Throughout history, in both the East and the West, whenever a culture has had a strong emphasis on masculinity there seems to be have been a prevalence of strong degenerate behavior involving homosexuality and pederasty. This was widely practiced in ancient Greece, specifically Sparta, where an older man would take a younger male as a pupil and sexual lover. In Japan, this was called 'shudō' where the practice was carried out by the samurai class.
With the introduction of Christianity in the West, and the dissolution of the warrior class in the East, this behavior not only went away but was openly demonized.
Are hypermasculine societies simply fated to be cesspools of faggotry and degeneracy?
Christian warrior culture conquered the world with western civilization, and degenerate pagans were exterminated.
Cameron Bennett
I don't think Christians ever had a "warrior culture". Yes there were crusades and war, and imperialist expansion, but the culture itself was never focused on the military, on fighting, or on masculinity. Thus there was no widespread, accepted, male on male sexual behavior or pederasty.
Paganism, on the other hand, came out of cultures that did have a warrior-centric mindset and that's why they worshiped gods like Odin who drank all sorts of cum. The pagan religions of these militaristic civilizations were peak degeneracy, it's no wonder they were all faggots.
Humans will always wage war, but the dominant ideology that is practiced seems to influence whether faggotry is accepted. Christian is pacifist by nature and it seems to place focus on the necessary roles of the male and female for society to function. Christian cultures have a strong emphasis on family.
With the decline of the of the samurai in Japan and the adoption of pacifist principles, you saw the same decline in the practice of wakashūdō.
And now that Christianity is declining in the West, you see a return to the ways of faggotry and degeneracy but without the warrior culture, the worst of both worlds.
Yep, you got it right. The entire Greco-Roman view of masculinity is homosexual to its core and is actually based on a more feminine mindset than a masculine one (i.e. caring too much about your own looks). "Alpha-male culture" isn't even masculine.
Ryder Parker
That's the great paradox. By concentrating too much on the masculine aspects of society you make it homosexual and thus less masculine in the end.
Kevin Rivera
What I'm saying is that you can be masculine without being like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a view of masculinity that is based on a homosexual aesthetic. Men don't need that to stop being weak. Even as early as a hundred years ago, we didn't have this "alpha male culture" like we do today or that the ancient Greeks and Romans had.
Julian Murphy
Yeah I get ya. There are plenty of guys who go to the gym today because they want to "look better" rather than because they need to be stronger. They focus so much on the male aesthetic that they end up being attracted to it and they start fucking guys. Men who act macho are compensating and are usually gay.
Wyatt Garcia
The entire upper class of Christian Europe were military men up until the 19th century.
You clearly don't understand warrior culture if you think that some faggots lusted over men are somehow the representation of an entire class of society.
Furthermore You are linking a website that is heavily redacted by liberals and SJWs and provide little to no factual evidence for their claims or just cherrypick their quotes out of context.
Had Greek and Roman warriors been the homosexuals that you speak of then their societies would have crumbled long before. Yet the Roman's had an Empire spanning almost all of Europe and lasting close to a 1000 years.
Romans were tolerant of certain sexual practices and so were Greeks but that doesn't mean their male and warrior institutions were homo centric. Quite the contrary.
So much misinformation, stop taking info from such (((sources))) my friends.
To be fair homosexuality wasn't really looked down upon until Christianity became prevalent. It is mostly a Christian idea that having multiple sex partners and homosexuality is sinful. If someone doesn't believe in that religion, it would be a safe bet to say they don't think those things are sinful. Except that those religious ideals have spilled over into society as the majority of the western world were ruled by Christians for the past 1,500 years or so. I don't see any problems with spartan homosexuality. Any dude who played high school sports knows how gay the locker room was. Or a military shower room. Everyone is talking about each others dicks and waving them around, snacking each other on the ass, etc. Not specifically because everyone is a raging homo, but because developing deeper relationships makes you care more for one another and function more as a unit. The same idea applies to the Spartans. You fight harder if you care for the person you're protecting. It's simple, natural human psychology that has been oppressed by religion. For better or worse is a matter of opinion.
