Tranny rights

What the fuck is trans rights?

What kind of rights do these mentally ill lack that it caused media flood on every left wing dumping ground?

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Animals need rights too user.

Look man I cant legally change my name or gender in my state even if I get srs This is a Huuuuge problem for intersex and passing trans women. I get turned away from jobs because people think my id is fake I'm not even on hormones and I pass sooo


Stop being mentally ill

Anyone have that pic of the miserable dads "celebrating" their sons' mutilations?

Giving retards legal incentive to treat us like human beings. Like any other rights movement.

A larp that's as valid as any other.

Animals > Trans.

>legal incentive
This is called enforcement. Being transgender is 100% voluntary might I remind you and nothing comes without consequences.

>Why not just become Jewish?

>Being transgender is 100% voluntary
Except that you're wrong in the same sense that being a subhuman slav is 100% voluntary. Some choose to conduct themselves like humans regardless and should be afforded appropriate treatment.

e.g. the important right to put "diverse" as your gender which the left in berlin campaigned hard for and is now used by staggering 11 people.

Literally worse than being a mentally ill faggot.

Found it

Attached: help me i am in hell.png (1155x2147, 3.45M)

Trannys deserve the right to be hanged.

>some queer calling slavs subhuman
on the other note, how is it involunatary?
respect should be earned and not gifted just because, enforcing it in any way will give people more reasons to hate trannies.

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Yo, shut your pussy-ass right this instant or else I'll blow it with a stick of TNT (don't worry, I'll make sure it reaches your prostate)

trannies suffer from a disease known as AGP (anime-induced gender paraphilia) which cripples their mental faculties and causes them to obsess and fetishize the opposite gender. this idealized, saint-like view of the opposite gender causes them immense mental distress at them being their natural sex, so they try to become a member of the opposite sex, despite rejection by society, reality and nature. it is a very debilitating mental disease that can also be spread and induced in touch-deprived, lonely people who suffer from limited contact with the opposite sex.

People legitimizing a mental illness also gay people that are following a fashion trend

Weaklings that ask for rights, when the only right is might.

>What the fuck is trans rights?
to die

>What kind of rights do these mentally ill lack
The right to not be harmed and have poppa governments watchful eye on them. Basically the "slap on the wrist" card that women enjoy.

>What kind of rights do these mentally ill lack...
The right to fuck you in your sweet, sweet ass, Ivan.

to what extent must the state participate in your delusion

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This isn't a slide thread, the_donald retard, fuck off back to