why are white people so ignorant on race?
Why are white people so ignorant on race?
What do you mean?
I'll take a stab at an answer - exposure. It's nobody's fault. I knew fuck all about black culture until I started working with a load of Jamaicans and Nigerians. Now I know a lot about it, but I wouldn't have done if I hadn't had the exposure.
Same thing with Israeli's hating Palestinians and vice versa. Once they actually meet a few they realise they're not bad people at all, and they just believe what they're heard on the TV.
BTW, Nigerian and Jamaican food are shit.
blacks are barely human. We have more genetic variance between us than dogs and coyotes do.
They will never be anything but a hole in the planet's collective pocket.
So, why are black people so ignorant on laws n shiet?
Your average white person is pretty ignorant about laws, too. Take all those Texans who still think they have the right to secede.
Post your race!!
they aren't American. If you support mexicans taking iover the west coast then you should support whites who don't want any of that gay yankee shit.
the US would be better if everyone was like tx
Because they think that all races can live together in harmony if they’re nice enough and say “sorry about (historical things nobody was alive for)” a lot.
This is not true.
Few states have the infrastructural and energy independence that Texas does; they've got their own power grid, to say nothing of their oil reserves. It puts them in a significantly stronger position to secede, even though they don't actually have that ability in their constitution.
Because the current Western mainstream discourse is predicated on a set of assumptions about how race doesn't matter and different peoples are all the same deep down, and the only way this is maintained is through compulsory ignorance. If you ever publicly admit to noticing certain obvious truths, you're called a racist and driven out of public life/polite society entirely.
I can't for the life of me imagine why Blacks and Hispanics are so convinced that they *want* Whites to be more racially-conscious, though. The minute we stop publicly denying reality on questions like natural ingroup preference and race/IQ, all of the modern rhetoric about how inequality = injustice is going to go up in smoke. And all of the handouts and preferential treatment that Blacks and Hispanics enjoy today is going to go up in smoke with it.
Why are minorities ignorant about how annoying their bullshit is? Go away
Hispanics would probably do okay.
Because they are privileged.
>post your race
a tautology, only aryans can post here
Im hispanic and wish everyone would shut the fuck up about race.also i dont think nigger should be some special unsayable word. People need thicker skin. I thought tbe internet would help this but instead its the opposite. Damn.
On the bright side, whites will be able to sponge up all the hot Hispanic and black girls again. That's how it used to be. How it should be. Mixed kids are beautiful.
gross. I legit wouldn't love a kid that doesn't look like me.
Any child you have will only 50% look like you.
ill start but this should move to int
kikes controlled the slave trade in Africa
kikes had the Ships who brought the slaves to the Americas
kikes enslaved you financially and culturally (replaced your african culture with hip hop culture)
but sure, blame europeans, the ones who owned slaves were 10% of the richest protestant British and the portuguese.
know your enemy
My family has been in the U.S. since its inception and never owned slaves. It's really annoying to here about people coming into our country fresh off the boat or only a few generations and think they own the place.
The fact is other races don't know anything about our culture and think they can just do their own thing which they do and we live along side them in piece.
The fact remains we carved our own piece of cake and you are damn sure we are going to eat it.
the only good ethnic foods are asian, spanish and haitian foods.
The problem is is that white people are really stupid for some reason and want to be blamed for what the Jews did. Who knows why the fuck they're so proud of destroying the natural balance of humanity when they didn't and it was the 'rabs but I guess it works in the Jews' favor.
Honestly I've just heard "White people so racist" so much online / on the radio / on tv that whenever anyone opens with that my brain just turns off and I go on auto-pilot until they shut up. I guess it's like a self defense mechanism to not put my foot in my mouth.
Maybe it's true, but I've just heard it so much that I'm kind of past caring about it now. My own conscience is clean and it's really not my responsibility to play PC police on every white idiot I see.
this post doesn't make any sense if you aren't old money by now you and your family must be inbred tier.
i always love seeing white people talk about there ancestors that lived here in America since the beginning that have never left the middle class you're pathetic and have nothing to be proud of.
My family were also here since at least the late 1700s. Had a lot of money from designing buildings like the Capital building. Come 'round 1800s they started rearing horses and a new family joined into the lineage from the Caribbeans who were moving north and met up with the first lineage in the deep south in Florida where they continued to live up until the early 1900s where they started expanding out again into other countries and states.
Pretty neat.
the black people that are obsessed with slavery are infuriating. They don't care that it's still a major thing in india and africa. They don't care that the muslims had far more than the entire atlantic slave trade(of which america was only 4% of the market) and that the muslims would castrate them, make them hike through deserts which would kill them, and would beat them to death at far greater rates than what americans would. It's like yea, slavery was a thing people did and we were like the 3rd group to say maybe this isn't the smart thing to do.
