He's right you know

He's right you know.

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No one said that they are AS lethal, but that people will inevitaly just pick them if they can't have their guns, and make no mistake, most serious criminals WILL be armed regardless of the law

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cant stop sucking donkey dick huh OP?

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Ok, a gun is more lethal (due to range) than a knife. Now, why do you not need to artificially limit your capacity for self defence if lethal force is an acceptable response? If you are getting assaulted by a would-be murderer, needing to somehow scramble into your car and run him over with it is suicidally stupid.

Now need to*

Because I can

yes, just as lethal but not as capable of providing personal security

hurr durr obvious

Criminals rarely invade peoples homes with cars. The threat of such invasion just legitimizes the need for people to own anti material rifles imho.

because shooting the nigger who broke into your home at 3 am is much more civilized than smashing a hammer in his face or stabbing him
don't get me wrong
i would be OK with either but ethics n shiet

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Checked and based as fuck

If murder is always 100% lethal, why don't we just outlaw it? Why go after weapons, when it's murders that you're really trying to prevent? Skip the middleman.

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They know god damn well that they can't take them by force. Hence the 24-7/365 propaganda campaign against them.

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Muslims come in packs of 50

This also

Probably easier to clean up the bloodstains too. A hammer is fucking messy, knives are very bleedy, and cars are just too big.

But no one ever said that and no one ever would.

Because people also buy guns for recreational use and sometimes they like to handle big guns.
Also, if you concede that an AR-15 is as leathal as a car a knife or a hammer why do you only want to ban AR-15s?


That argument is highly misogynistic and ablest, home invaders are overwhelmingly male, and women and the disabled would be at a severe disadvantage in defending themselves with just hammers and knives. Guns equal the playing feel.

All of them.

I love fat rich Jews now, agreeing that assault rifles are better against some creatures wasn't enough, they actually don't protect you

>1 post by this id

Because cars aren't very practical for home defense, and I'm pretty certain a home invader would rather take a 9mm to the stomach than get beaten to death with a hammer.
I would agree to this though, if someone broke into your house but you were legally allowed to find them and run them over later in 'self defense.'

(((Reasons))). It's really hard to throw an entire class or race of people into the Gulag when they can shoot you for trying.

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>oh shit I'mma get hit by a car!
>Better crash into him!

fpbp, look at stabbing sprees in new york and london for evidence of this

>All those guns
And the number only climbs, very few guns are destroyed each year, far less than are produced. Most just get stuck in a closet or gun cabinet to collect dust, but are still perfectly viable, if the need arises.

>He's right you know.

I can't read Hebrew...can someone translate what that picture says?

Based 5.56 digits.

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