My 2020 prediction

my 2020 prediction

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>PA red
Not happening

Bias is almost always toward incumbent presidents. This is an optimistic scenario, but still plausible.

>Iowa red

Trump won’t win unless the Q stuff becomes real, and we all know that’s not happening.
>muh sealed indictments


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Honestly I think VA may turn red too from all the shenanigans with the Dem leaders there.

ME-2 goes red.
PA, NV, and possibly AZ/MN go blue.
Fix that on the map and you're gold.

AZ and FL are lost

Iowa has become a red state

Right now the Dems only have three options to beat Trump - Tulsi, John Delaney, and Tim Ryan. The rest are either too far to the left or pander too much; the latter is starting to piss off POCs

I personally think Michigan will go back blue.
No I'm not happy about that.

>Same as 2016
very brave take

>your golden
I wish I was this delusional
Now a swing state
>North Carolina
>blue ever
It hasn’t gone red in over 50 years federally + Somali immigrants
Its not going red again
It’s not going red again keep dreaming
Maybe, but it’s becoming less white, every year, plus Cubans are becoming more democratic
The democratic governor won by like 10% it’s going blue
Lol if you think the lolbeetarians are going red, it’s staying blue their debtor votes abasing trump constantly

None of those people matter. The left can run almost any candidate who will beat Trump. Dems own the media, and Trump doesn’t have the benefit of unknown outsider status anymore. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Harris, Buttguy are all ridiculous but could beat Trump. Don’t forget that Florida and Texas added enough Hispanics to turn blue, and Michigan continues to become more black.

>Assuming people who support Bernie, Biden, Warren, Harris, and/or Buttguy will show up to vote
>Assuming Hispanics and blacks vote

If the S.C. votes in favor of the citizenship question I think we'll see a significant reduction in the blue shading in Texas.

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>le blue PA meme

Has it, though?
On the one hand they have voter IDs now so poor Black Chicago transplants can't vote, but on the other they're looking to restore felon voting rights. Could go either way.

Agreed, as much as it pains me.

You'd think Canada would be chomping at the bit to buy Detroit and Dearborn for a dollar given all the instant cultural enrichment that would come with it.

He's going to lose FL and the election. Texas will be perma blue after 2020. It's over. We are beyond fucked.

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Everyone having nevada/arizona/oregon going red is wrong.

These states have gone deep blue due to sanctuary cities and leftist flight from CA.

VA red....topkek
I have zero hope for MN even though President Trump lost by less than 1%.
And NV just seems cucked by California spics and niggers
NH will be the only additional pickup
President Trump already won the 2020 Election anyway

Nevada won't go red because of spics and cali tourists. He'll probably win all the states he won in 2016 + maybe a state or two in new england.

you might recall the about 5 different scandals VA had this year. Including the fact that NONE of them resigned. Even mr KKK blackface and the rapist.

Iowa was blue in 6 of the last 10 elections. It also has judicially-chosen congressional districts. It's possible, but I'm thinking it would be an uphill battle.

Have sex

>NH will be the only additional pickup

I'm confident for Maine

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Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.

I wish that was true, but not likely. That state is solid blue now and no longer a swing state.

ME red too

Honestly after PA went red in '16 I'm not confident about anything anymore.

Like 60,000 Amish will have come of age since 2016.

God, I hope so. This is make or brake for the shire. They go (D) this time it's all over and "live free or die" may as well become "welcome to massachusetts jr."

I live in VA

It will be blue, if you go to NOVA there are billions of Marylanders (mostly niggers talking on cellphones while driving) infesting the state now.

This is why VA has gone blue- Marylanders ruined their state, then moved across the Potomac and ruined my state.

If evangelical voters turned out in VA like they do in NC it would vote like NC (5%~ red).

Evangelicals don't turn out, and more marylanders and niggers from maryland are coming to NOVA each year to flee their socialist paradise.

I used to live in Virginia; I fled that dump for a red state last year and it's the best thing I ever did. Virginia used to be nice, and geographically speaking it's still red. But population-wise the Northern part of that state now dictates how the state as a whole votes. It's solid blue now and beyond saving; traffic is terrible near the cities, the cost of living has spiked, and the quality of people has gone downhill. I will do everything in my power to make sure Democrats don't end up ruining the state I moved to; I don't want it to end up like Virginia

Students from out of state living in NH can no longer vote. Now they need to pay the state to establish residency in order to register to vote, which means their parents need to foot the bill (unlikely).

