
Is Democracy the ideal system of government?

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for me to poop on.

the only real government is a monarchy.

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its mob rule.

spoils system after garfield fucked everything, that and the federal reserve. two-party system will have to end or it's going to be miserable.

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More like terrorists have hijacked the plane, who's with me?

The problem with democracy is that people vote for gibbs instead of working for what they need.

There's a reason we're a republic, not a direct democracy. It's the same reason why countries that try to copy the American system without the culture of states rights tend to fail.

There are many forms of democracy. Constitutional republic is the best form of democracy, therefore the ideal system of government. You burgers are lucky

It's actually the worst form of govt, no one is capable of following ever nuance of politics and world events, democracy is a placebo and pits a nations citizens against one another while puppet masters use front men and political party's to really run the show ensuring they are never held accountable for their actions, meet the new boss, same as the old boss won't be fooled again.

No, that's monarchy




>direct democracy doesn't work
*laughs in swiss*

Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others

because things are going so well for us in the US atm, right? Not like a small minority can take complete control of the country or anything.

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Fuck off Winston, nobody likes you.

No, a Republic is.

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Switzerland is a tiny country, direct democracy works in a small country much like communism works in a village of 50 people

It's the worst even including all the others

No, obviously not. As you are told every time you post this shit.

Agreed, a divinely mandated monarchy is the ideal government.

democracy is just the worst form

the best is rule by estates


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Small democracy like Switzerland is. Democracy is not something that scales very well. Notice that the more populous the democracy the more disorganized it tends to be.

This guy gets it.

maximally based

An overarching nation full of city-states with free trade and a common currency would be based

So like united states?

Democracy can only exist inside a narrow window of social configurations. Outside of that, it's little more than intellectual masturbation.

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Plato knew this shit, it’s by fare the basest (least based ironically) of all forms of government.

I wouldn’t trust the average person to park my car let alone vote

A form of government where you could just as easily end up with an inbred flipper baby ruler as a semi competent one.

checked. Yeah, more autonomy within the cities and less from the feds though

>Is Democracy the ideal system of government?
only when the guy I like wins.

>noone other than us has ever tried direct democracy
>"b-but it only works in small countries, my overlords told me so and they would never lie to me just to preserve their power"

In reality maybe two people tops would raise their hands and that would probably be one nigger and some forever alone incel channer who just wanted to end it all anyway. Democracy would work excellently in a situation like this where everyone voting has skin in the game and are close to the action. It works much worse in real life because most government decisions are far removed from the daily concerns of the citizenry.

Democracy is stupid. Imagine being on a spacecraft headed to a far off distant world to populate. Half +1 of the people decide that they want to go back to earth. This has been a 150 year quaddrillion dollar project to secure the furture of the human race, and because of a few people influencing the masses the majority now wants to go back to a dying planet. 99/100 people can jump off of a cliff, it still makes it fucking suicide. That's what we're seeing in our country today, plagued ideologies that have historically been shown not to work and lead to the collapse of empires being voted into law and unanimously approved by congress.

fucking clown world, honk honk

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What bugs me most about that shitty comic is the idea that politicians somehow are highly trained professionals doing something that requires such specific training. It's just pushing the idea of a plutocratic elite. Absolutely disgusting.

They don’t try direct democracy because it would make no sense at all in such a large place. There’s a reason why states have a lot of autonomy and don’t have to be subject to the will of the whole country.

Small democracy can work, big democracy doesn’t.

direct democracy is only good for small scale situations. for anything else representative democracy is optimal

Spoken like a true shabbos goy. Keep being (((their))) slave you absolute cuckold.

Notice how small city state regions tend to be some of the best places in the world. Liechtenstein, San Marino, Andorra, Cyprus, Singapore, Luxembourg. The small city state model just works better, we need a fractal localist world.

If the plane is the government the less the better. We would be unironically better off if he crashed it.

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Easy for you to say... your country doesn’t have a massive underclass of people that would suck up all the money through welfare.

Probably, but voting should be held in high regard. Ie x years of military service or xx years as a tax paying citizen. Like it was in ancient rome. Being a citizen meant something.

That way those with skin in the game get to vote, now a bunch of immigrants can come in and outvote everyone for gibs, while everyone who helped build this country get shafted

Monarchy is great if you end up with a good strong ruler. Not so much if you end up with a complete lunatic, idiot, or weakling.

democracy is pure evil. voting means nothing. if you vote against the entrenched unelected interests, they shall simply make you vote again until you pick the "right" choice. should anyone have a problem with this, they're told to just vote. what sort of system only allows solutions that exist within the system? after all, if you call for a revolution in a democracy you're the worst because you shoulda just voted, goy!
a bad king is infinitely preferable because they can be removed with a minimum of bloodshed. a bad democratic government can only be removed in a brutal civil war/revolution.

>That image

The answer is that you need brain and skill to operate machinery like aircraft and carry out important tasks like spaceship flights.

But you dont need any brain to run a country. So democracy works when you elect retards who just sit somewhere and gets their guts filled from your taxes but its not applicable where you need people who actually do something.

Yup! City pride is more accessible than nationalism. Some people hate the US, but have tons of civic pride for their locality. This would improve morale of the land. Defense would be an issue, maybe people could unite for a singular military? It's not a perfect system, but none is.

