Islam General

Like any political system, Islam maintains social order & cohesion.


1. provides the social infrastructure that encourages the sexes to fulfill their strengths.

2. prevents freeloaders- you cannot reap the benefits of Islam (which extend to the market) without participating- as such, other religions are excluded from the geographic region in which Islam operates.
Islam provides Covenant Communities (Hoppe explains this) where Islam is the covenant.

Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."

Thread theme: "For the sake of Allah" :

What do?

1. Examine the state of relations between the sexes in the West- who benefits, who pays?

2. See how the West is controlled by Jews- in Islam, Jews are not allowed their religion, through which they claim persecution when disenfranchised from power.

Attached: 1412157259791_wps_19_hijab_0101_jpg.jpg (306x457, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread: apart together - jan 07.pdf,7340,L-4053251,00.html

Mashallah brother- it is the way. Teach that Islam is actually the future, not the past.
Westerners have abandoned their control over social institutions- which are just as important as the economy over which Jews maintain complete control.

Allahuma barek beha! We need not force the West to Islam, but only to introduce it. Islam is not force so much as it is preferred.

With help such as yours we are able to introduce Islam and its benefits to many.

>thread theme
For the sake of Allah, we will march through the gates.
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death, just as you love your life.
We're the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We're the soliders that fight in the day and the night."

>Like no political system, Islam promote genetic genetic degeneration & social division for anyone who refuse to be told what to think and how to live, not to mention pure barbarism.

KYS muzzie

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The quality of Islamic practise is dependent upon the quality of the practitioners.
Needless to say, Western Islam will be the greatest Islam- we shall not forfeit this opportunity.

Yes, brother, our song is incredible- we shall use it to introduce our ways.

>2. prevents freeloaders
Stopped here.
All muslims in Evrope are freeloaders and you are a liar.

Muslims in Europe, at the moment, are simply preparing to take over- once this happens, Muslims will work as do the Europeans.

Eat shit subhuman goat fucker

All Islam nations are fucking retarded poor imbecile inbred shitholes that disgust the rest of the planet

Muhammad was a pedophile subhuman

The people you deem "extremists" are actually following islam more accurately then those who aren't committing terrorism. last week 40 christians were killed by jihadists in Nigeria, but that doesn't matter right? it only matters when mudslimes die. the Quran preaches for the death and rape of all non-muslims, and if you voluntarily follow a faith that preaches my death and rape, then don't expect me to feel sad when you're gunned down in the gutter.

Unlike islam, Christianity underwent a reformation, in which much of the hateful stuff from the Old Testament was repealed with the “love all people” message. Islam never underwent a reformation, and, if you crack open the Quran right now you can see the part where the prophet Muhammad cursed the Christians and the Jews, the part where he allowed the stoning of dissidents, the part where he had sex with a nine year old girl, the part where your all loving prophet beat his fucking wife. And that’s not even getting into sharia law, which is ten times as horrendous. Islam is an ideology of hatred and intolerance, unlike judaism or Christianity or Buddhism. There’s a reason there the only ones blowing up buildings...

A couple of notable examples:

Qur'an 2:191 "Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"

Qur'an 3:28 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"

Qur'an 3:85 "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable"

Qur'an 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than Qur'an"

Quran 8:60 "Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"

Qur'an 9:5 "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels where you catch them"

Qur'an 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"

Qur'an 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them"

Qur'an 48:29: "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among THEMSELVES."

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Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified

ICM (2016): 2 in 3 Muslims in Britain would not report terror plot to police.

al-Arabiya: 36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure

ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers

NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

Channel Four (2006): 31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified compared to 14% of those over 45. apart together - jan 07.pdf

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 83% of Egyptians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Indonesians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on American troops.
68% of Moroccans approve of attacks on American troops.
90% of Palestinians approve of attacks on American troops.
72% of Jordanians approve of attacks on American troops.

>reeee le numbers r racist
>i dont argue with racists
>your source isn't CNN or huffpost so nothing is true
>haha u want my response to your response to my claims, are u mad? haha?

Terrorism isn't terrorism though. Muslims are welcomed to the West, given a home and welfare. Then they kill us in the name of religion.

Right wing "terrorism" is simply a reaction and response to this. Without Islam, right wing reactionaries would disappear.

For them to be equal you need to find white Christians moving to Islamic countries and murdering people in the name of God or their race. That of course does not happen.

The mass immigration of an alien culture that was never voted for, allowed nor given permission and has brought murder, terror and child grooming is what makes the natives radical. Not here, not memes, not conspiracies. All factual events.

The government and the media does everything to smear the host nation and dismiss their very real concerns, so the government is making people radical, again, not this website nor any other.
You can see Africans take to the streets with weapons and violence if they feel a vote against them was rigged and corrupt. Yet Western nations have this 100 times over with all that is happening and how they are seeing their lands transformed by outsiders.

