>if you masturbate youre not going to Heaven
>if you do any sexual stuff before you get married you're not going to Heaven
seems like 95% of the planet is going to Hell.
>if you masturbate youre not going to Heaven
>if you do any sexual stuff before you get married you're not going to Heaven
seems like 95% of the planet is going to Hell.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's the point. But for just 10% of your income and mental subservience to a Jew you can be saved™
>commit a sin and you don’t go to heaven
You don’t really understand the concept of sin and Christianity user.
Is it really easy as repenting? Would the would be a much better place if everyone held in their sexual desires until they're driven to maddness?
Get married young. It's what your ancestors did and is a hell of a lot better than everyone being a single mom.
>For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
stop strawmanning op
Yeah. Sex is the act of Satan. Jesus died a virgin and to follow in his image we must all do the same. Repent
>Is it really easy as repenting
I don’t know but I hope God forgives us our sins (Christianity teaches us that he can) and I do repent. My life is exceptionally difficult right now and prayer and belief in God is something that helps.
>Would the would be a much better place if everyone held in their sexual desires until they're driven to maddness?
No, of course not.
All hail Yeshua, king of the Jews. Sex is bad, hate yourself and your family and leave them behind to follow Yahweh the desert god.
Yes, praise be and bless you brother
His name isn't "yeshua" and he's not Jewish, pagkang fuckwit
Just bait OP. If God was real there would be a way to determine what religion was real. Instead there 1000's of religions and no way to know which one should be practiced. The only reason people think Christianity is the real one is because they were born where it's the major religion. And that only happened because wars. we don't even know if the bible was translated correctly?
Just live by the golden rule/platinum rule and you'll be fine.
I can take you to Heaven user
His birth name is Yeshua bar Yosef. He is a middle eastern Jew, memorized the Torah, and a self-proclaimed Rabbi. Christians are "spiritual Jews" according to the Bible. All the history and mythology in the Bible surround the middle east, except those borrowed from Hellenism to subvert Europeans more effectively.
Do you wanna know why religion existed? Because it was the cheapest way how to prevent uneducated peasants having defect inbreed babies with their sisters and turn them into obedient workforce.
Notice how all religions look extremly down onto suicide. The worst thing your slaves can do is kill themselves.
And exploiting strong male's sexuality into carrot on stick and promise them sex if they keep being obedient and work hard is old and true concept.
There is no such thing as God but religion is right about cumbrains. That is a fact.
try 100%
>At Fatima our Blessed Mother Mary told the Portuguese visionary Jacinta Marto: "More souls go to Hell because of the sins of the flesh than for any other reason
Well, yes. That’s part of satan’s ultimate plan to bring humanity down with him, and surprise, satan runs the world via media.
"We have now, lastly, to speak of the fourth gate of hell, which is impurity, and it is by this gate that the greater number of the damned enter. Some will say that it is a trifling sin. Is it a trifling sin? It is a mortal sin. St. Antoninus writes, that such is the nauseousness of this sin; that the devils themselves cannot endure it. Moreover, the Doctors of the Church say that certain demons, who have been superior to the rest, remembering their ancient dignity, disdain tempting to so loathsome a sin. Consider then how disgusting he must be to God, who, like a dog, is ever returning to his vomit, or wallowing like a pig in the stinking mire of this accursed vice. The dog is returned to his vomit; and the sow that was washed, to her rolling in the mire (2 Peter, ii. 22).
"The impure say, moreover, God has compassion on us who are subject to this vice, because he knows that we are flesh. What do you say? God has compassion on this vice. But you must know that the most horrible chastisements with which God has ever visited the eartlh have been drawn down by this vice. St. Jerome says that this is the only sin of which we read that it caused God to repent him of having made man. It repented Him that had made man; . . . for all flesh had corrupted its way (Gen. vi. 6-12). Wherefore it is, St. Jerome says, that there is no sin which God punishes so rigorously, even upon earth, as this. He once sent fire from heaven upon five cities, and consumed all their inhabitants for this sin. Principally on account of this sin did God destroy mankind, with the exception of eight persons, by the deluge. It is a sin which God punishes, not only in the other life, but in this also. In confirmation of this, you have only to enter the hospitals, and see there the many poor young men, who were once strong and robust, but are now weak, squalid, full of pains, tormented with lancets and caustic, and ulcers, all through this accursed vice.[...]
