Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?

Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?

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of course

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Does a higher power believe in me?

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Absolutely. God gave me no reason to.doubt

>Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?
This has to do with the magic Jew god Yahwah, doesn't it?

I believe in Jesus christ of the tribe of Juda, the root of David. For he came and washed us from our sins and turned our robes white with blood. HOLY HOLY LORD GOD ALMIGHTY WHICH WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME!

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The higher power was inside you all along, but also yes.

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I was a Christian for twenty years. I still had some abstract concept of divinity. Christkikes on Jow Forums make me hard atheist. Just like the "white" nationalists are also turning me left-wing.

I have only one fundamental believe left: the utter stupidity, ignorance and laziness of subhuman Amerinoids.

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>The higher power was inside you all along,
That's just gas, bruh. You really need to take a walk to the bathroom.


I do
and my faith get stronger everyday The Lord make

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like most highly intelligent people I do

thank you rabbi, my eyes see the truth now

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Lets see, what are the universal patterns of religion, the motions of the celestial bodies.

>cities built to mirror constellations
>Saturn worship embedded into Christianity
>moon worship Islam

The heavens emit electromagnetic fields which manifests the destinies of men. The Sun is worshiped religiously because it is the source of life on this planet. The energy from Sun doesn't even originate from the Sun itself but a gigantic intergalactic electrical filament exterior.

>yes, there is a massive cosmic power which determines the cycles, and their outcomes on our planet

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i believe there a god,but i don't believe there one on earth that i can honestly think is that god with out being twisted and used by man.
like i know alot of Norse and greek mythology has been changed by the Christians monks and other people in power ect ect its just human nature will never allow a god to be unchanged for political needs if there is even a god to begin with

Understanding of electromagnetism is quite mind blowing. Especially Velikovsky's worlds in collision.

For instance
>the clock is the literal symbol of the old polar configuration
>the hands are the obelisks, pointing to the heavenly cycles
>its also an ancient symbol for Saturn which dominates all the religions.

Clock towers are essentially obelisks in their own right. Christian churches are loaded with them.

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This is new age jewish crap

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It certainly evokes odd notions to have such a huge monument boldly declaring the passage of time looming right over one the world's most sacred object.

Some hippie shit like this. Anything that demands energy, money, time or worship is a scam, though. Cletuses, street shitters and towelheads will die without understanding this.

>Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?
Does anyone have a good reason to?

Christianity is where I am believing in, if you're an atheist you're just another 16 year old EMO being edgy

>if you're an atheist you're just another 16 year old EMO being edgy
What evidence do you have to suggest a God exists?

is that a jojo reference

Depends if Kek gives my di gi ts i may

Praise Kek

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It's a your mom reference

What evidence do you have to suggest existence exists? You are asking a question that can not be answered in its own terms. You will either prove God to yourself, of die without trying.

Certainly for those who understand the meaning to the symbols, but the social sphere we're in is truly minuscule. Even on this board few understand what is so blatantly obvious.

>it also screams of the hubris of the hidden rulers and their true religious cults

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>What evidence do you have to suggest existence exists?
The fact that i'm existing. lmao. but good attempt at shifting the discussion.
>You are asking a question that can not be answered in its own terms.
Or in the most basic terms of reality.
>You will either prove God to yourself, of die without trying.
you can't prove God. thats why you took this idiotic way to ignore the question and present it as something impossible anyways. Which only hurts your argument of a God i'm not sure what you're shooting for here.

i believe in god and jesus christ after a long and abusive relationship with satan.

>i believe in a thing because i believe in another thing that i assert has something to do with the first assertion

god isn't real but the morals taught in the bible should be heeded

>The fact that i'm existing.
nice anecdote. Rejected.

>Or in the most basic terms of reality.
Same thing. Intraphysics don't illuminate the metaphysics.

>you can't prove God.
I have proven God to myself. I can't prove it to you. Only you can.

Only in human abilities and strength of the self and the tribe. And thankful appreciation to our/my ancestors.

All those towers all from the same place?

lol, what do you think you're doing?
>Same thing. Intraphysics don't illuminate the metaphysics
What does "illuminate" metaphysics? My statement meant it can't be answered, because there isn't proof to suggest a God exists.
>I have proven God to myself
Using what facts? Lets hear them.

higher to what?

I believe a steel sword has higher power to flesh and bullets have higher power to skulls

No, I'm not retarded


That's a trick question. It's not that I believe in a higher power, it's that HIGHER POWERS EXIST.