Jayden Perez
Not a single thing you said is true
Charles Baker
It was looked down upon. It was tolerated in very specific contexts and mostly done away from prying eyes by certain elite members of society, the very same way it was always done and still is done today.
Ian Martin
That's a fair point. I was more talking about in warrior cultures though. Not strictly common society.
Ethan Myers
That Wikipedia article is well cited, and you on the other hand don't have a single source.
Cameron Morris
And now Christians are warped weak cuckolds without balls. Time to go back to our roots
Cooper Sanders
user, you have to remember this when talking about sexuality the context matters. And much like in prisons or the navy, we are talking of an environment filled with aggressive men (physically and sexually) and to some of this men the lack of pussy around such environments can lead to sodomy as means of releasing such sexual frustration. This probably part of the reason why: 1-Rape after conquest was common. 2-Why Celts,Romans and many other European armies brought their wives along with them.
Now i'm gonna pretend i understand the chink mindset regarding homo stuff. They are after all very different from whites, so i'd suspect they have a very different view when it comes to sexuality (for example the current weird Japanese sexuality as expressed trough their weird fetishes, especially in hentai).
Well cited my ass. The very same website that has been receiving haircuts on articles that regard anything German from ww2. Wikipedia is well know for the circle jerks and severe editing that goes on by antifas and other leftist ideologues.
It is true i don't cite sources because i am making my arguments based on my reading experience and knowledge of antiquity i don't keep a fucking track of the quotes and sources every time and want to talk about a topic i have better things to do. However i am very interested in countering anti-european cherry picked (((info))).
Juan Powell
*Now i'm not gonna pretend
Henry Sanders
we only have armies because other countries have armies. warrior culture is bullying culture.
Jordan Moore
Another fair point, but then what about today's military men and as stated before high school locker rooms? They're not sexually oppressed and the same behavior still continues, even if it's not to the level of sexual intercourse. Navy dudes at sea are a different story, but homosexual behavior isn't strictly limited to dudes in the navy.
Leo Bailey
>what were military orders
Sebastian Miller
>Well cited my ass. It is, feel free to check out the references and confirm for yourself that the information is true. It's no secret that pre-Christian and post-Christian society was and has been more accepting of homosexuality. If you look at ancient Greece and Rome, obviously not every male took part in homosexual behavior, but it was pretty common and accepted by their society as a whole. If this is a myth then feel free to at least name a book that dispels it, bucko.
Jacob Hernandez
If i had to wonder regarding high school locker rooms is that we are speaking of teenagers that are still developing sexually, so some ambiguity and confusion might be part and parcel and also that those with latent homo tendencies use it to explore and potentially abuse without the direct homo accusation.
Current military powers in western world are garbage were there is a lack of enforced discipline and inadequate care for their men. During ww2 the German soldier was strictly prohibited from flirting/fucking/raping foreigner women in conquered territory but, the German military provided with regulated brothels for their men when off duty so they could have release of their sexual tension. likewise Sir Bernard Montgomery was adamant that his soldier had access to brothels and prostitutes, he saw it has a important thing for the men's moral. It seems this lesson has escaped modern military.
I can't remember the documentary i saw regarding these ww2 military brothels, they had actual interviews with veterans. but if you search you'll find them.
Levi Gomez
Some Romans hated homosexuals, but this doesn't apply to the entire population. Just look at Hadrian.
David Martinez
Kayden Foster
Majority of Romans were against homosexuality, they adopted Christianity not because it was so unique and new, but because their moral codes were extremely similar being the only really obvious standout the fact Romans were idolators. Roman society was heterosexual and monogamous. Don't look at the debauched emperors has a accurate reflection of actual roman society at large.