More to follow
"[...]Because thou hast forgotten Me and cast Me off behind My back, bear thou also thy wickedness and thy fornications? Because, says God, you have forgotten me and turned your back upon me, for a miserable pleasure of the flesh, I am resolved that even in this life you shall pay the forfeit of your wickedness.
You say, God has compassion upon men subject to this sin. But it is this sin that sends most men to hell. St Remigius says, that the greater number of the damned are in hell through this vice. Father Segneri writes, that as this vice fills the world with sinners, so it fills hell with damned souls; and before him St. Bernardine of Sienna wrote: "This sin draws the whole world, as it were, into sin." And before him St. Bernard, St. Isidore, said, that "the human race is brought under the power of the devil more by lust than by all the other vices." The reason is, because this vice proceeds from the natural inclination of the flesh. Hence the angelic Doctor says, that the devil does not take such complacency in securing the commission of any other sin as of this, because the person who is plunged in this infernal mire remains fast therein, and almost wholly unable to free himself more. "No one is so obstinate in sin as the impure," says St. Thomas of Villanova. Moreover, this vice deprives one of all light, for the impure man becomes so blind as almost wholly to forget God, says St. Laurence Justinian; which is in accordance with what is said by the prophet Osee: They will not set their thoughts to return to their God; for the spirit of fornication is in the midst of them, and they have not known God? The impure man knows not God; he obeys neither God nor reason, as St. Jerome says; he obeys ony the sensual appetite which causes him to act the beast."
[more to follow again]
"This sin, because it flatters, makes us fall at once into the habit of it, a habit which some carry with them even to death. You see husbands, and decrepit old men, in dulge in the same thoughts and committing the same sins that they committed in their youth. And because sins of this kind are so easily committed, they become multiplied without number. Ask of the sinner how many impure thoughts he has consented to: he will tell you he cannot remember. But, brother, if you cannot tell the number, God can; and you know that a single immodest thought is enough to send you to hell. How many immodest words have you spoken, in which you took delight yourself, and by which you scandalized your neighbor? From thoughts and words you proceed to acts, and to those innumerable impurities which those wretches roll and wallow in like swine, without ever being satisfied, for this vice is never satisfied. But, Father, you will say, how can I hold out against the innumerable temptations which assail me ? I am weak, I am flesh. And since you are weak, why not recommend yourself to God, and to most holy Mary, who is the mother of purity? Since you are flesh, why do you throw yourself in the way of sin? Why do you not mortify your eyes? Why do you gaze upon those objects whence temptations flow? St. Aloysius never raised his eyes to look even upon his mother.
"It is to be remarked, moreover, that this sin brings with it innumerable others: enmities, thefts, and, more especially, sacrilegious confessions and Communions, by reason of the shame which will not allow these impurities to be disclosed in confession. And let us remark here in passing, that it is sacrilege above all things, that brings upon us sickness and death; for, says the Apostle, He that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord; and then he adds: therefore are many infirm and weak among you.
"My brethren, should you ever have been sunk in this vice, I do not bid you be disheartened, but arise at once from this foul and infernal pit; beg of God forthwith to give you light, and stretch out His hand to you. The first thing that you have to do is to break with the occasion of sin: without that, preaching and tears and resolutions and confessions, all are lost. Remove the occasions, and then constantly recommend yourself to God, and to Mary the mother of purity. No matter how grievously you may be tempted, do not be discouraged by the temptation; at once call to your aid Jesus and Mary, pronouncing their sacred names. These blessed names have the virtue of making the devil fly, and stifling that hellish flame within you. If the devil persist in tempting you, persevere in calling upon Jesus and Mary, and certainly you shall not fall. In order to rid yourself of your evil habits, undertake some special devotion to our Lady; begin to fast in her honor upon Saturdays; contrive to visit her image every day, and beg of her to obtain for you deliverance from that vice. Every morning immediately after rising, never omit saying three " Hail Marys" in honor of her purity and do the same when going to bed; and above all things, as I have said, when the temptation is most troublesome, call quickly upon Jesus and Mary. Be ware, brother, if you do not be converted now, you may never be converted."