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>Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?
Because I don't care
Apatheist, bro. Apatheist.

Do they?

That's a complex question to muddy through at times, but ultimately yes I do, I could just be singing in a chior thusly, considering the nature of my online community postings.

Here is what I started thinking about lately.

I am seeing a lot of evidence for true Satanic evil. Politicians, NXIVM or pedo's, you name it. Evil is all around.

If you believe that this satanic bullshit is real.. then the opposite must be real too.

>If you believe that this satanic bullshit is real.. then the opposite must be real too.
It literally doesn't.

>lol, what do you think you're doing?
What does it look like? I'm using your own tools of critical thought against you, hoping that you'd realize their awkwardness. You can't prove to me that you exist. Anything you can say would be anecdotal. Yet you'd insist that you do exist because you say so, and that I should believe you without proof. How can you then dismiss someone who insists that they have found God?

>What does "illuminate" metaphysics? My statement meant it can't be answered, because there isn't proof to suggest a God exists.
And you would be right, but for the wrong reasons. You are using finite cognitive faculties to define the nature of an infinite being. That's a recipe for an intellectual disaster.

>Using what facts? Lets hear them.
Refer to earlier posts.

yes. Now fuck off newfag, sage


The father, the sun and the holy spirit, naturally.

But I also like the personification of the lesser gods, which I consider angels and demons. Can't make up my mind on Gaia. I need to live here, but I sure would like to get off this rock before clown world goes nuclear.

>brainlet only believes in evil, but not good

>the sun

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typical leaf, the day of the rake is coming

ask Him. You'll see. No joke.

Stand on your head I can’t be arsed fixing the pic

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>What does it look like? I'm using your own tools of critical thought against you
You're not, because you have to admit you aren't existing to make your own shitty idea correct. Which you won't do, so the actual question I asked you won't answer because you and I both know you're full of shit. You think my "anecdote" isn't being proven all around you with the other people in reality existing. Sorry, you're wrong. We are existing and interacting in reality, if you're going to try and dilute this pool to make your God seem more believable without a shred of evidence to back it up, then don't get mad at me when i point it out. I'm not going to read all of your posts, either you have facts to back up your assertion or you don't. Address me directly.
>You can't prove to me that you exist
Yeah, you are ignoring reality and facts. You can believe that I don't, and i'm just in your imagination, except I could give you an address and we could meet up in real life. You wouldn't do that, because you'd rather ignore facts and keep yourself stuck in this hole of what feels good to you.
>Yet you'd insist that you do exist because you say so, and that I should believe you without proof.
We're interacting with each other right now. That's more proof than anything you could pose for a God right now. But this is all a dodge that you're doing to not prove a God exists.
>And you would be right, but for the wrong reasons. You are using finite cognitive faculties to define the nature of an infinite being.
The one you can't prove exists? I'm not defining the God i don't believe exists, but if you're asserting he's infinite i'm wondering how you know that.

But all established religions are too outdated in modern times - makes people lose faith.
Also the whole community aspect isn't needed anymore since these are easily formed on the fly due to advancement in communication.
I guess it's still ok to be a christfag if you tweak it enough - but it's hard.

>believing in something with no evidence

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non-denominal christian here.

Everything in nature is ultimately reducible to information, which can not be further reduced into either chemical or physical matter. Information leads to some serious semiotic questions that can only point to a super-nature, or higher power.

Atheists seriously don't understand that we're not worshipping a god of the gaps (what they are rejecting lol)... we are worshipping the creator of ALL, EVERYTHING including nature and it's laws.

In the beginning was the word (sound, frequency, vibration) and the word was with God (pure undifferentiated Mind). Light is whatever god dreams up and wills into existence.

Bless yah, bless Yeshu the Messiah and bless all brothers and sisters in Him.

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Yeah. Nature.

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Try not to burn your soul over it.

Soul and synchronicity are real.
Just look with attention and you'll see them.

>You're not, because you have to admit you aren't existing to make your own shitty idea correct.
You don't get it. YOU don't exist. I know I exist. I know God exists. I don't know if you do, and I doubt you can prove yourself to me, because you are a pseudoscientific construct.

>Yeah, you are ignoring reality and facts. You can believe that I don't, and i'm just in your imagination, except I could give you an address and we could meet up in real life. You wouldn't do that,
Yes. Likewise, you could search for God and find him in real life. But you don't try, because you might have to change your view on life.

>We're interacting with each other right now.
That's anecdotal.

