Why not become a sperm donor, spread your genes, cuck the libs and impregnate there women, breed right wing babies instead of antifa thugs, I'm on 104 kids a year at this rate, helps you accept death as well why not?
Why not become a sperm donor, spread your genes, cuck the libs and impregnate there women...
I'm a non white in a white country and my family are cunts with a history of madness. No matter who I marry, I will never have kids of my own.
Last thing this place needs is more nutjob turks
That’s the worst job of frenching any meat I’ve ever seen, somebody overpaid for that.
I've donated sperm and have successfully been responsible in the fathering in over a dozen children. Women are desperate. Why isn't everyone on Jow Forums doing this? You can remain anonymous.
Never donated sperm but have ran into a bunch of lefty cunts on the bumble that have said shit like ‘they’d be down for a co-parent’ or even just a quality donor. Definitely thought about it for the shits and giggles.
sperm donor is the only hope for little virgin white boys LOL. jerk off in a cup while real men stretch that white pussy wide af
I just wanted ya'll to know that tonight i'm going to pay a white girl $75 to take my load in her ass. After I cum in her ass, I'm gonna tell her that her pathetic white daddy didnt love her. I do this to every white whore I fuck. meanwhile, you white boys will sit at your computers and do nothing as always. LMAO.
Fucking great...polack sperm siring a new generation of children. This truly is a clown world, my sides have left orbit.
>bragging about fucking an STD-ridden wench
Whatever makes you happy.
What's so goddamn funny?
your school shooter spawn running amok and trying to redpill their classmates on the jewish question.
Better than half-niggers everywhere.
just in case this isn't bait(it is) if the whore is fucking you it's because she already is dirty, knows niggers are dirty, and neither of you care. None of us care that a STD ridden animal is fucking an STD ridden junkie.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
My sides
I’m a total catch but I want to love my children when I have them
>black women get your sperm
>you're now fathering a ton of half breed niglets
that meat looks like norway
How good looking you need to be to donate sperm? Are they paying you only if some cunt decides that your semen is good enough for her womb? I want easy money and the status of bvll but I'm not sure what to do
Paying for STD Roastie whore when you could get the same diseases from your own kind. The state of niggers, even they can't help but support capitalism.
what gives it away as poorly done?
I tried this three times so far. Each time they told me they were only taking black and hispanics.
los angeles center.
I suspect they swap out the sperm.
im a half asian manlet.
id be lucky to hold a girls hand let alone be a preferred donor.
Don't go through a clinic you dumb fucking nigger.
I'm a hapa sperm donor, I get $100 a pop only downside is I can't jack off for a few days every week.
Sperm donors are liable for child support.
do it manually
You been pasting this exact comment for hours in almost every thread meme flaggot. I'm starting to think you're not even a nigger. Explain yourself larper, is this your retarded little version of accelerationism?
not if you go through the proper channels.
"Haha you sit on computers all day"
Meanwhile im on lunch break, in my paid off Volvo, making salary every year, and all of this while my wife takes care of our 2 daughters both white. Must be a sad existence for you.
What's truely sad is that I suspect you are not black at all. You used semi-correct english and grammar and punctuation so why all the self hate mr white boy?
Also, he claims to have $75. Very suspicious.
unironically planning to do this. give me details user what’s your experience been and can they trace it back to you to hit you up for child support? I want to make sure my genes live on but don’t want any financial involvement with the kid or the hole that spawns him.
Those kids aren’t yours lmao your wife prob getting dicked down right now
could have stolen it.
fertility clinics mostly went bankrupt in america. much for the same reason all those cryogenic places closed down. just because its frozen doesnt mean it will keep long and in many cases the conditions under which its frozen are sub par
also side not cells die when frozen solid (water expands and cell membranes have a maximum volume they can be at before they rupture). doesnt matter if its eggs or a head its all the same. people were lied to. thats a thing now people lie
Nobody uses sperm donors almost and the number one criteria for women when assessing sperm donors is the height.
They're fucking retarded.
also how do you send them sperm? just mail a bottle of jizz? I’m going to freeze samples in a sperm bank but if nothing pans out for kids of my own I’ll just send those samples to white girls on these sites.
Let's hope he chimps out during the inevitable arrest.
It's more likely that you get a geisha pregnant, LMAO.
Stop LARPing and marry.
Are these hoes asking to get cream pied? Or what is happening here?
sperm donor is the only hope for little virgin black boys LOL. jerk off in a cup while real men stretch that black pussy wide af
I just wanted ya'll to know that tonight i'm going to pay a black girl $0 to take my load in her ass. After I cum in her ass, I'm gonna tell her that her pathetic black daddy didnt love her. I do this to every black whore I fuck. meanwhile, you black boys will sit at your computers and do nothing as always. LMAO.
Temperament, political views and religiosity is largely genetic.
Sperm donation is only for ultra chads, and OP almost certainly isn't in it.
The people who run these sperm clinics are basically feminists who want the 0.00000001% of guys getting 50% of the women pregnant.
Welcome to the future of half brother and sisters unknowingly being bf and gf
They have insane tests where you basically have to be a tee totaling tennis champ who gets paid a pitance for the 'pride' of being potentially at risk of child support payments to 1000s of roasties
I mean just imagine the dejection when literally a 1000 guys try out, and 999 get rejected. It's like that million dollar extreme sketch
>political views and religiosity is largely genetic.
Shit, I didn't know Swedes are genetically predisposed to being huge cucks who love seeing their women and girls get raped by foreign invaders.
I'm a manlet
>Boasting that you paid off a Volvo
Because not having a car note is something to be ashamed of?
>muh sperm will carry my political ideals
are you retarded?
Ideologies don't spread trough genetics but from you education and your surroundings. You may be the son of libtard and still have an alt right view / you can be the son of an alt right and still grow up like a libtard.
Donating sperm tho is a good way to reduce the aging of our population where nobody seems to want kids.
So go for it sport
that looks so fucking amazing, i havn't eaten yet today.
Christ that steak looks good.
I meet up with them and either end up fucking them or giving them a specimen cup they can Turkey baster themselves with.
Yes the former.
I live a double life to an extent. Don't give any information (phone numbers, tied email addresses, and even vehicle ID plates) unless you want to get fucked, blackmailed, or what have you. There's a lot of scammers and spammers. Reminds me of the craigslist days (of which I've gotten 4 women pregnant off there).
>literally eugenics
>a bad thing
the fuck? is that a real painting?