------- The Four Principal Gates of Hell
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
>St. Bernardine of Sienna wrote: "This sin draws the whole world, as it were, into sin."
Jewish lies. Enjoy he'll
Blasphemers go to hell. Repent.
No, sex is not the act of satan, sex is actually a great thing and that's exactly why you should reserve it for marriage.
Christ was a kike. We are going to be rid of your Jewish worldview once and for all.
Easy troll is easy.
>Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Believing in Christ doesn't guarantee salvation. Even the devil believes in him. You process false doctrine to serve your own sinful ends and send anyone that listens to it to hell.
I’ve been vibing with this girl from uni for awhile, it is holidays now, and I hit her up asking what she’s been up to so far. She said…
Her: Nothing to adventurous yet haha
Her: Just been going to the city and shopping a lot haha
Her: What have you been up to?
Would it be fine to respond with something like this?
"Just planting a veggie garden and getting cooked and eating hummus with mates.
Since we are both lacking some adventures I have been thinking I should spice things up by hijacking a tour group from the NGV and leading them around pretending to be an art aficionado. Would you like to join me?"
Fornication is a sin.
t. Hasn't read Paul or the council of Trent.
Looks like I still get into heaven then.
Repenting isn't easy. Just saying you do is but actually changing your ways, especially from a porn/sex addict is a feat.
Fools that have been blinded by the flesh, he was persecuted by the jews because he exposed their heinous ways and was crucified because of it, not that it matters that much, because you niggers are blinded by the flesh so much and refuse to see the part that's truly important, which is the spirit, the same as me.
Entering the kingdom of God is an exclusive club made for only the devout. Why on Earth do you think the average person deserves eternal salvation?
am i a failure for not being ready to commit yet? i left my bible group because i wasnt ready
>bible group
There is your problem. These are self-help meme tier groups. 99% are heretical and pervert the faith. Christ will tell them, "Depart from me you evil doers, I never knew you"
Read St. Augustine. If you need guidance, talk to a priest.
Lol good. Didn't want to get into that country club for the "righteous" anyways
Haha, you idiot. You absolute buffoon.
This IS Hell.
The world is a great place. All evilness in this world is the doing of men. Instead of being grateful for the world around you and this experience of life, you say this is hell. Your own wretchedness makes this a hell. Even if you have nothing at all, this world and this life is still a wonderful place.
Christianity uses fear and guilt to keep you coming back every week with your money for the collection plate while seeking forgiveness from an invisible sky daddy that has watched every single man woman and child in all of history get beaten and raped and abused and did nothing to intervene.
The holy bible has been edited and altered through out history by MANY people in power who had an agenda. (NKJ version has been heavily edited with entire BOOKS omitted out of the "original" bible. Look it up.)
Organized religion makes us obedient and passive. We hope that by being a good christian, we'll be rewarded but this reward only comes AFTER we're dead and long gone. Meanwhile, the authorities of the church profit off of our fear and money and are told our deepest darkest secrets in confession which can be used against us by the priests if we ever step out of line.
"Forgive me father, but I cheated on my taxes..."
"I won't report you and God will forgive you, if you do 12 hail mary's and pay 10% of your income in tithe for the rest of your life."
Organized religion is bullshit as it's basically the belief in someone else's interpretation and experience with God. Being a SPIRITUAL person, however, means you have your own relationship and interactions with God.
Spiritual > Religious
cringe and midwit
thank you friend
cise starr has a line that you should keep close to heart
"treat you how I treat myself yeah I know the golden but if I treat myself like shit what am i to do to you?"
prove me wrong
almost as if the entirety of religion is made to control and repress people and natural feelings
this really scares me
She in her infinite mercy came to reveal this and warn us. At Her apperance, the blessed mother also said souls fall to hell like snowflakes fall from the sky. They neglect their lives on earth and nobody prays them or tries to set them on the right course.
