Why do Jews promote mythologies while ridiculing reality? Does the truth trigger them that hard?


>“The claim that Jesus was a Palestinian is so bizarre that the question becomes what one gains by making that allegation,” Cooper told The Jerusalem Post. “For people who have no theological or historical rooting, the idea that Jesus was a Palestinian creates a new narrative for Palestinian history, which otherwise does not date back very far. If one can say that Jesus was Palestinian 2,000 years ago, then that means the Jews are occupying Palestinian land.”

>Cooper said that for people who “don’t like Jews to begin with, it is a deadly combination of the Jews killed Jesus and now they are doing the same to his progeny,” he continued. “From a political and propaganda point of view, there is something to be gained.”

>The myth that Jesus was a Palestinian dates back to the days of Yasser Arafat, when his trusted Christian-Palestinian adviser Hanan Ashrawi made the claim. Since then, the idea resurfaces now and again, according to Cooper.

>“The absurdity of it is breathtaking,” Cooper said of Jesus being a Palestinian. “Jesus was born in Bethlehem, think about who is parents were – his mother, Mary, was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. In the Gospels, there is no mention of Palestine, only Judea, which is where Jews lived.”

>Cooper said that if the Palestinians admit that Jesus was a Jew, then the idea that the Jews only arrived in Israel in 1948 and occupied Palestinian indigenous land becomes an absurdity.

>He said Omar “knows this narrative is false but also that it has an inherent power to it,” said Cooper. “The ‘Benjamins,’ the big lie of dual loyalty, Jesus is a Palestinian - it is all rewriting history to plant in people’s minds that the Palestinian people go back thousands of years."

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Jews are not a physical people or race. If Jesus had offspring, his offspring would be Palestinian today. Even 2000 years ago, the Jews in Palestine would have been almost identical culturally and racially to Palestinians today rather than to modern-day Jews. Why do the Jews want to falsely associate Jesus as being one of them when the Jews actually hate Jesus? Is it just about subverting "Christians" to worship Jews?

Attached: Palestinians are indigenous.png (1700x1800, 1.75M)

>be muzzie
>care about Jesus

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Are you dumb?

Attached: Talmud vs Quran.jpg (640x621, 111K)

>a prophet
>not the son of God

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It does adequately explain why they would care though.

Read what the talmud says about Jesus.

>God is one
>But Jesus is the son of God
>Which also makes him a god
>But now I'm a polytheist
>God is one and three at the same time.
>And God is eternal
>But he has a son which implies that god requires progeny to be sustained, therefore not eternal.
>Also this my god is in human form, mortal, and limited by human capacities.

Attached: Brainlet christcuck.png (550x543, 50K)

Of course jesus was a "palestinian". He was from Roman Palestina. But there were neither the concept of modern nation states, nor muslims then. So, no. He's not "palestinian" in the way one means when they use this bullshit, made up term today. There's no such place as "palestine", nor any such people as "palestians." Only other arabs pretending to be a distinct ethnicity for sympathy. Like all muslims, they need to be exterminated.


>If Jesus had offspring, his offspring would be Palestinian today
Except he wouldn't since Jesus came before the time Arabs conquered the entirety of West Asia

> jesus is a prophet = bad
> jesus is boiling in hot steaming shit and his mother was a whore = good

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>There's no such place as "palestine", nor any such people as "palestians." Only other arabs pretending to be a distinct ethnicity for sympathy.
See this: () and stay butthurt kike.

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>Except he wouldn't since Jesus came before the time Arabs conquered the entirety of West Asia
The vast majority of Palestinians are descended from the same people who lived in that land before the Arabs conquered, in fact going back over 5000 years. Look at the DNA map before responding with dumb shit you fucking mutt.

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Wow you're dumb.

this is a dumb talking point.
"palestinian" is a geographical demonym, not an ethnic one.
yes Jesus was palestinian but then again, so is Netanyahu.
the arabs living in the palestinian region today are ethnically indistinguishable from jordanians or egyptians in the case of gaza.

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Palestinian Christians perhaps.
Palestinian Muslims are partially Arabs who came after the conquest of Mohammed.

"Palestinian" and "Levantine" are broad terms and I would like to know where the Palestinian samples came from.

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Your greentext is inaccurate and does not represent the teaching about the Holy Trinity. Secondly, your thought process entails the underlying implication the human brain not just can but even should be able to comprehend God. That's really the ultimate in being a brainlet, that some laughable over-simplification fitting the lowest-common-denominator toddle-tier grasp of causality among our species of ape-like bipeds would be the best representative of God's nature in the human intellect because the Trinity, as you see it and according to you, is illogical and absurd.