That's more proof than anything you could pose for a God right now.
I could as well say God is with you right now and pretend this is proof. No, your presence on my screen does not prove your existence to me anymore than my subjective spiritual experiences would prove God to you. Pretending otherwise would only demonstrate bias. We are not biased, are we, user?

>I'm not defining the God i don't believe exists
In order to declare your disbelief in something, you have to first define your target of disbelief.

>but if you're asserting he's infinite i'm wondering how you know that.
That is the current scientific and religious understanding of existence. Is this pure knowledge? No. It's a leap of faith, like any conclusion, be it how rational or irrational. But clearly this is not what you meant. If you need a generally accepted definition of God, you only need to ask.

You know that the left killed more people than the plague and nazism together?

How's that inferior third world education kraut?

That's my boy Lauren!

Wow... you third worlders have turned psychic. Tell us the secret to proving universal negatives.

>Information leads to some serious semiotic questions that can only point to a super-nature, or higher power
This is called an "assertion", you have no idea if this is a true statement or not. How did you determine that it wasn't natural causes, and how did you discount all of the other possibilities?
>Atheists seriously don't understand that we're not worshipping a god of the gaps
You are, paired with the God of the assertions.
>we are worshipping the creator of ALL, EVERYTHING including nature and it's laws
>In the beginning was the word (sound, frequency, vibration) and the word was with God (pure undifferentiated Mind). Light is whatever god dreams up and wills into existence
See: God of the assertions. That's all I take issue with; this wild grouping of assertions that people take as evidence for anything. It's so baffling to see people swayed by nonsense.

Atheists are inferior low IQ subhumans.

Largely this.

What about the "science of the gaps?" You asshats assume that science has all the answers or is the absolute truth. If you apply this claim to the scientific method, it falls under the weight of it's own premise.

I can't see why it matters.

I do.
My higher power is 4th dimensional 12 y/o who sucks at galactic sims, apparently.

honk honk my brother

Do you?

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>How did you determine that it wasn't natural causes, and how did you discount all of the other possibilities?
You are getting stuck on semantics. From a purely materialistic point of view there is no fundamental difference between super-natural and natural. Whatever exists, is natural, or would otherwise not exist, right? In this way, the conceptual 'function' of nature is equal to the alleged function of God. Asking whether God exists is thus a senseless question the same way asking "does anything exist" is.

>You don't get it. YOU don't exist
You're referring to me, and how I don't exist. But i'm replying to you, and I can prove to you that I do exist. You're being silly now. Especially with this line:
>because you are a pseudoscientific construct.
>Yes. Likewise, you could search for God and find him in real life.
You literally can't. I'm not ignoring anything, your lazy nonsensical "proof" is some vague bullshit response of "go look it up"; do better.
>That's anecdotal.
It's objective in the terms of the people in this discussion, and if we were to bring others into this discussion then i could prove it to them as well. Not to mention, my family members, co-workers, friends, and other people who have seen me and know me. If you're taking the solipsistic stance then feel free to demonstrate how I don't exist. Otherwise lets just be honest with each other and get to the point of the discussion where you prove God exists, without wildly dodging.
>I could as well say God is with you right now and pretend this is proof
Someone doesn't understand what an assertion is. You might want to grasp simple logic and necessary things before coming into discussions like this.
>No, your presence on my screen does not prove your existence to me anymore than my subjective spiritual experiences would prove God to you
For the third time, we could go further and i could give you an address and we could meet up in real life, i can give you infinitely more evidence of my existence vs this god you keep asserting exists.
>Pretending otherwise would only demonstrate bias. We are not biased, are we, user?
There's nothing more hilarious to me than when people like you try and make some silly upper-handed comment like you have someone on the ropes, but you're so busy not making sense to get to comments like this. It's hilariously baffling, your lack of awareness is alarming. You're making a strawman of my "logic" and using this nonsensical stance to attempt at a point.

There ya go.

Also, checked.

>Do you believe in a higher power Jow Forums?


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He does.

wow how the fuck did we meme a god into existence again? this is some crazy shit (or a script). Which leads me to the question, couldn't it be that the gets are manipulated to guide our thoughts?

Only weak-minded people need an imaginary friend to escape the fear of death.