Justin Cook
>here seems to be have been a prevalence of strong degenerate behavior involving homosexuality and pederasty. This was widely practiced in ancient Greece, specifically Sparta, where an older man would take a younger male as a pupil and sexual lover. >See flag American education.
Gabriel Howard
Dear Americans Please refrain from posting your Hollywood ideas about history, it's embarrassing.
Regards - The rest of the civilized world
Jeremiah Sanchez
>Romans were tolerant of certain sexual practices Except they weren't at all.
Fun fact: The ancient Latin equivalent of "faggot" is "graeculus", "little Greek".
Luis Lopez
Colton Murphy
Yeah yeah, even when the Romans became Catholic, the priests still were a bunch of crypto-pedophiles who literally had eunuchs sing their hymns (castrati). >Roman society was heterosexual and monogamous Republic? Maybe, but even they still had women acting like whores. Empire, just no.
Andrew Ramirez
I stand corrected Hans.
Adam Reed
Lets omit the fact that the majority of popes had children and female lovers and they went to great lengths to curb sexual deviancy for a millennia. Pederasty and pedophilia is a recurrent theme still today with secular societies, its about evil men that use positions of power to exploit. There isn't anything inherently homo about Catholicism, so you point is mute.
The moral code of the republic was the same of the empire. Just because people were wealthier and did more retarded shit doesn't preclude that suddenly being a faggot was acceptable. The same way today western society is enabling of faggotry because of social decay brought about excessive wealth and comfort it doesn't mean there always was something inherently homo about European values and morals. That is the Holywood parody of history concocted by (((them))) for wanting you to believe that there never was anything redeeming about your ancestors and that its ok to stand and watch as your society falls apart from the inside out.
Brandon Cooper
>ancient Greece was homosexual
from all the jewish memes on Jow Forums, that one's the most vile
Dylan Campbell
>There isn't anything inherently homo about Catholicism Like I said, castrato eunuchs, having to literally kiss the pope's foot as a ruler, etc.. >The moral code of the republic was the same of the empire. Just because people were wealthier and did more retarded shit doesn't preclude that suddenly being a faggot was acceptable. The same way today western society is enabling of faggotry because of social decay brought about excessive wealth and comfort it doesn't mean there always was something inherently homo about European values and morals. That is the Holywood parody of history concocted by (((them))) for wanting you to believe that there never was anything redeeming about your ancestors and that its ok to stand and watch as your society falls apart from the inside out. It's pretty undeniable that the Roman empire did tolerate deviant forms of sexuality like the Greeks did which was a smaller problem in the republic. Again, I acknowledge that many Romans hated homosexuals, but that again, doesn't apply to the entire empire. And it's ironic you talk about ancestors here, my ancestors were tribes that fought to kick the Romans out.
Sebastian Long
Christianity is a fertility cult first and foremost, that's why homosexuality, masturbation and abortion are frowned upon and monogamous marriage the highest of all institutions, all designed to maximize human life in the world. This isn't inherently anti martial but it's opposed to suicide, haremization, ancestor worship and rampant infanticides that martial societies are known for.
Carson Thomas
Castratii were castrated so they could achieve a higher pitch of voice and this wasn't a catholic thing rather an Italian practice. Opera singers back then were exclusively male, even female roles were acted and voiced by males, so in that context is were castrati appear. It wasn't a Catholic practice it was cultural practice of Italians back then because females weren't allowed to be singers of opera or actors. >It's pretty undeniable that the Roman empire did tolerate deviant forms of sexuality... Stop reciting garbage please. >my ancestors were tribes that fought to kick the Romans out. The misguided jealousy and bitterness is showing. If you want to hate on Romans do it for the right reason don't fall for or recite obvious misinfo. There are allot of things to criticize Romans for but the myth of Romans being a homo tolerant society isn't one.
Angel Thompson
>Christianity is opposed to ancestor worship I agree with most of what you said, but can you expand on this point? Wouldn't ancestor worship be a net positive with respect to fertility rates? What about All Souls' Day?