And yet they are expected to do nothing?

Yes right wing attacks might increase and that is the order of nature and a people struggling for survival.

We want safe nations. To be able to go go outside without fear of attack. To not have our children raped. To be among our own people and culture.

Is that even? Is that terrorism? I would say those that wish to take all that away from us and brand us hateful when we complain are the true terrorists.

These are used to scare you, by your government. Think about it.

Reminder Muhammad is an idolater who kissed the Black Cube/Stone of Saturn, (with its rings represented by the people circling it)

Reminder that Islam is the sex religion that gives you virgins hence the crescent/star which represents Molech, the moon God and the star (Venus aka Ishtar) which is the God of love (hence sex religion)

Reminder that "Allah" was used by the pagan arabs to refer to the moon god (Molech/Baal) and Muhammad adapted that polytheistic term (Yes Islam is the same saturn cult posing as an "abrahamic religion"

Reminder that Allah(baal) and YHWH are two different gods. Allah is the devil and YHWH is the creator

Reminder that Muhammad married a 6 yr old and fucked her.

Reminder the purpose of Islam is to make sure its believers deny the resurrection of Jesus (thus damning them to hell)

Reminder that if you are Muslim you are unwittingly worshipping the devil

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>lets idolize some kidfucking, mass-murderous pedophile terrorist sandnigger who died from a fucking fever like a beta cuck
sorry, ahmed. No can do.

Islam nations, yes, are not as advanced as the West- not yet.

>Muslims hate the US
In the same way a home invader is hated by the home's occupants.

jidf keep making these breads to increase the hate between the two groups.

you cant do it we both share the jew hate as #1

>Think about it
If anything the government is pushing for the islamification of the west, so no

fuck off jew.
you cant fool anyone with the nazi flag

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>In the same way a home invader is hated by the home's occupants
exactly, because I don't want to be invaded. DO you?

I also despise the Jew- and we wish to free America of his presence.

when jidf feel they're under attack they keep making these breads to increase the hate between the two groups.

you cant do it we both share the jew hate as #1

Wrong- your government is simply allowing what is natural- survival of the fittest religion.

what are you on about schizo

Get the fuck out muzzierats . Your subversion won't work until I'm here. It all starts as a joke larping . Then suddenly serious niggers fill the board. And that is what your plan is. So get the fuck out and stay out. Bye

Islam is not invading. America bombing the ME is invading.

You must improve your English, friend. For to be trusted you must be transparent- as is Islam. We make no secrets.

>Islam is not invading
look at the demographics of europe ;-)
also, you are in america so shut up invader

Islam is WELCOMED- Europe wants men who know what they want, and do not apologize for being men.

>Reminder that Muhammad married a 6 yr old and fucked her.
this is Jow Forums, you will inspire more converts than crusaders with this one.

Islam in not being welcomed by the people, but by the people in charge

Thank you for congregating here. It makes it easier for the FBI to find potential terrorists. Post your discord links too so that those can be monitored as well ;)

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>Islam in not being welcomed by the people, but by the people in charge
Who votes for those in charge? Whites- Whites who want a change.

We have discord(s), but only those who prove their committment are permitted. It's about trust- something that the West has forgone.

fyi guys sandniggers are everywhere on this board now
learn to spot them

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Bacon is not kryptonite, but rather something we choose to avoid. Ingestion means nothing- it's about intent.

sharmuta khaneeth :)

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Friend, we need not fight each other, but instead extend ourselves to each other.

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LE is not interested in our matters, as we obey those who are in charge, at all levels of government
As we say, Islam is not forced- it's about choice.

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Notice that you are being unhelpful to a mutual understanding.

Your actions do not enable a mutual way forward- truth is that one will exist, and it's best to be part of the converstaion.

>We are men that love death, just as you love your life.
why can`t you judt kill each other then? I mean, more thsn you're already doing?

Too late because we would need to deport too many useless Brown and black eaters which is not possible since muslim can live wherever they want.

no, they won't. Thy aren't working in their home countries either.

>implying Western living is life

>no, they won't. Thy aren't working in their home countries either.
Wrong. Muslims work where they manage the government.

See you on the battlefield. Also OP is a faggot.




islam is based and redpilled we aryans should convert more into it unrionically we can save our race with it

also for anyone who is interested in Islam join this discord we got several white muslims however say that you have been invited by Washi in the vetting


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Hitler used them as a backup when the war didn't develop as intended, nothing more. And he didn't allow them to live in Germany.
Hitler believed that every race has their territory. Islam doesn't respect this and has more in common with communism which is the reason leftists love it.