Even disincluding online students at SNHU, NH has one of the largest college student populations as a percentage of adult voters- up to 10% may be college students, giving some 70%~ of their votes to the Democratic candidate in 2016.

Slashing this changes the entire game.

On top of this is considering that working class white Democrats are blackpilled, minorities are trending Trump, white conservative women are jewy cunts but they'll do what their husbands tell them and vote Trump and white college-educated adult men are also trending Trump.

All of this means the Democrats could eat a loss of up to 100k votes in terms of people barred from voting or who choose not to support the party in NH, which means Republicans should win easily- possibly by a double-digit margin.

The same is true in MN, ME, MI, PA and basically everywhere else.

I predict the 2020 total vote won't exceed 140 million, and the Democrats will get up to 10 million votes from California alone but crash and burn turnout-wise everywhere else as working class white Democrats choose not to vote at all for the Democrats and stay at home.

In 2024 a Republican designated as "likable" such as Pence will then win these working class white Democrats and complete a 12-year Republican dominance in the White House, enabling me enough time to move the rest of my assets to Poland and marry a cute Polish schoolteacher.

NOVA was always highly important to the state's politics

Ultimately the fatal blow results from the 1990s, when DC niggers moved into Southern Maryland because Montgomery County had cheap housing for poor people and lots of metro lines enabling massive nigger movement.

The white liberals of Maryland then fled their social experiment en mass as crime rates skyrocketed. Their migration to NOVA lead to the state flipping a decade later.

>The white liberals of Maryland fled to Virginia

YES! This is 100% true, the dumbasses left Maryland (which was always a crappy state) to Northern Virginia, but they kept voting for the same politicians that ruined Maryland. The state I moved to actually used to be a swing state just like Virginia, but the Southwestern part of the state has become a Republican bastion because of people fleeing states like Virginia and Colorado and moving here, but we're voting Republican to the extent we've turned this state solid red. You can count on us to vote for Trump in 2020.

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Honestly I think this will be it but Florida might flip blue due to the felon voting law shit

motherfuckers are underestimating the raw numbers that the Amish are churning out right now.

The fuck is going on with utah

r8 mine niggas

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For Pete's sake, I'm gonna win Indiana!
Cakes4phags 2020.

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I think you're being optimistic. The nominee is going to be Botty-jeesh. So look back to the gay marriage days.

He'll only carry the states that implemented it voluntarily. MA and VT. Not the states where the will of the people was ignored.

There is still a lot of bitterness out there.

Evan McMullin, a mormon conservative, ran a 3rd party campaign exclusivley focused on Utah. It garnered 22% and finished third. Though it greatly diminshed Trumps numbers, Trump still carried Utah easily.

Fucking Mexicans
get the FUCK OUT

My prediction

Go new france

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Based amish

Florida is probably red.

he won it by like 9 points right?? what is that guy talking about

Mormons hate Trump as well as a lot of transplants who fled California.

>Muh blue wall

I think your map is ok because the dems have no platform besides orange man bad. If they had an Obama, someone who wasn't completely insane and pandering to the AOC crowd, they could win easily. Its still a goddamn shame they will get as many votes as they will in 2020 with that platform


A lot of white trash felons in the pan handle. It's not cut and dry that it helps Dems only.

Obviously an openly gay person will lose the entire rust belt. So the CIA is on Trump's side now?

this data is promising desu

alright. I flipped texas 4 years early than predicted so that whites will wake the fuck up to demographics. Flipping texas will scare the shit outta boomers.

whoops, here

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They're pandering to California while California is locked in blue already. It's a horrible platform to run on.

people think that because they gave felons the right to vote that that is bad for trump. I dont think so because they said it would give D's 100,000 solid Rep 50,000 solid and a 75,000 Independent voters who could go for trump because of his prison reform

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You have to think like the democrats though. All they care is about the registered names. Most of these people won't actually vote. But their name will be used to place democrat votes.

The governor race last year was female Republican grandma vs white male Democrat businessman. Its fucking bizzaro world and you can't predict it.

Iowa went Trump by almost 10 points I think so hes prob got Iowa

Florida may also let felons vote

All of that farmer/tariff bullshit hasn't been forgotten though. I wouldn't call it a lock.