>It's the same reason why countries that try to copy the American system without the culture of states rights tend to fail.

which ones?

appeasing greedy boomers and the dregs of society, mixed with rich billionaires manipulating the public opinion by buying the press?

hell no

>The process where a the populace can participate in a meaningless vote every few years to bolster their self importance while every politcal outcome is decided by the money paid behind closed doors.
It's pretty shit desu.

Ultimately there is a cycle to these sort of things.

Conservatives are the starting point, they neither win big or lose big (which is important for an early settlement).
This often breeds strong families, that eventually breed "monarchs" that breed "nobles".
From here the nobles tend to become corrupt and powerful because of the original monarch no longer being alive or having influence like he once did.
The corrupt nobles are often replaced by a republic, in an attempt to rid themselves of the corrupt nobles.
The republic often brings about capitalism which allows the society to grow larger and flourish.
The losers of capitalism however, will often resort to a form of accelerationism, and will slowly corrupt the republic and try to introduce a democracy.
From here democracy breeds socialism.
Socialism is often the sign of a dying nation/culture. It can only exist after long term capitalism has been abused and corrupted.
From here, the people have 2 paths that later converge to the same path again. Either they can enforce communism to prevent socialism from failing, or they can enforce fascism to get our of socialism.
Communism will eventually fail, and is a slow death. Which eventually leads to dictatorships that lead BACK to conservatism.
Fascism starts to work TOO WELL and tends to draw too much attention from other nations.
If Fascism successfully repels other nations, or stays "under the radar", it will eventually lead back to liberalism after a few generations. This is due to the fact that once all competition is eliminated or ignored, the anger once used to build fascism will wane and compassion and guilt will start to take hold of the new generations.
This eventually leads to a suicidal collapse of late stage Fascism which leads back to conservatism.

IDEALLY, we would stay in some sort of perpetual state of conservatism, where decentralization is the only law.

You only have that underclass because the (((elites))) created it in the first place. We're wealthy because we don't have overlords fucking us over without us haveing a say in it.

Based Swiss. SVP uprising when?

The opening meme is not democracy, but tyranny of the majority. The best form of government is a constitutional republic that features both concrete guaranties of base level individual freedoms and democratic mechanisms to change laws so as to allow the government to adapt to changing situations.

No form of government will ever be perfect as people are not perfect. But so long as the US holds to the rule of law, our form of govt will continue to be the most robust.

how is politics like a plane?

Strasserism is the correct ideology. Break yourself from porky and schlomo. Preserve your culture and race whilst smashing consumerism and decadence

How is it not?

It's not. It's circular, but if you study it more closely, you realize it's a torus.

Hah, dimensionlet. It's a glome.
It's always a glome. 3DPD.

>You burgers are lucky
Yeah, praise the Kikecocracy!

You murderous puppeteers should be fed the amputated legs of dumb fucking Yanks who got blown up in Iraq fighting for your Ethnostate while you are brainwashing us to import millions of Anthropomorphic Apes and fatally miscegenate our race.

Go sit on a menorah Shlomo!

The ones that don't have Second Amendment rights.

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yep, good job champ, you identified the meme

Based swiss res publica will reign 50000 years

>Is Democracy the ideal system of government?
A direct one YES.

Btw. If the pilots crash the plane they will be dead. If the elite technocrats crash the economy they will get even richer.

That comic is typical leftist shit.

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This. Also half of the populations that voted "for the other guy" will be in a totalitarian system anyway.

Israel is not an ethnostate, the demographics are literally on wikipedia for you to check. Only 65% of the population is European/Jewish

drop the proxy

>mountain jew shills ((((((((((democracy))))))))))
>yes goy, all people are equal. hierarchy and natural order is an illusion. trust the ((((((((((((bankers))))))))))))
Pic very much related.

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No, Spartan government is best government
Too bad we're missing 10% of it, would be nice to see just how redpilled it was in full form

t. Eurocuck on a proxy


You really wish they went together, inbred turk baby

>Everyone who disagrees with me must be a foreigner
Kek the American ignorance meme is real

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this sums it up for me

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Don't worry hans, not all of us are like that. The idea of a class of people, land owning white males, voting as a populace, now that is something I think could work.
But give me the next Hitler, regardless

Who gets to be the king?

Absolutely based and Rexpilled.
There is no democracy in the Kingdom of God.

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The only two systems of government invented so far are Oligarchy and Monarchy.

>There's a reason we're a republic, not a direct democracy.
Says someone that doesn't know the meaning of the word republic. Hint it doesn't mean a collection of states or representative government.
It means only that you don't have a monarchy.

Let's vote.

>not a real monarchy



I notice that the people who oppose democracy generally have not lived in a dictatorship, other than maybe some of the old people from ex communist countries.

it definitely has benefits but it fails because of corruption

No a republic is

>not a real
Doesn't matter if the real thing leads inevitably to it (see: not a real socialism)

What is the ideal political system god would institute. He was quite angry when the Jews wanted a king like the people around them.



Democracy is the tyrany of the masses.

The only moral way to govern people is if everyone gets a legally meaningful say in how they are governed. To shit on democracy and say nonsense like it's mob rule or tyranny of the majority seems to be supporting rule by a minority or a single person.

I think it's a basic misunderstanding and failure of the US education system in basic definitions of what political terminology means.
What makes the US system at least semi functional isn't that it has no monarchy (being a republic) it's that it has limits on government by the constitution that can't be easily changed.

Many other constitutional republics don't have nearly the level of protection and limits on government that the US has. In short it's not the structure of government but the details of the rules the government claims to follow.

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