Contemplation of the mystery of the Trinity can lead to profound insights, but as I said, your greentext is inaccurate and it's not inaccurate in only one way, it's inaccurate in many different ways. Enjoy your unique intellect, leaf genius, and one day ask yourself if arrogance and ignorance really are the fruit of intelligence.

Ahh, the eternally butthurt Moldovan kike.
>so is Netanyahu
No, Netanyahu is Lithuanian. The term "Palestinian" means indigenous to the land of Palestine. An African living in Sweden is not Scandinavian you fucking kike.
>the arabs living in the palestinian region today are ethnically indistinguishable from jordanians or egyptians in the case of gaza.
Wrong, Palestinians in general are distinguishable both culturally and also genetically.

It's alright Chang, you don't understand the trinity.

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>Palestinian Christians perhaps.
>Palestinian Muslims are partially Arabs who came after the conquest of Mohammed.
They are both practically indistinguishable from each other because of minimal mixing with Arabs from Arabia. Muslim Palestinians may have more modern-day mixing from Arabs but it's minimal when is comes to DNA. Either way, even Canaanites have Arab DNA if you go back far enough.
>"Palestinian" and "Levantine" are broad terms and I would like to know where the Palestinian samples came from.
It literally shows you on the map.

Remember Abraham was from Turkey.

>global action agenda
>(((Simon Wiesenthal Center)))

How aggressively Jewish.

Cooper is a Rabbi btw, I forgot to clarify that.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper.

The origin of the modern Palestinain samples aren't listed on that map,only the ancient ones.

I would like to who or from where the people were that provided the modern samples.
There's somewhat of a local diversity, you see.

Jews HATE the truth

Palestinians are just the descendants of Judeans who adopted Islam and Christianity, so it's reasonable to consider Jesus the first one.

Jow Forums

>I would like to who or from where the people were that provided the modern samples.
>There's somewhat of a local diversity, you see.
Pretty sure that wouldn't really change anything.

Jesus was a Galilean, likely of aryan origin, who fought against an early form of jewish capitalism (pharisees). His teachings were then corrupted by Paul (born Saul) of Tarsus, who turned them into an early form of jewish bolshevism.

Enough Thoughts change reality.Jew meme dark magic.

>His teachings were then corrupted by Paul (born Saul) of Tarsus, who turned them into an early form of jewish bolshevism.
Fuck off schizoid.
It's people like you that fuck up religious threads.

It was Paul who intended to convert all Jews, it was Paul who wrote important letters, it was Paul who told Christians to tolerate the Roman rule, it was Paul who wrote much about the dangers of lust and sin of the flesh.

Stop shilling that hard.

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Die entscheidende Verfälschung der Lehre des Jesus kam durch Paulus. Er hat raffiniert
die Lehre des Galiläers für seine Zwecke umgefälscht und ausgewertet. Der Galiläer hatte die
Absicht, sein galiläisches Land von den Juden zu befreien, er wandte sich mit seiner Lehre
gegen den jüdischen Kapitalismus, und deshalb haben die Juden ihn getötet. Einer der
gemeinsten Kommissare gegen ihn war Saulus. Als Saulus dann auf einmal merkte, daß sich
für die Lehre des Galiläers viele Menschen sogar töten ließen, da kam das, was man »die
Erleuchtung des Saulus« nennt; es war die Einsicht, daß man mit der Lehre des Galiläers,
wenn man es richtig anpackte, den römischen Staat, den die Juden haßten, zum
Zusammenbruch bringen könne. Die Römer beschlagnahmten sogar das von den Juden in den
Tempeln - das Geld war und ist ihr Gott - auf gehäufte Gold; die Römer griffen also den
Juden an das Heiligste, was es für den Juden gibt. Saulus-Paulus kam die Erleuchtung, daß
man den römischen Staat zum Zusammenbruch bringen könne, wenn man die Lehre von der
Gleichheit aller Menschen vor einem alleinigen Gott durchsetzte und wenn man die eigenen,
angeblich göttlichen Auffassungen über die staatlichen Gesetze erheben würde. Wenn man
dann noch dazu es fertigbrachte, einen Mann als den Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden
durchzusetzen, dann stand dieser Mann mit seinem Gebot und seiner Lehre über allen
staatlichen Gesetzen.

Not gonna read krautspeak.

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Du hast mich

Then leave Krautland, Slav(e).

average kraut poster

>subverts histories by revising KANGZ into history

Thats cuz the Vatican created Islam to get Jerusalem but it got out of control


Big if true

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