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It will be closer you're right but I think hes got it

Does this take into account that National Popular Vote compact law or whatever a bunch of states signed a few months ago?

>cali blue


Theres around 300,000 amish in the US, so a lot less than 60k just turned 18 these past 4 years. In PA there's around 80,000 Amish all together. In 2010 there were 60,000. So based on that, from 2016 to 2020, you can expect, at the very most, a few thousand extra votes.

I wish the Amish population was bigger. If it was sitting at around 2 million rather than 300k, the future for white people and conservatives remaining in power would be completely locked down for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately it's going to still be a few decades before we see the Amish to start having a huge impact in the elections. And who knows how much the democrats will fuck up the states from now until then if they get into power. I have zero doubt that they will do everything they can to keep the amish population from growing once it starts to become a threat.

Let's hope that the illegals are deported, atleast. Or ID laws for voting.

Remind them it was Clintons crime bill that likely put them away in the first place.

Don't get your hopes up. You have the most anti-immigration president/government in decades, but they have been able to do very little to reverse demographic trends

>Cubans are becoming more democratic
Really? I work with Cubans, and they are conservative to the core. You should hear them talk. They would make Regan sound like a commie by comparison. Once you get a taste of unfiltered socialism, it isn't something that you want to try again.
That said, there are loads of methheads and welfare queens in FL that need to get their money from somewhere.

>Trump doesn’t deliver on his promises
>Believe that Trump still has a chance of winning in 2020

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That's why ID laws are the only feasible thing right now. Illegals are voting, but no one is doing anything about it.

Honestly friend, I don't see any election post 2020 to have any potential for whites. Once they are able to lock in Texas and Florida with spics, and possibly Idaho with fleeing Californians (like they did with Colorado, plus spics), things are going to get dark really fast.

Conservative whites have great birthrates, which is why separation of some sort is inevitable to me in the next 30-40 years or so.

Spics outbreed conservative whites though.

There's 20 million illegals at least, like 99% are Hispanic, the demographic most responsible for the demographic change, and if they're gone then it will change everything. Keep in mind 17% of the population is Hispanic, so minus 20 million people is like 10% of them left.

numbers were already run on this by another user. net result, +500k democrat votes. it is bad.

That's a meme, most of that is due to anchor babies. Their birth rates are normal if they're chicanos.

Obama didn't do shit for his first term and he was easily reelected. People are sheep deal with it.

1st generation spics yeah. Once they are born and raised here in globohomoland though, their birth rates plummet to barely above replacement. Conservative whites seem to be the only ones actually immune to the globohomo anti-natal injections. That's why the left fights so. fucking. hard. for immigration, it is their lifeblood.

I'd love to see them gone from ALL of the US. But we have to be prepared to separate if that isn't possible.

Texas will stay red. Everything else is feasible, though I'm not sure about Michigan.

I dunno if 20 million is accurate, but 326 mil *17% is 54mil. Minus 20 mil is 34 mil, or about 10%of the population. That's a significant amount, even if it may not seem like it.
That is enough to make black people the largest minority group again.
Besides, birth rates for whites would go up if the economy is good. The job market is completely fucked almost entirely because of immigration.

The nation won't be ready for the unstoppable asspain and screeching from both MAGA-faggots and blue wave mongs as the votes are counted on that fateful night and as the clock reaches midnight the earth begins to shake - subtly at first, but growing to a thunderous tumult only matched by Trump's fourteen asscheeks as he hobbles up the stairs to Air Force One. The newscasters will begin mumbling and sweating while the pundits begin regurgitating the fetid pig shit that comprises the bulk of their forms as the electoral vote counts begin inexplicably draining from both candidates... And then, unbidden and unchained, a golden third comer will appear across the myriad infographics dancing across the Boomer's televisions. The nation huddles in awe as Jeb! returns, a vengeful and fearsome Lord among men, rapaciously consuming the electoral votes from the shit sucking Democrat and legally retarded Trump, absorbing other nations into his milieu until he reaches at the dawning of first light on his new America... 420 electoral votes. Fuck you.

lol estonia chiming in about the amish

Michigan just needs to clean up Detroit and a few sickly blue spots and itd be 100% red

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Yes, clean up over half the states population. God Jow Forums is retarded.

AZ, MI, PA and FL will all go blue.

alot more nigger felons than white trash ones