Watch this video. It will help you focus on what really matter.
Pray Ave Maria first thing every morning and last thing every night. Eventually you will find benefit and will hopefully take up the rosary.
The last time I went to a church was over 13 years ago. It was kinda comfy, to be honest. I liked hearing the priest talking.
Man was made to be with God. You could have that comfort at all times. Start going to church again, user. You won't regret it.
Why is God so vindictive? Is it reasonable that mistakes in our short term on this Earth be rewarded with eternal suffering without escape?
Why pray to to the Virgin Mary? Is she more merciful than God? Does she have any say where we go? Surely anything or anyone that would knowingly inflict pain and torment on others is inherently evil?
I always pray the rosary, but I still fail when it comes to being seduced by flesh
Also, if God is so intelligent, which he clearly is having created the heavens and the earth, why would he want to hear you mindlessly recite the same prayer over and over rather than bear your soul to him in honesty and admit your sins and struggles in prayer?
Depends on the sect.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour and you're all good.
Catholic: confess and do penance and your slate is clean. Any sin you carry with you is punishable like prison time. Some sins are eternal hellfire.
Christianity in general people don't talk about much:
In the old testament they sacrificed animals, crops (and people) to God to keep themselves free of sin. Like currency, the bigger the sacrifice, the more sin was cleared. Bang for your buck. Jesus being the perfect sinless human being and God was a good enough sacrifice to clear all people for all time indefinitely. As long as they believe in him.
Those are what I know, who knows what else is out there. I've noticed it varied a lot pastor to pastor, even, so I don't even know anymore.
Too many questions, not enough faith. Stop reading books ya heathen.
I’m too depressed to read books, the last book I read was The Old Testament up to part of The Book of Job where it was too close to home for me to continue reading it.
You may think of me as mad, I don’t care, but both God and Satan have spoken to me at length and in retrospect I have no way to say for certain who is who.
Well. I was joking. What I'm not joking about is that's some schizophrenia stuff and you should probably talk to a doctor...
Or chronic sleep deprivation or major major anxiety. We don't have to go to extremes
I was told you have to believe AND be baptized (born again) to enter the Kingdom God,and that Peter started the Kingdom in Acts
Obviously if you are an atheist this is a fair point of view and I won’t try to persuade you otherwise. If you do believe in God though and you believe in the bible then you have to accept that he may interact with mortals now and then and you have to accept that he is capable of vengeance. Why would he suddenly stop following the death of Christ? Does he just sit in heaven doing nothing?
Anyway, I have seen a doctor and I take my quetiapine and I hold down a full-time job where people are none the wiser to the torment going on in my life. There’s nothing I can do at this point but try and ignore it at the bulk of times and repent when I am alone, but it is a miserable existence at times and the only reasons I do not kill myself is for the pain it would inflict on my family and friends and the likelihood I will go to hell.
Sounds like Catholics again.
The sins of the flesh are the hardest for me to repent right now. If I was single it would be easier but ive been dating a girl for a few months who is actually really good in my life right now, and I would have to break up with her, and I cant do it yet. I've talked to her about it and she was a little shocked
Just not worry about it dude. It's an antiquated fucking belief system. No need to live in shame and guilt. Just have your dang relationship.
Disregard this one user. Forget the world. Follow God.
I feel misberable though, will God give me happiness?
John 1:29-34 ESV
29) The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
30) This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’
31) I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.”
32) And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him.
33) I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
34) And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.”
John 3:2-5 ESV
2) This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.”
3) Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
4) Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”
5) Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Matthew 28:18-20 ESV
18) And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20) teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
No. Christianity was designed to empower Jews at the expense of whites.
Depends. It provides community which is extremely important in happiness. If you go to church and participate in your church community, yeah.
Other than that, nah.
thats me right now, on that long winding path to nowhere
> cries in faith
the true lord of love and righteousness is always ready for those of us who wish to walk the path either for the first time or again.