Someone plz post the pic of the fish bait pic, I don't have it on my phone.
drew one for you
Bro white people invented racidn, they are not ignorant on race at all, thwy just find better reasons to be racist. I'm from an enslaved race also and my family still dont get the hint about white people. Just be cool and fight the good fight. At the end of the day all racism is bad.
Ty user
This is a bait thread that's posted every week, but I'll bite.
Because it's against the interest of certain powers that whites actually care about their own like every other group.
"""woke""" whites quite literally hate themselves, and that's all there is to it.
It's almost as if....
Dear brown people,
Yawn. Lol
Brown ppl.
PS jk lol
>White people are ignorant
>White people are racist
What the fuck do you want from us if all you cunts do is bitch at us for everything that goes wrong in your life? We're all here to work, shit, sleep, then die, so do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up and get back on the treadmill.
why do negros make everything about race?
The outrage police on the internet made everyone sick of hearing about race. When you start complaining about some dumb fictional character not being dark enough, then people will stop taking actual racism seriously. Same with feminism, there are actual women being subjected to inhumane shit in the 3rd world, but retards on the internet only want to talk about women in videogames and other dumb shit like that. People are just sick of outrage for the sake of outrage.
You are breathing and blinking manually
Your tongue cant find a comfortable position in your mouth
White people may have indulged in black slavery but they were also the ones who abolished it.
Because most normalfag white people refuse to see that niggers are about 6 times more likely to commit crime than they are. Also a bunch of whites are left leaning.
Only priveledged first world brats care about race. Everyone else is the world identifies with ethnicity and culture.
Yellowstone needs to blow and San Andreas needs to crack
America is a waste of space shithole
Don't forget that it was africans who started selling slaves to others in the first place
Niggers sold each other and now blame everyone else
White people just dont want abhorrent and adverse culture ruining what they built up.
>whites build prospering society
>black culture seeks to literally destroy it
>mexicans leech in
>apus become new blacks
>all blame white people for being racist
Whites dont have a problem with colored people following the same program as whites. Get a fucking job and contribute to society. Colored people just have a problem doing either of those, so they play the blame game on the whites and continue being shit on society.
The only races that can grasp this are east and Southeast asians, and whites have no problems there
Is it wrong that I think all black people should suck Donald trumps cock?
Like proper sucks not little kisses
I can only speak for myself; but i grew up in a country and place where you would only see white people. I grew up with only one culture. So i was ignorant to all other races and cultures. That being said i never had any resentment to anyone. And being curious i traveled all over the world, and now I’m not as ignorant anymore.
Being ignorant does not mean you’re a bad person. It’s okay to not know stuff.
What? No way. You know how hard black people had to fight for their rights? It's was brutal. Abraham Lincoln didn't just up and change everything instantly.
If you even present the idea of race differences you're already perceived as absolute evil in accordance to the status quo.
Im not, race is a social construct and its interpretation has varied over the years. Genetically, the inherent differences between races are minor and all differences between races when it comes to behavior is environmental.
Your move, niggers
This is a shitty bait thread and I bet no one will read this, but I'm gonna try. Growing up (born in '86), I was taught that no one around me is really all that different, and tolerance was as simple as treating the people around me fairly and with no prejudice. Sure enough, I had plenty of friends of all races.
I thought that was enough. Well, my half-Asian friend who is "woke" finally taught me what I was missing, for better or or worse. The "Dear White People" shit and stuff about privilege or whatever that's become so prevalent in the past 10 years means he doesn't just want to be treated like normal. He literally wants me and others to be conscious of our racial biases, that we had it better than they did, and basically be in a state of constant apology, complimenting them for dealing with the evils of the world that we didn't have to.
I think that's bogus, but it at least helped me understand what people want. I'm not going to give that to them, though, so I guess I'll just be called a racist by certain people while maintaining my friendships with people who don't expect me to slob their knob all the time.
why are niggers so ignorant period?
why are niggers so stupid they cant obey simple laws like don't steal?
why are niggers so stupid they cant understand that shooting a cop results in them shooting back?
why are niggers so stupid they cant stay calm during anything especially a police stop.
jeez user, maybe if your kang group got your shit together we'd respect your race and want to associate with you.
>falling for obvious bait from another white person
just lol at u
>You are breathing and blinking manually
>Your tongue cant find a comfortable position in your mouth
Damn it do be like dat ???
I am a proud brown man and I want you are too know that I am not only superior to you whiteoids and darknoids, but I am also more chill and popular among my peers.
