Found drug mushrooms in my 16 years old son's room. What do I do now? It's not like I am some religious freak, I let my son occasionally have a few beers with me, but I will not tolerate him using hard drugs and ruining his body and taking stuff out of house to feed his addiction. Do I take him to drug rehab facility?
Drug addicted son
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make sure they're the right shrooms.
what do they look like? your son better not be eating poison
Mushrooms aren't really a 'hard drug' and don't need a rehab for sure. It's not like he's a coke head or meth addict. But to be fair even pot habit warrants drug rehab for a minor if you are strict.
Does he do other drugs? Cause Mushrooms is more of a once in a blue moon experience drug and not a habit thing.
Talk to him directly about his drug use.
How much and how often.
If he's doing mushrooms every week then holy shit that kid needs to stop cause he will rot his head, but if he says something like: "Me and some friends were going to trip in the forest and these were for that" then it's not so bad
You know the scientist that came up with the double helix model for dna did so on acid. let him do it in a supervised manner while studying math. super microdose like 1/4 -1/2 gram
eat them yourself
Wait? Are you suggesting that I should tolerate him taking drugs and even helping him to get correct ones? Obviously I thew out the mushrooms, I don't want anything like that near my house. Also I found two buckets like this with small mushrooms growing. If he's growing mushrooms, I assume he's intending to sell them.
where are you from? unless you're certain psilocybin shrooms grow natively in your area, they might just be the poisonous variety he's growing instead.
shouldn't have thrown out the rest. would've been nice to take a closer look. your pic's got the trademark golden cap but it's still too small for me to tell
Eastern Europe. I believe few species grow here, but only in fall. But anyway the only thing I give a fuck about is that they're illegal here.
talk to your son then and give him a good ass-whooping
but show him what you found first
He’s 16 so any logic you hammer into his head will fall right off. Punishment is the only language he’ll understand. Take away privileges, make him man up and do more around the house for awhile.
You can buy over the counter drug tests at a pharmacy. Be his “Parole” officer if you have to.
As long as it's not coke or H he's probably fine. Hallucinationagins are probably the least addictive kind of drug. That being said too much can definitely burn someone out.
The alcohol is probably more damaging than the mushrooms.
>psilocybin mushrooms
>hard drug
If it's any consolation, I regularly used shrooms in college and did just fine. In fact, half the grad students I worked with used LSD or DMT fairly regularly. Psychedelics do not induce long-term neurotoxicity and have little if any addiction potential; special precaution should be taken if you have a family history of schizophrenia or psychosis, however.. Just make sure he doesn't go overboard with it, though I doubt he will.
Shrooms arent addictive but still really dangerous. Nab them and trash them, but like REALLY trash them. Flush them down the toilet or cover them in garbage juice and set them in the bottom of the trash can under several bags of trash.
Tell him you threw them away and that next time it will be him sitting out on the curb instead of the trashbin
Ironically enough, when i take hallucinogens (mushrooms, DOM, 2c, LSD, etc.) im pretty normal and noones the wiser im even high. Ive dealt with schizophrenia long enough to have no issue discerning trip from reality and kinda walk between both experiencing a temporal lapse of the mind. But i also dont have visual or auditory hallucinations naturally anymore.
That's great. There's some real value to researching psychedelics as a therapy for certain forms of psychoses. This regressive "all drugs are bad" attitude prevalent among uninitiated laypeople is really hindering progress
Btw could anyone tell me if this color of shrooms is natural and if they are safe for eating?
yeah they kinda look like the stuff my uncle uses in his cooking. could you take one out of the wrapper?
Mushrooms are actually good for you if you don’t have any mental disorders. They can be very therapeutic. I don’t think anyone under 21 should be doing them though. Just talk to your kid about being responsible and inform him that mushrooms shouldn’t be taken lightly.
t. Psilocybin mushroom farmer
You son isn’t drug addicted. Its been reported that magic mushrooms can actually help people break addictions. Besides, tolerance to psilocybin goes up extremely quickly which means you have to consume more mushrooms (which taste awful) or wait till your body flushes it out of your system which can take a month or more.
It's not possible to be addicted to mushrooms in the traditional sense of the word
no don’t do this. discipline your kid OP but don’t get crazy with it
my dad did all of these things when he found out i was smoking weed at 16 and now i’m a complete anxious/untrusting mess who can’t really live independently
Punishment doesn't work that why most prisoners are reoffenders. Giving some a stake (something valuable to lose or gain) in something works better
You need a spore print go watch a video of how to get one it's easy then if the spore print is blue/ purple do them with him or make him trip sit you
Either way worst case scenario he won't do this again, best case you will change your mind and thank him
Mushrooms can be addictive, but mentally, not psychically. They can be dangerous if done too often, or if he's taken too much (it can be scary and in extreme cases lead to bad thoughts and temporary derealization/suicide)
Of course you should not tolerate it if you don't want to, but you should know that psychedelics are not 'junkie' type of thing (if he doesn't do any other drugs), but more about 'growth'. What I mean by that is that they're not simply escapism drug like heroin or whatever, but they can be unpleasant in effect, but usually very teaching about world and self. Also they aren't toxic in the least, so not unsafe for the organism.
You should talk to him, ask him if those are psychedelic shrooms or something else and why he wants to take it. Try to understand his position, but tell him you don't allow it in your house and that you ask him not to do it at this age, if anything, because it CAN be dangerous. But after all it's his choice
If I recall correctly, psilocybin actually strengthens the neural connections in your brain, which helps your brain actually fight depression and can strengthen your memory
Nah that's broscience
Sure but that's not considering a sample demographic of 16 years old, psychedelics will fuck that kid up
maybe he's planning to sell those shrooms, not to eat them. You can't say he's addicted just because there's a growkit in his room.
I grew several kits like that, and I only ate them once or twice.
>le hard drug
You're a fucking retard
>Hard drugs
Get fucked, mushrooms aren't addictive nor hard drugs idiot
Yes absolutely. No they aren't stop spreading fud
I really hope this is bait :(
No they won't idiot
It's not dangerous at all, there have been zero deaths from mushroom toxicity
It's wrong that he's storing drugs in your home against your wishes so if you confront him approach it from that angle. If you act like mushrooms are a hard dangerous drug your son will rightfully think you're an idiot and nothing you say will stick.
This is beyond obviously fake lol
I took acid at 16 and my life and mental health are both going very well
I explained why they're dangerous and said they're not toxic, so please read before posting
mushrooms are better than just about any other drug out there