My best friend's girlfriend just raged at me because she had found out that we used deep nude app on a female friend...

My best friend's girlfriend just raged at me because she had found out that we used deep nude app on a female friend (of my best friend and me, but mostly me). What impressed me the most is that she was mostly angry at me, not at her bf.

What the fuck do I do. She already never really liked me.

Attached: DeepNude.png (730x385, 26K)

Lmfao sounds like me raging at my boyfriends friend.

She probably feels hurt that you didn’t say something to him about not doing it, OR if you are the one who initiated it she’s probably upset about that and taking the vast amount of that anger out on you.

Yup, I think it's mostly the second.
Even though it was his idea, in his house, in his computer. What I fear is that she "denounces" me publicly and damages my reputation.

Surely, it was in bad taste. But really THAT bad?

Well why the fuck would you do that stupid nigger. Jerk off to images in your head not real friends, like a sane, non-thirsty person. Stop making her boyfriend cheat.

other than saying something like "lul, get rekt noob" nothing. who cares, she's not really got anything of value for you anyway so why care?

We were just curious at how the app worked and how well it did (it's shit btw).

Well but now I've lost a friend and my reputation.

tell your friend what you did before she can. it's the only way to mitigate damage at this point. Wahmens are way too unloyal to do anything like pay her off. Even if it works it will only be until she needs something for you and she will constantly blackmail you with it until you don't give in and she reveals you.

Yeah, that would be awkward.

I'm not a hypocrite though, I wouldn't give two shits what a friend of mine does with my picture to laugh. At least if it doesn't get spread, which was never the intention.

What I fear is something like a public facebook post or twitter post saying how I'm a misogynist or some stupid shit like that

even if it's awkward you know the only person that can stop that is the "victim" so you'll have to confront her in hopes that shes forgiving enough to not do it. You might be able to get away with just denying like a mad man and making up some bullshit that would make her want to talk some shit like that on you but then you'll just have about half of the damage done from the accusation. Another option would be to move and cut ties. End your social media accounts and start new ones if you want those in the new area. I mean, you could maybe hope that the friends gf is cheating and you could get evidence of it to counterblackmail her but that would be pretty expensive and is only like a 50/50 shot of turning out that way.

If she didn't like you anyway, go for broke and make one of her too. It's not like you have anything to lose.

Jesus christ. All of this for just a stupid joke.

I'll probably just blame my best friend for everything, which is 80% true.

What I fear are the social repercussions. Especially now that I have some things going for myself.

Any other opinion?

let it blow over.

they're gonna break up soon anyway.

I figure so much. He lives complaining about her.

yea dude, I got a 700$ fine, weekend in jail, and 88 days of community service for just a stupid joke. Sometimes we fuck up over stupid shit and people freak the fuck out and try to ruin us. If you're not willing to deal with it in the simplest effective way then you're gonna have to do some more difficult and convoluted bullshit. Of course it has to be the case that what seems like something stupid and fairly innocent is the thing that ruins us because if it didn't seem stupid and innocent then we wouldn't have done it in the first place.

the girl that you deep nuded is stated in your op as a girl that is not your friends gf. it seems now that it is the gf of your friend that you deep nuded. which is it?

Thanks for the advice, user.
This is, fo course, is assuming that she's going do anything about it, which I'm not sure about.

What did you do?

No, it's a female friend (of mine, mostly) that my best friend's girlfriend doesn't even know.

made a cartoon that said I would kill my teacher... in a game of chess

What the fuck dude. 88 days of community service for THAT?

yea dude, shit was fucking ridiculous.

Like, your best friend's girlfriend is a super wild card. If you go with my first suggestion, she forgives you, but the gf still posts about it it will mostly blow over super quick as everybody will notice that you're still friends so it's no big deal and life will continue on. it's possible that you could be kinda fucked in terms of the outcome you're hoping for. All that can be done now is damage control.

This is assuming she will do anything about it. She already cut ties with me, and I think it's implied my best friend will too (not because he wants to, but because he's pussy whipped).
If it really blows over, not only it's not illegal but in the grand scheme of things (actual rapes, murders, etc.), I don't think it's a huge issue. But I will still strangle my friend do death for being so dumb to leave evidence.

Somebody please link the app

yeah she probably thinks you're a pile of garbage for thinking it's funny and for hanging out and having friends with such fucking creepy piece of shit people it's not normal at all

she thinks you're the fucking pervert that's having a bad influence on her boyfriend she sees you as human shit A detriment to the collective well-being