Why not become a sperm donor, spread your genes, cuck the libs and impregnate there women...

Why not become a sperm donor, spread your genes, cuck the libs and impregnate there women, breed right wing babies instead of antifa thugs, I'm on 104 kids a year at this rate, helps you accept death as well why not?

Attached: BahiMItCYAEsKlh.jpg (600x800, 76K)

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I'm a non white in a white country and my family are cunts with a history of madness. No matter who I marry, I will never have kids of my own.
Last thing this place needs is more nutjob turks


That’s the worst job of frenching any meat I’ve ever seen, somebody overpaid for that.

I've donated sperm and have successfully been responsible in the fathering in over a dozen children. Women are desperate. Why isn't everyone on Jow Forums doing this? You can remain anonymous.


Never donated sperm but have ran into a bunch of lefty cunts on the bumble that have said shit like ‘they’d be down for a co-parent’ or even just a quality donor. Definitely thought about it for the shits and giggles.

sperm donor is the only hope for little virgin white boys LOL. jerk off in a cup while real men stretch that white pussy wide af

I just wanted ya'll to know that tonight i'm going to pay a white girl $75 to take my load in her ass. After I cum in her ass, I'm gonna tell her that her pathetic white daddy didnt love her. I do this to every white whore I fuck. meanwhile, you white boys will sit at your computers and do nothing as always. LMAO.

Fucking great...polack sperm siring a new generation of children. This truly is a clown world, my sides have left orbit.

>bragging about fucking an STD-ridden wench
Whatever makes you happy.

What's so goddamn funny?