>Christianity is opposed to haremization Again wouldn't harems increase fertility rates? A single male would have more females to mate with. The Muslim world has higher fertility rates compared to white countries, so there's at least a correlation.
Wyatt Gray
Sparta the most militaristic society of ancient Greece was fine with pederasty and the women held all the land and by extent all the power. They were dependent on their slave class, which once liberated by Athens and their friends led to the decline of Sparta.
Also the warrior class never went away, in Eastern Europe Soldiering was an inherited trade, passed from father to son. This was the result of the reforms of late rome which became cultural norm for Eastern Europe till Communism via the adoption of Eastern Orthodoxy which was inherently late Roman. Though one thing to note about the late Roman solider was that they were not "specialists masters of X weapon" but troops trained in all the weapons of war, from the Spear to Siegecraft, and it was less about dick waving and more about the strength of an Army and it's versatility. In the west the warrior class was dependent on each nation, there being systems like the Thane one where the solider class had to be payed for and provided by the local administration. Though in the west you did have some dick waving organizations like the Teutons.
Jacob Russell
>drinking cum Stop posting revisionist jewish lies
Brody Torres
>Wikipedia as a source Somebody never went to school.
Lucas Smith
warrior culture is sweet as fuck man, all you do is train, work, get lit, fuck some shit up, fuck your qt, rinse and repeat
Liam Perez
>fuck your qt Who would not be female.
Cooper Campbell
Wow. Shills are really stepping their pro-sodomy pilpul game up
Colton Young
>Castratii were castrated so they could achieve a higher pitch of voice and this wasn't a catholic thing rather an Italian practice. Opera singers back then were exclusively male, even female roles were acted and voiced by males, so in that context is were castrati appear. It wasn't a Catholic practice it was cultural practice of Italians back then because females weren't allowed to be singers of opera or actors. Many "Catholic practices" are Italian in origin. Where do you think Catholicism started? But these practices did make their way to other Catholic nations like France and even the eastern empire. >There are allot of things to criticize Romans for but the myth of Romans being a homo tolerant society isn't one They DID tolerate homosexuals. Regardless whether this was part of the Hellenistic influence on Roman society. Why do you think Paul had to mention homosexuality in his epistle to the Romans? Because the Romans would've been used to having faggots. What Hollywood is promoting is that bisexuality was the norm among Romans. Yes, THAT isn't ture, it doesn't mean that the Romans didn't tolerate faggots.
> Wouldn't ancestor worship be a net positive with respect to fertility rates Ancestor worship is handled like the worship of false gods. Christianity's view of children on the other hand is different, there is a worship of the young and the unborn. In other cultures they're basically treated like plants and non-entities (maybe a coping mechanism because of high infant mortality). You can read about it in pic related. >Again wouldn't harems increase fertility rates? There are multiple factors imo that make harem societies not optimal. They're very fragile because of their centralized nature, once the father dies the kids are often in danger. Also a society with sexless, unmarried men is not stable and breeds conflict and rape gangs (the rape of the sabine women is not an anomaly). Harems lower security and survival of children, are an instable domestic policy but maybe good for expansive foreign policy, because men conquer foreign territory to get women.
You clearly don't know shit about catholicism. I was born and raised catholic,even though i no longer am one i do know what catholicism is about and even in its current reprehensible vatican the 2nd form there is no support in the scripture in their own culture or clerical practices of tolerance for any sexual abnormalities, nowadays most catholic priest avoid the subject as so not to antagonize liberals (which i think is the wrong strategy) but nothing on any part of the catholic upbringing is about tolerance of faggotry and sexual deviancy, if there is any is the responsibility of ill informed new age idiots that believe that a religion can mean anything you want it to mean.
>They DID tolerate homosexuals. Toleration is not acceptance stop playing with words. OP's original point was that warrior cults were gay and for a culture to be gay it must be accepted.
