Good job retards

Good job retards

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Other urls found in this thread:

Honk Honk

Honk Honkler

Sieg honk!

We did it, Reddit.

No jews on my lawn, honk honk.

>pepe already a hate symbol
>clown pepe somehow isn't by default

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Nice pasta and meme flag, rabbi.

One way we can fight clown world is by making everyday, innocent, innocuous, things like milk and the "ok" hand sign racist, which makes normies despise the libshit/ZOG establishment.

>by the time Joker movie comes out, everyone will be conditioned to see it as a white nationalist epic

You must not give this up Jow Forums. Keep drawing honkler.

>Having to pay a whore to have sex
>Paying way above market rate because women hate niggers
>Bragging about it

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Inb4 moarpheus

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Celebrate good times come on!! .....Honk honk!!

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His name is Honkler, idiot

you guys don't have to try

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Thheerree he is.

Honkler did nothing wrong.

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well it says right there his name honk honk

Attached: spooky times.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Uh the mysterious 400 pound hacker known as Jow Forums created clown Pepe. Do these normalfags actually believe it came from somewhere else?

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:*) honk

You’re welcome

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Now it's hit facebook does that mean we have to change our meme again and leave this in the dust?

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More like they’ll reshoot and ruin the movie right before it comes out so this doesn’t happen

>Jow Forums tries
No no no
It's the braindead internet journos and out of touch lefties that are trying to turn it into a hate symbol.

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>racist and anti-semitic variations

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Heh. This is the only one I have.

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Ohhhh noes

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wow that is scary

>often referred to ask "Honk Honk"
>Know your meme
You had ONE job!

There is always some retard sitting around on Jow Forums ready to go make a KYM article the moment it happens. They do it so fast that even blatantly failed forced memes are cataloged on there.

>you get born into blue pill, everyone feeds you blue pill
>you inevitably get red pilled
>taking too much red pills makes you black pilled, lake of blood always looks black
>you become doomer, spreading your lack of hope for any good outcome
>after your soul, body and mind get really tired of regressing into the denial of importance of life
>you start laughing
>you start laughing forcefully, trying to shake off the tension
>suddenly you realize that your laughter is fake

>you become angry
>angry at the world
>angry at the evil
>angry at the weak good
>you are now rage pilled

>then you act

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I would buy this

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It's always good to collect banners
I use this to make fun of Hueniggers

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>he thinks he knows the memes better than know your meme

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Honk honk fellow anti-semitic racists

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t. paranoic

>42 replys
>37 posters
if this meme would have been organic and not forced this thread would have reached limit by now

this is actually a good progression
don't let defeatism sink in
laugh at it all
the absurdity
honk honk

>implying this isn't exactly what we wanted
>implying we decided our fate

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Tbh this
I was getting blackpilled until I realized how ridiculous this all is
Honestly when you take a step back, observe all the crazy shit that's happened throughout history, then compare that to America now, it's fucking hilarious how stupid people are when they try to make everything problematic

They're breeding weakness into themselves by choice
The enemy is suicidal
The problem is, they want to take the host with them

Whats funny is the way the media and news outlets and actual governments take this place so seriously.



Checked. Seems so

if you're just some random normal person who doesn't spend 24 hours a day on the internet, these types of stories must be like some shit out of the twilight zone

Wait, this isn't where I learn how to triforce?

▲ ▲

Attached: rare.jpg (1024x1012, 63K)

Honk Honkler!

Honk, mein Führer!

Sieg Honk!

Honkland über alles

Attached: They are not laughing anymore.png (970x720, 637K)

why can't honk honk laff at the world?

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What stage comes next?

>What stage comes next?

Attached: it'stime.jpg (330x1024, 77K)

How is operation,take the flag from the fags going? Best ideanive seen on pol in a while.

The notorious hacker honk honk

Fresh OC

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Wrong, the shooting stage isn't here yet. It's the honk stage as you can see in this thread.

>the shooting stage isn't here yet.

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Attached: Tarrant chan honk.jpg (930x1024, 73K)

10/10 well meme'd lad.

>one isolated shooting
He did the right thing, but it's one act, not a stage.

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How stupid can you be.


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top kek now let's honk honk...HONK HONK

Attached: thehonkinitiative.png (802x1362, 1.55M)

this is one of my favorites

Attached: honk.png (673x898, 419K)

I must be a normie on this board. I didn't know his name is "Honk Honk"

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HONK with it

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▲ ▲

fucking normies can't even get his name right it's Honk Honkler and he honk honks

When i wake up with the sun and wipe the sleep from my eyes
The thing that gets me up to go may take you by suprise!
I dont need coffee, dont need tea
No toast or cereal for me
need some orange juice?
No way!
I Just go Honk, Honk , Honk and im set for the day

an entire generation of britbongs recieving an early honk pill

Attached: honkhonk.png (640x360, 178K)

>retards on the internet act retarded on purpose
>retard media takes the bait and spreads it as true
>somehow is the internet retard's fault.


Because if you make coloured hair a symbol of hate, every libtard in the world would have to go back to being a drab, mousy nothing-person. And that doesn't look good on televised protests.

>hate symbol gets turned into a honk symbol
Also checked

Yup. I mean no. I would never do that. Sorry my fucking case officer is all over my ass lately. I have to constantly contradict myself in posts so the don't know when I won't act.

Honk honk

been having a rough day. seeing the aborted dindu i made cheered me up. thanks, user

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Nice user

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I never know if it's gonna say nigger or nice, always keeps me guessing.

Honk the kikes!

Honk war now!

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Didn't you know every meme on the internet was created on 9gag?

>It's the braindead internet journos and out of touch lefties that are trying to turn it into a hate symbol.

There have been repeated threads talking about making clowns and the rainbow flag hate symbols. This is intentional. It's sport at this point.

>Whats funny is the way the media and news outlets and actual governments take this place so seriously.

What's even funnier is that they SHOULD. This is one of the very few places where ideas are freely shared due to the anonymity. If you want to know what (a certain subset) of people are really thinking, this is where to look.

so basically pol has become the irony bros they supposedly hated

>then you act

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>I must be a normie on this board. I didn't know his name is "Honk Honk"

His name is Honkler. He says "Honk Honk". People praise him with "Honk Honkler!"

No. At it's basic level nothing on here is positive the more you learn the worse it gets. Honking will, like all things, pass. The red to black conversion can never be stopped if you actually are red. Only drug induced brain damage will ever make you happy again or doing the old spray and pray for the high score and last bit of happiness going out knowing you destroyed something evil and exiting as a dark hero.


his fag hair is inclusive for all the retards

honk honk