This confuses and angers the Statist

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I would argue that the government isn't even that great at making roads. However, the issue with corporations with investors is that they will only ever take actions that are likely to return a profit. Some roads are less useful than others, but in order to increase efficiency we should route from point A to C rather than through point B, even if that would be cheaper. A company may or may not take those actions, since the second road wouldn't necessarily contribute to business.

No it's just every road would have a toll booth if it was privatized

Obunga bribed buzzfeed get in here

you're afraid of the simple and painfully boring truth that your mem is 100% without irony, accurate.
in fact, there are many flat things that are too complicated for majority, much of the time

What private company is going to build and then do constant maintenance on roads that literally everyone uses?

No we'd have a lot more trains (that liberals crave so much) that are privately built and operated, far more efficient than roads and cars, if the government didn't intervene in the transportation business.

ok so who's going to build it?

Trains are only useful for companies. My point being that civilian traffic would be neglected since it doesn't directly affect profits.
Also, OP was implying that companies would develop public roads rather than private tracks.

Try making profit building roads as a corp
Try making a road yourself.
Changing a car part and building a road are two completely different things.

The complicated part isn’t making the flat thing, it’s getting control of all that real estate so that no one stops you from making it.

>Easy to repair in your own garage

Forgot the part about:
>With tools made by corporations.
>With spare parts made by corporations.
>With instructions made by corporations.

is that the EV-1? thats an electric car, easy to repair my ass. you fucking retard

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The only roads that would be built would be the ones that benefit the financiers aka corporations and the rich, so if your not making a 6 figure salary I suspect you will be walking to work every morning. You also still would need a government agency to enforce traffic laws on these roads. There are host of other issues I could raise but this is the main one.

Why did the austrians like Mises came up with this self sabotaging meme that only the government could create roads?

I mean, you could, but the problem is fighting tooth and fucking nail for the proper liscencing and registration required for all the equipment. You can't just buy an industrial-grade road paver, steamroller, and asphalt mixer unless your plan is to fix every road with a dinky-ass, 15-gallon mixer and ridiculous manual labour.

Im not sure why a private corporation would have to scale down just because its not the government paying their salaries ? If anything a private corporation would be more efficient with their spending

It's not about "scaling down", the state/county government owns said roads, and you need proper liscencing in order to alter them. That's why construction and roadside repair companies are contracted.
The alternative is somehow purchasing the roads from the state government...

>we need men with guns to extort money from me because its the only way I will ever get anyone to build me a road
We need a small government especially for military defense (nukes etc, cant have everyone running around with their own McNuke(TM)).

What we have now is ridiculous though: the working man is taxed to pay for the welfare of Shaniqua's 7 illigitimate children: we are racing towards idiocracy.

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I thought the argument was being made under the premise that the government would no longer own said roads and instead would be left to private companies to build. In this scenario a private company could construct roads for corporations or collectives who wish to use their land, now I understand you would still need regulations and traffic laws to be enforced but that's a different issue. Also I could see the lack of a central planner would result in a less efficient system but the cities in Canada anyways are disasters even with the government oversight.

The same argument applies for trains
journey from A to C, skipping B as the return is not worth

A yearly reunion of landowners to split the cost of maintenance.

>not having your government support the means of commerce

>buy a dozen road-way subscriptions and can't get to work because company #5 discontinued unprofitable roads.

The same thing is done with National Sports, the same should be done with TV streaming and game services like Steam.

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Implying regular joes are capable of constructing roads and road patterns

>implying the state is different from a company
How is it different from the NFL which is a private company with a monopoly on football?

They should nationalize or grant monopolies to those. You've got to buy 6 different stream services or install 8 different game stores to have access to everything.
Competition is less efficient than state policy in this case.

People don't even clean their driveways in the winter, minorities and niggerfied whites can't build roads, lmao

The state cannot be challenged for their monopoly but a company can be, see NCAA or former XFL I believe there is some sort of lingerie football thing that still exists too.