What is the brightest you've ever seen a CIA nigger glow on this website? bonus points for screencaps

What is the brightest you've ever seen a CIA nigger glow on this website? bonus points for screencaps

Attached: badnews.jpg (234x250, 11K)

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cia niggers do not exist
its not like anyone cares what you pathetic incels post here

Every dipshit you calls someone a glownigger is in fact a glownigger. You fucks don't ever do shit hence you keep losing. Imagine if America's founders were as weak and ineffectual as Jow Forums

Attached: k_calling_me_a_fed_again.png (956x706, 805K)

pick one

Nice try, CIA

Pretty much any call to violence is the glowiest of glows.

One time a CIA asked for my Steam password and my mom’s credit card number. I gave it to him because he said he would arrest me if I didn’t. Then my mom gets all these charges for porn sites and beats me thinking it was me.

Thanks CIA

I'm not sure how anyone with two brain cells could deny the fact that we have been shilled to death 24/7 365 days a year for years. Do you not see the threads posted? Or are you so fragile that you decided joining bots was easier than ignoring them?

> (OP)
>Pretty much any call to violence is the glowiest of glows.

Pretty much this right here...Thats why you play with them...

Tommorrow, at 1:27 p.m. central time, I plan on going into the SummerSet Hills school in Wilton, Iowa and having a lil "fun"...

*Glow nigger wastes about as much time as it took me to type this up, investigated if SummerSet school really exists there. lol....Oh the fun we can have...

Not sure it's illegal to threaten a none existent entity...HAHAHAHAHAHAA

Attached: glowinthedark.jpg (716x768, 79K)

im pretty sure the cia niggers are the ones who posted the sandy hook pre-shooting thread that claimed to be adam lanza

>im pretty sure the cia niggers are the ones who posted the sandy hook pre-shooting thread that claimed to be adam lanza

Like they say...Why let a good tragedy go to waste. They are literally the scum that grows on scum. Moral fucking retards who sell out there own kind and country to get the lifestyle they think they deserve...lol *Spit


probably the Charlottesville stuff for me

You bring shame to your country of Israel behind your VPN.

>Tarrant posters urging people to do the same thing
>Posters saying Islam burned down Notre Dame
>anybody trying to ferment a war with anybody but Jews
>pro-Israel posters
>pro-Trump posters
>anti-Christian posters
there's so many types. they all glow.

>anti christkike

Attached: YouFuckingGlowNigger.jpg (530x640, 41K)

you mean foment

incite or stir up (trouble or disorder).
"the politicians and warlords who are fermenting this chaos"


Attached: IMG_20190424_151921.jpg (459x727, 94K)


You forgot...

Farmfags do make inept attempts at sliding and meme generation...futile and inane,they never lurked...
>dae ???threads
>any post linking to social media
They couldnt OC with 6gorillion analysts in a farmfag cube center.
>You fucking suck glownegroes.

Nice try CIA