Homos have always existed and yes they were tolerated and known to a degree, throughout all the ages, that doesn't mean it was acceptable ever.
Maybe Paul just happened to be bigger on anti-gay stuff then the average roman, that doesn't mean he was being unique or teaching them something new, just that his anti-gay fervour was higher. The same way you have nationalists of varying degrees.
Caleb King
Did you even read his post moron?
Thomas Baker
Warrior and Priest complete each other. We need both.
Bentley Gutierrez
Your premise is wrong. Homosexuality and pederasty is not degenerate in the context of warrior culture.
Eli Thomas
>Christianity's view of children on the other hand is different, there is a worship of the young and the unborn. Interesting, I've never heard of this perspective before. Thanks for the book recommendation, can you briefly summarize the main points and how Christianity has been able to do that?
With regards to harems, I see your point. This type of society necessarily reduces the number of men who can form a stable family. I guess fertility rates aren't the be all end all if your society can't function to begin with.
Colton Smith
>You clearly don't know shit about catholicism. I was born and raised catholic,even though i no longer am one i do know what catholicism is about and even in its current reprehensible vatican the 2nd form there is no support in the scripture in their own culture or clerical practices of tolerance for any sexual abnormalities, nowadays most catholic priest avoid the subject as so not to antagonize liberals (which i think is the wrong strategy) but nothing on any part of the catholic upbringing is about tolerance of faggotry and sexual deviancy, if there is any is the responsibility of ill informed new age idiots that believe that a religion can mean anything you want it to mean. Vatican II didn't just "make Catholicism bad". These problems existed way before Vatican II. Having to kiss the pope's foot, for example? >Toleration is not acceptance stop playing with words. OP's original point was that warrior cults were gay and for a culture to be gay it must be accepted. Then the Roman army, less so, but he has a point regarding the Greeks and Japanese. See the sacred band of Thebes. They were tied together via faggotry. >Maybe Paul just happened to be bigger on anti-gay stuff then the average roman Which explains why he mentioned homosexuality in the epistle to the Romans but not to the Galatians for example?
The problem is that the education system in America has failed utterly and anyone with half a brain knows that its more or less a leftists indoctrination system. So you have the 110 pseudo-intellectuals bumbling around in the wilderness so to speak, without any greater academic tradition to guide them.
Its going to continue until the Jews are purged from all Academic and Scientific posts in the wests and some thorough re-construction of the Academic community and consensus takes place.
Nathan Carter
Holy shit, Japs have dick envy like no one else. >ancient Latin equivalent of "faggot" is "graeculus", "little Greek". You see Graeculus in graffiti on some remaining Roman walls. OP, this is a complete misreading and correlation of warrior societies with homosexual practices. What defines a warrior society is aspects of conflict resolution, honor and methods that keep men from killing each other. A little frottage on the side is a detail at best. >OP needs to post tits or GTFO
Joshua Gray
I agree with OP however more on the homosexual aspect of "macho culture" and hypermasculinity which was common among the Greeks and Romans. You know how they have statues of Zeus or Jupiter being ultra buff like in pic related? That's what I primarily agree with OP on here.
That's false, Romans clearly cared for their children as seen by the care taken with funerary stones for those that died before their time. The view of children as unimportant is a Greek view shared to some extent with Eastern Cultures. The care for children was so great in Rome that it inspired the Christian views on children. As the Patriarchal family system was the norm for Rome and became the norm for Christianity.
Carter James
>homosexual aspect of "macho culture" and hypermasculinity which was common among the Greeks and Romans. This shit was a Greek practice that the Romans saw as invasive and damaging to their young boys. >The view of children as unimportant is a Greek view shared to some extent with Eastern Cultures. And we start to get at the root of the cultural conflict between ancient Greece and Rome.