God draws straight with crooked lines. - St. Ambrose.
>being grateful for experiencing 90% suffering
Yeah sure
>If you drive a car or take a plane, you are killing the planet
>If you do any pollution without buying extra CO2 qouta's the planet dies.
Seems like every religion is shit.
Most suffering is inflicted by fellow man.
i feel like it was easier to follow the bible when porn didnt exist and women were married at 16.
>St. Bernardine of Sienna wrote: "This sin draws the whole world, as it were, into sin."
>Jesus died a virgin
He hang out with 12 sailors and a whore.
He wants you to put a dried up cum stain in your mouth and think of him. I call bullshit.
Terrible blasphemies. Who but demons could write these things?
Christ was crucified along with two thieves. One believed in him and repented. The other demanded he prove his divinity and rejected him in doing so.
Real shit
I wouldn't masturbate if I had a 16 yo to fuck.
Best I'll probably get is a 30 yo who won't fuck.
So porn it is.
>dont know sex and masterbation is until 14
>okay just dont fap for 2 years until you get married to a girl who is a virigin
>bam now you have sex all you want
>Who but demons could write these things?
Morons and edgy teenagers?
>yeah bro this is too hard for me so I'll just commit adultery, covetry and fornication and go to hell instead.
> experiencing 90% suffering
The strength of the lord makes all but the most rare of tribulations simple matters of a fun challenge to keep us engaged. The creation of the lords will on this earth is joyous in action and blissful in completion. Those that reject the lord suffer needlessly.
youre telling me if i leave my gf the sadness I will endure will be nothing compared to the happiness the Lord will give me in the end daysa?
Don't be a Christcuck but don't watch porn either. It's poison, just masturbate normally or find a woman to impregnate.
The lord doesn't give you happiness. The lord give you the strength to create happiness. Why are you breaking up with your gf user?
as i said earlier in the thread. Ive been dating this girl for a few months. ive been going to bible study on and off for a year, then i started going to private lessons, and then I was informed about sins of the flesh, and that I could not become a disciple of the lord otherwise. my two biggest sins are porn which I can give up, and adultery (me and my gf have done sexual things). I've talked to her about it and she wasnt too thrilled, she was raised catholic but stopped going to church in her teens because she found a lot of hypocrisy with church teachings, in other words I dont think I could get her to come to bible studies with me.
The lord accepts all of us if we truly accept him and his ways. It's up to you to bring her into the light. I was a long time sinner and still struggle against my sins unfortunately but I do know that I believed as a christian before I became a christian. It seems to me that when talking to people it's best not to reference the bible or faith so much as to explain, matter of factly, why these things are wrong. If you truly believe the teachings you won't find it to hard to source it's teachings in science and logic. If she's too adamant then you'll be better off with another church girl. I can understand why she would be that way though. The catholic church is satans house of christianity where he perverts the teachings ever so slightly in order to steer people away from god.
40,000 denominations of Protestantism probably don't escape "demonic perversion" either. Christianity has no real consensus on anything.
Most likely. I mean, we should be able to generally agree on most things and i'm sure that as long as were as close to the truth as our abilities allow, god will work the rest out. I mean this on an individual basis of course. I don't think every catholic is a demon possessed sinner it just seems to me that the actual teachings are kind of perverse and it really seems that the most the people that no longer believe in the lord and have serious issues come from a strict catholic family.
How do you feel about the current Pope? Do you feel he is corrupted or that he is right in moving Catholicism towards a "modern" stance?
>Even the devil believes in him.
The devil is repentant and believes that Jesus died for his sins? Of course not.
complete trash, I mean I haven't liked any pope. The moment that you get into a position of any power in the catholic church ive lost all faith that they're actually a servant of god. It would be best for the world if the catholic church lost all of it's membership and power. I was never even a catholic it's just fairly obvious that they're more pedo than other institutions and then if you have any belief in the free masons/illuminati then you'll believe that the catholic church is a extension of those satanic sects.
The point was belief alone does not give salvation.