Alhamdulilah. All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds. There is no other god but He. Muhammad is His final Messenger.

muslims are not a race you genius and in muslim countries they are racially homogenous most of the times wtf are you saying

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You are talking out of your ass, subversive snake.
See you in the trenches, kalb.

fuck off. Odin Shows himself as an old one eyed man with a sloach hat and a Walking stick and a Long cloak and he leads on the wild hord. Don't think Allah has anything in common with this.
the only one you can compare Allah with is Legion.


kek i lost you there pagan larper rip there is only 1 god also even Hitler called you larpers and edgy

"Government Managing" is not a job. it's just wasting tax money.

Islam is great

There is a Thing called anti-islamic racism. That makes muslims a race.
And since Europe gets a mix of Pakis, Afgahns, Nafris, Turks and Arabs, Nothing will be homogenous here.
Muslims are Larpers too because they base their Religion on a pedophile schizo who had hallucinations in a cave.
Odin is part of the middle and northern European ancestry and Europeans have more Connection to Odin than to Mohammed.

You're can't be a nationalist, nazi or against degeneracy if you hate Islam.

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>Mohammed is a god

>muslim countries are not homogenous

Pakistan is mostly Paki, Arabia is mostly arab , north africa still has a strong moorish and berber presence now if you look at the Levantine thats different due to historical reasons and regarding turkey,central asia, russian muslims, bosnians, albanians all those countries are homogenous

Paganism is just a big atheist larp but with a religion that is "traditional" but has no clear theological ideas

>You're can't be a nationalist, nazi or against degeneracy if you hate Islam.

Wrong. The goal is valid.

Allah is a god. but there's no connection with him. and because of this Muslim treat Mohammed like a god.

bosnia gets arabized, Turkey gets arabized even though Turks don't want. But nobody can do anything. Islam is a globohomo Religion. That's why it's getting pushed.

of course because Islam is degenerate and globalistic.
When this Picture was made Christians and White also weren*t degenerate. And Islam won't be able to fight degeneracy because it's an individual choice, not an idiological one. Christianity also became degenerate.

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Islam can prevent degeneracy when it is the state. Your picture is Islam within a non-Islamic state.

the goal is always, making money with no work and have the power to hand out more meme job to cousins and brothers.

Islam wins because it's the fittest social governance.

Survival of the fittest extends to intitutions as well.

This is only what happens before we take control- with control we do real jobs.

Christianity also can when it is the state.
But religions should never be the state.
there must always be a seperation between religion and politics.

Seperation between state and religion is a mistake. Government has a role in social life- what you have in Western courts is state interference in social life that only benefits females.

yeah sure

it also benefits males because they don't have to stick to one woman and can have offspring without providing for them.

also under Islam a woman must be married. That means if you die, another man gets access to your wife and your children.

>that means if you die, another man gets access to your wife and your children.
In the West now, this is true even if the man is still alive!

>Islam maintains social order & cohesion
No it doesn't. Muslims have been killing each other for being the wrong kind of muslim ever since it started.
>provides the social infrastructure that encourages the sexes to fulfill their strengths
By er...denying an education to your females, and beating them physically when they ask for one?
>prevents freeloaders
So how come the first thing muslims do when they get to a western country is start begging for benefits? Money from a pot they haven't contributed to.
>as such, other religions are excluded from the geographic region in which Islam operates.
So you wouldn't mind us applying the same rule to you? After all, fair is fair...
>Islam is the covenant
"do this same cultural shit as everybody else, or get stoned to death in the marketplace by a screaming mob"
Yeah...that sounds like the very definition of a Hoopean covenant.
>Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."
Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what bad things many people choose."
Fixed that for you.

Honestly. If you've come here for a serious discussion on the de/merits of your religion, this is a pisspoor start. If I was your debating tutor, I'd give you an F and write "try harder" in the margin.

Now fuck off and come back with something substansive...oh, can't, can you?

Your post is missing context- the entire thing.
You are not entering honestly into debate.

I for one see how it plays out and decide then. I am sympathetic to your efforts!
Death to the kikes, peace to the Ummah and a healthy rebirth to Europeans.

>Your post is missing context- the entire thing.
Principles need context now? How very Islamic.
>You are not entering honestly into debate.
Well, I am arguing with experts on dishonesty, so...

Seriously, why would I want to debate a muslim? You'll cheat, lie, disemble, obsfucate and misdirect. Because to you the win is more important than the truth.
This is how a child thinks.

Peace be with you brother. We are all in this together!

Too many are fooled by those who publish (((statistics))) and (((news)))!

>here must always be a seperation between religion and politics.

Islam is horrible, I'll let Professor Kafir take it from here.
Commencing dump

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>>here must always be a seperation between religion and politics.
Jews will always fill this space.
You are right to be wary of such opportunity!