depending on how close you are
Committing suicide is selfish no matter what user. Even if you don't have anyone who'll show for the funeral you're still going to leave a mark on whoever finds you and has to drag your dead ass to the morgue. And if they aren't effected you're still contributing to a culture which is constantly telling us suicide is not something to be ashamed of, thus possibly encouraging others to commit suicide...
Also I'm going to go off on a whim and assume you're someone I know. Dump your depressed cry baby girlfriend and find someone who isn't going to be suicidal every second day because of the smallest shit...
Sounds like a stupid plan, OP.
Here's a better one: live up your life, be an asshole and calm it down and wise when you are older.
Please do not kill yourself, why do you want to kill yourself?
yes, suicide generally is selfish because death doesn't really affect the person that commited suicide death only affects the survivors and the living. If you decided to commit suicide you're not really making your problems go away you're just passing it to the living.
Oh fuck it's this thread again.
Everyone saying suicide is selfish is just a selfish asshole who doesn't want to help suicidal people. It's so much easier to put the blame on the person who's suffering just because you are too lazy to help them.
Maybe the living should actually care a bit more about the suicidal person. Sure, sometimes you can't tell someone is suicidal. But very often the suicidal person is seen as an "edgelord" or as someone who just complains too much. It pretty much translates to the world asking the person to go ahead and commit suicide.
It's also selfish on the side of the living, to expect a suffering person to stay alive and keep suffering, just so they don't have to deal with that person's death.
Life isn't fair it never will be, in life where shit happens everywhere and has been happening since the dawn of time, rape, murder, torture, etc. Everyone goes to the same things a suicidal person goes through and some even worse, no one is asking you to stay alive and keep suffering, people are just asking you to be strong and have some perspective once in a while and you'll know that your problems right now is completely nothing compared to the terrible things that has happened and yet to come. There's 7 billion+ people right now in the world and what makes you think that, individually, what they go through isn't as worse as yours yet they still decided to go through life and seek the life and happiness they deserve.
Ever heard of the holocaust, 9/11, world wars, rape of nanjing, rape of manila?
Did the survivors just chose to give up and commit suicide?
>Did the survivors just chose to give up and commit suicide?
Typical case of someone who doesn't understand suicide.
Suicide happens when a person's coping strategies aren't fit for their problems. Different people know different coping methods and have different problems.
When your problems aren't fixable by the coping methods you know, then you need external help or may end up commiting suicide.
Life is not about comparing your suffering to the suffering of others. Some people can't deal with problems on their own.
Besides the fact that there's such a huge stigma towards suicide, because of people thinking the way you do, that it makes getting help a lot harder for suicidal people.
"Stay strong" is not real advice. A person who loses a leg can go to a doctor but someone who is suicidal ends up on their own because people just think they are lazy or that their problems aren't that bad, for some reason.
Tell a good friend about it, tell him your plans.
Tell him everything seriously. Everything.
That's what I did. It seriously put the brakes on my suicidal thoughts.
Not OP but how did you get past the feeling that it could be rude to put that much pressure on someone (or be a burden on someone). I don't have anyone I think I could talk to without being a burden to them.
Imagine being this fucking ignorant. Fun fact, people who generally kill themselves can't just "man up" or shrug it off. Turns out every brain is wired differently. That's your fucking argument against suicidals? Comparing them to random cruel acts in history? I honestly want to actually wring your fucking neck for being this fucking dense
You might be surprised. I always doubted one of my friends for being good at stuff like that but one day I thought 'fuck it' and started telling him about my marriage issues. He had very very good advice for me. And continues to.
To answer your question more thoroughly, it's not pressure. Get past that idea. If someone cares about you, it's not pressure. They'll be glad that you told them rather than you didn't.
“The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them--words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were In your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it.
That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.”
― Stephen King, The Body
I literally just explained to the user I replied to why the living expect the suicidal to stay alive and keep suffering.
You people kept saying that the reason why someone feel suicidal is that their brain is wired completely different from everyone but then why won't you guys ask a fucking professional about your sucidal tendencies? You already knew you're mentally different yet when someone slapped you in the face with reality you try to blame us and act as if your decision to keep on suffering was our fault while you guys refuse to actual get help?
You guys already stated that its the mind that's at fault when it comes to suicidal thoughts, a person who lose their leg can go to the doctor well you can also go to a therapist or a counselor where you will be taken seriously without any stigma.
Thanks user