Yes, in Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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>In order to declare your disbelief in something, you have to first define your target of disbelief.
I haven't been shown evidence of a God. Show me evidence of a God. That's all you have to do. Not establish irrelevant things to get to a non-point. I don't believe, you do believe, I asked for evidence, you provide evidence. It's so simple. Stop dodging and lets get to it.
>That is the current scientific and religious understanding of existence
It's not, and i didn't reference existence. It was stated that God was infinite, i'm asking how that is known and not asserted.
>It's a leap of faith, like any conclusion.
100% false. Conclusions aren't always leaps of faith. Again, learn basic logic.
>But clearly this is not what you meant. If you need a generally accepted definition of God, you only need to ask.
irrelevant; i'm looking for proof of a God. If you want to define it, then you're only bringing in more issues for your asserted belief that i'll demonstrate. But feel free, i suppose.

>What about the "science of the gaps?"
>You asshats assume that science has all the answers or is the absolute truth
Nobody says this, or believes this. You very clearly don't understand science.


I call that one God.

>hippie shit

There is but one temple on Earth and it is the body of man. God lives inside you. Literally.

power is death, a higher death? don't believe me
stick your hand in a wall socket and die, that's
power. you might want to ask, what is life really
like, why are we dead? where are we really?

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>You are getting stuck on semantics.
I'm absolutely not, and that's not semantics. If you say God is something, and i ask how you determined this, it's not "semantics" and you don't get to pretend the assertion wasn't made. I'm simply requesting more information on the statement.
>From a purely materialistic point of view there is no fundamental difference between super-natural and natural
What a retarded statement to make. Are you just throwing shit at a wall, hoping I won't prove you wrong?
>Supernatural: attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
This =/= nature.
>Whatever exists, is natural, or would otherwise not exist, right?
Give me something that is supernatural that has been proven.
>Asking whether God exists is thus a senseless question the same way asking "does anything exist" is.
I agree that it's senseless, because I don't believe in things purely on blind faith.

>You're referring to me, and how I don't exist. But i'm replying to you, and I can prove to you that I do exist. You're being silly now. Especially with this line:
You telling me you exist is not proof anymore than me telling you God exist.

>You're being silly now
I know. Being silly is a precious part of a stimulating intellectual discourse.

>You literally can't.
Sure you can. You'd not be the first one. The only thing stopping you is your infatuation in your thoughts. Logic is a worldly construct. It's the 'circle' in 'circular reasoning'. God lies outside the circle. You can't logic yourself into God. You have to live your way into Him. If you learned to shut up for a moment and simply observe the immediate existential experience surrounding your awareness, God would flood your senses from all directions faster than you'd know.

>It's objective in the terms of the people in this discussion
It is seemingly objective in terms of your subjective experience of this discussion. In other words, it really is not objective in any sense, other than in the sense all subjectivity fuses together into a single objective form at the grandest possible scale of reference. Yet once again, I doubt this is what you meant.

> Not to mention, my family members, co-workers, friends, and other people who have seen me and know me.
So why should I not believe all the people who have seen God and know him? Same exact standard.

>Otherwise lets just be honest with each other and get to the point of the discussion where you prove God exists, without wildly dodging.
I am not dodging anything. I have deliberately told you straight from the beginning that I can't and won't prove God to you, because such is not the nature of God.

>Someone doesn't understand what an assertion is.
I'd appreciate a direct correction instead of putting on a vague act of smug superiority. For all I know, I had a valid point that you refused to handle.

Vague definitions are important to you.
Nothing more nothing less.

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>For the third time, we could go further and i could give you an address and we could meet up in real life, i can give you infinitely more evidence of my existence vs this god you keep asserting exists.
I doubt that. God could give you every evidence you need in order to help you find him on your own terms. At best, you could only mildly convince me of your existence.

>There's nothing more hilarious to me than when people like you try and make some silly upper-handed comment like you have someone on the ropes, but you're so busy not making sense to get to comments like this. It's hilariously baffling, your lack of awareness is alarming. You're making a strawman of my "logic" and using this nonsensical stance to attempt at a point.
I reject your empty sentiments. In this paragraph you brought forth zero substance. boring!

Evidence? How about the freaking big bang, just to name one. Remember when the scientific community greatly resisted the big bang theory in the 70's because it would literally validate Gensis?

Proposed explenation -> hypothesis -> observation -> confirmation -> theory.

The bible made that claim 7000 years ago. How about that for some scientific confirmation?

Every damn time you are confronted with evidence, either by empiricism or logic, you escape by playing semantic wordgames.

The argument for God (not of the gaps) is a deductive argument based on logic, reason and empirical evidence indeed.

is this god needlessly cruel and indifferent to suffering ?

Did Kissinger really say that "military men are dumb, stupid animals"?

Is this true?

And he still works for those Washington think tanks?