Dylan Carter
>Vatican II didn't just "make Catholicism bad". These problems existed way before Vatican II. Having to kiss the pope's foot, for example? >An obvious act of submission not of homosexuality you tit. Nto so long ago bowing and kissing your Lord's hand was the way to show your submission to his authority. >Then the Roman army, less so, but he has a point regarding the Greeks and Japanese. See the sacred band of Thebes. They were tied together via faggotry. I don't know about japs and i said this since the start. Asians are different from Europeans period i don't know why they do what they do nor really do i care much. There are some insular cases of greek faggotry but to what extent they were accepted i don't know but with regards to Romans i don't see how any such accusations by modern liberals revisionists are credible. >Which explains why he mentioned homosexuality in the epistle to the Romans but not to the Galatians for example? Galatians were pagan Celts living in Anatolia, the reason why homo stuff wasn't a topic of conversation in regards to them evades me. Then again what point would there be to reiterate the same point repeatedly when you are compiling the Bible. remember that the Bible isn't a complete account of everything that was said and done by Jesus and the apostles.
Bentley Cruz
The Greeks never condoned homosexuality, that's a myth.
I would highly suggest you read the whole thing. Here is a quick take-down of slaves being used for homosexual intercourse.
Aeschines, Against Timarchus 16: " If an Athenian insults a free boy, his tutor should sue him rthe wrong doerl in front of the six junior archons r Athens' legislatorsl and ask for his punishment. If he is found guilty by the court, he should be consigned to the eleven executioners and given death that same day. If he is convicted to pay a fine, he must do so within eleven days' time; if he is not able to pay it immediately, he remains in prison until he does. Those who do such things to slaves are equally guilty." In this second law, we must note the verb "insult" which has also the meaning of "being lustful to someone".
Demosthenes, Against Meidias, 4 7, I " If someone insults a child, woman or man, free or slave, he should be denounced by any Athenian to the six junior archons and they should bring the case before court within thirty days, if there aren't other urgent public affairs; if there are, whenever this is possible. And, when he is found guilty, he must immediately be sentenced to pay a fine or be executed."
Lincoln Wright
>If he cat calls a woman, man or child he can be made to pay sexual harrsment fines or even death That has less to do with Pederastry and just general conduct.
Xavier Richardson
>whenever a culture has had a strong emphasis on masculinity there seems to be have been a prevalence of strong degenerate behavior involving homosexuality and pederasty. source: your ass
Daniel Lee
Better than your culture.
Isaiah Bennett
Leo Ortiz
>dying for isreal in the middle of some desert yep thats christian culture for you
Alexander Butler
I've been meaning to research warrior.cultures for a while now. Does anybody know how it could be practiced today, if it even can be?
Jose Cook
>You see Graeculus in graffiti on some remaining Roman walls. It was a common insult, even in debates. Romans loved ad hominem, especially calling their opponents homos.
For more about the ancient Roman sentiments towards gays, look up the Bacchanal Scandals.
Nolan Ross
Like 50% of the guys the crusaders fucked up were Jews. It came to a point where the Pope had to declare Jews un-attackable because the crusaders were bogged down destroying ghettos and burning kikes instead of going to the Holy Land and defend Christendom.
It's very hard to talk about attitudes towards homosexuals in ancient cultures since Gay identity wasn't a thing back then and Christianity continues to warp ideas about sex generally. Greek homosexuality was a phase of life and not a permanent label. Romans on the other hand had a active / passive dichotomy. If you were the passive parter in gay sex you were stigmatized and not a real man. The active (top) partner faced no loss of status.
Don't even know why I asked since this thread and your reply is filled with juden lies. Oh, and one of my countries inherited machismo which came from Spain, and we are still killing faggots. So jude- I mean, OPS theory is false.
Luke Roberts
Hunter Morris
How do I become a warrior? Where can I find hollywood type teachers filled with cliches?
Christopher Martinez
"Don't ask, don't tell" only covers up all the faggotry in the military.
Camden Morgan
>this behavior not only went away
Ha! Good one! Catholicism is ruled by homos and pedos. Reports of gay orgies are widespread.