You see, the future belongs to mixed people. We have no race, no classification. You are outdated models, while we enjoy the privileges of affirmative action with the benefits of euroasian and Jewish IQ. We have fast twitch muscle fiber and mellownin to protect our skin from the sun. We are taking your women and making them have mixed babies, assimilating them into the mixed army, dragging your Gene pool into the future. You cannot win. All racial supremeacists will be fucked out. Submit whiteoids. Submit blacknoids, submit yellowmen. We will have your genes soon enough
If you racemix. If you stay in your own ethnic group your sons will look just like you.
Because we never have to consider the shit. We get the world handed to us as "white male is normal and the rest is extra DLC skin". Unless they actually have minority friends who are also comfortable to share their shitty experiences or made an effort to do a research, the ignorance is just given and hardly the crackers fault.
Most people who never had to deal with a divorce are pretty ignorant when it comes to divorce law too for example.
>You see, the future belongs to mixed people.
And unless you live in a very remote rural shithole, there is a good chance you're mixed. Most Amerimutts are just genetically deficient mix of Euro ethnicities.
>mellownin to protect our skin from the sun.
Why would anyone unironically go outside?
Like other people aren’t ignorant about race, you only know about whites because you probably live in a mostly white area, a poor Indian or a African is probably ignorant af about race outside their tribal issues
because whites never face discrimination based on their race
How is that even remotely true, f I went to rural Kenya or somewhere I bet I would probably be discriminated against
Marriage is a thing you choose fucktard, race is not. When your prenup is getting tossed out the window after your wife cheats on you it's funny because everyone warned your dumb ass.
Due the stereotypes established by whites pushing their culture on everyone, you'd be perceived as more competent and wealthy. Similar shit happens with random whites in China.
>Hey guys us whites also systemically oppressed ourselves so we should all just shut up and suck the cock of the "man."
Any proof of this? White People haven’t been saying we are more competent than anyone else for a while
>Everyone should be a fat racist dumb-ass like me!
Wow, we're really convinced now that you lay it out like that. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
As usual, perfect answer is in the very first post. Everyone just believes whatever the fuck they're spoon fed.
Probably not? They don't have the news constantly playing in the background reminding them of money driven crimes specifically done at the hands of white people.
Typically people judge that based on appearance past race as well. If you're white and wealthy but you walk around covered in shit no one is going to assume you're rich because you're white.
They have international news channels and the internet in Kenya lol, they obviously don’t think that we can’t be corrupt
>White People haven’t been saying we are more competent than anyone else for a while
Ahahaha. Even if we got less explicit, it's implied by almost any piece of our media and attitudes in foreign relations.
>Any proof of this?
Look up Chinas "rent of foreigner" industry. Doubt things are too different in Kenya.
Well, that's also given but we're talking about average people and not exceptions. Obviously some white bum isn't going to be taken more serious than a negro in a suit.
Have you had racist experiences lad? You have a fucked up view, not everywhere is like wherever you are from
>Have you had racist experiences lad?
Well, I'm white so can't experience racism but had to deal with xenophobia, ironically as a pale fuck white guy from others whites cuz I'm an immigrant.
>not everywhere is like wherever you are from
Not if you hide your head in the sand obviously.
Where you from?
Slavshit living in the ex third reich.
>Why would anyone unironically go outside?
To have sex you pasty whitecel
I’m a Romanian living in the U.K. and all I get is banter but I can’t speak for Germany
>Well, I'm white so can't experience racism
Lmao come to Detroit you dumb little euro bitch
You're retarded if you think any white westerner considers you their equal. Do you have an accent? If so please come to America so you can be a laughing stock. You're fucking kidding yourself if you think we won't be racist to you here. I have yet to encounter a European who doesn't sound like they have down syndrome.
>having sex outside
Sounds like something brown people would do.
Well, I was young when there was shit like "go back to your country" or "my parents allowed me only to invite one immigrant to my birthday party and I picked you"; adults tend to be smarter about their prejudices. How do you know some of the bantz is actually bantz and how much happens behind your back?
Besides again, we're white either way.
>You're fucking kidding yourself if you think we won't be racist to you here.
How the fuck are you going to be racist against someone white?
I never claimed that there is no discrimination but that's down to xenophobia of brainlets, not a system to push someone looking like me down, because the fucks who established it look the same too.
Where you from?
>Do you have an accent? If so please come to America so you can be a laughing stock.
Shit missed that one. What the fuck, user. At least girls on the coasts fucking loved my slavic accent, felt like being some sort of fetish object. Is that how negro guys feel about their dicks?
Wouldn't be surprised if the response was actually negative in flyover states but why the fuck would anyone go there beyond the nature?
>my post is still up